Saturday, June 24, 2023

8.24 Family - Four Years of Hannah the Dog!

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined topic chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-fourth day of the month is "Family."


Yesterday was Hannah's fourth Gotcha Day. 

Here's the first photo of us together:

Here's the most recent:

There are challenges in not having a third person to take photos. LOL. My hand is holding treats. I look vaguely pregnant. Oh, well!


Hannah is my bestest doggy friend. I've never felt so very adored and very needed. I've never felt like someone trusted me so deeply. She's the reason that the first thing I do every day, rain or shine, snow or sleet, is get out and walk for a mile every morning. She's mostly a serious dog, occasionally silly, and almost always sleepy. She hates baths and squirrels, but loves sticking her snout in Zelda's belly and sniffing all the sniffs. She's stubborn, but eager to please. She's lazy, has a sensitive stomach, and her vet bills are no joke. She makes me laugh every day, comes to me for comfort when she's scared, allows me to photograph her from every angle all the time, and she is a bright light when the darkest of days are here. 

It sometimes seems like Hannah has been a part of my life forever. These last four years have been everything to me. 

If you're thinking about getting a four-legged family member, consider rescue. There are cats and dogs out there who are perfect for your home. Hannah was saved through the good works of Lola's Lucky Day in Houston, Texas and Paddy's Paws here in Wisconsin. If you want to make this Hannah's best Gotcha Day, consider donating to either of those organizations or your own local rescue. 


Have you ever had a rescue pet? Tell me all about them!


  1. Happy Hannah Day! I'm happy for you and for her that you have each other.

    I've always gotten cats through orgs like the Humane Society. Maggie and Carlos before her were adult rescues, and I'd add a plug to consider an adult! Kittens (and puppies) are so cute, but the adults need you too--and in my experience, they aren't as much work to start with.

    Though don't try to tell me that as I feed Maggie for the 17th time in a day, and have to sit with her because she won't stay with the food if I don't...

    1. YES! Get older dogs and cats. Hannah was probably 2-3 when we got her and it was so delightful NOT to have to go through the puppy stage! SO MUCH WORK. We got Zelda as a kitten and she was a holy terror from about eight months until she was 2.5years old or so. No more kittens for us ever again!

  2. Oh, happy day! I’m so glad you have each other. All of my cats (four in total) have been rescues. Zydrunas, the granddog, is a rescue. He was actually less than two weeks from being euthanized, and I still cannot bear thinking of that.

    1. Thank you for adopting rescues! It's such a fulfilling thing to do.

  3. You must have heard the saying, and if not, here it is: Glory be to Hannah.
    I don't know when or where I first heard it.

    1. Oh, interesting. I'm not religious at all, so I've never heard it. It's so appropriate, though!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! She enjoyed it by laying around and sleeping. You know, the usual.

  5. Happy Gotcha Day to you all <3. The excitement of the first photo and the contentment of the second are simply lovely. And *clearly* Hannah loves being with you--she looks more puppy-like in the second photo!

    1. Oh, I love this! It's so true that we're so excited in that first photo (except Hannah, she's stressed out) and in the second photo we're just "this is the millionth photo - will everyone look with their eyes open?" and you can tell we're a family.

  6. Oh happy day! What a gift she is to your life. I am so happy for you.

    1. Thanks so much! I'm grateful every day for her.

  7. I could not love this post more if I tried. Three cheers for Hannah, three cheers for Gotcha Days and three cheers for your adorable family (not forgetting Zelda, of course).

    1. We considered putting Zelda in the photo, but the one and only time we tried to get all four of us in a photo, it was a bit of a disaster. I don't think I ever posted it on the blog, which is a definite oversight. Picture a Christmas tree with white lights. Dr. BB and I standing in front of the tree. Dr. BB is holding Zelda, who is attempting to flee. I am obviously holding treats in my hand and Hannah, looking super cute wearing a red bowtie, is staring up. Is she looking at me and the treats or is she looking at the cat? That's up for you to decide. It was a debacle.

  8. I LOVE IT!!! Hannah is the best! I've never had dogs, but you and Nicole are starting to convince me (maybe someday!). Both our cats are rescues, and we've had several guinea pig rescues as well. I hope Hannah's day was full of her favorite things!

    1. So many rescues! Thank you for helping your kitties and guinea pigs. They've had such great lives with you and your family.

  9. Hannah looks so stoic in that 2nd photo!! I am glad you all found each other. We have not rescued a pet, but that is likely the route we will go for our next cat. We got Oscar from a friend's parents as their farm cat had kittens. We were not married/did not have children at the time, though. Next time around, we will look for a cat that is more comfortable with kids. Oscar didn't sign on for 2 loud boys when she joined our family, though. I don't know that we can even call her our cat anymore - she's really my MIL's cat. But she is very happy there and my MIL adores the company so it's a win win situation. Although we really miss Oscar, especially my husband.

    1. I think that in another few years, the boys will be at a great age to enjoy having a pet and really be able to bond with one. I think going through a rescue and getting a cat who has experience with children is such a smart idea.

      In the second photo, my husband put the camera on a tripod on a timer. When it made the counting down clicks, Hannah was SO surprised and that's why her ears are so big! Until that point, she'd been staring at my hand with the treats in it, so this was the best photo we could have hoped for in the circumstances!

  10. Aww! Happy Gotcha Day Hannah! I love hearing how unique she is and how happy she makes you! All our cats are "rescues" - two showed up at the house, and the other two were part of a litter from a stray mom. Our very first cat was a found cat too :)

    1. I just wonder what they're thinking when they just wander up to a strange house. These people will take care of me, for sure! I'm glad they found your house, though. Lucky them!

  11. So glad Hannah found a home with you guys!

    1. We are, too! She brings us much joy.

  12. Awww.....happy fourth Gotcha Day! Hannah is blessed with you two, but we all know you are both equally as blessed with her!!
    All but one of my pets (Cocoa, the boxer) have been rescues.

    1. I do understand why some people can't go through a rescue, but it's such a great way to get pets! Welcome to your new puppy!

  13. She's with the perfect parents, that's for sure! She is so precious. HAPPY (very belated) GOTCHA DAY, HANNAH!

    1. She's definitely a perfect fit for our family. We're so happy she's with us!

  14. Love this so much. You found your dog, and she found you. <3
    Also, I should not have looked at the Pappy's Paws website because... sigh. I wish I could have a dog. So many cute rescues. :(
