Friday, June 23, 2023

8.23 Atmosphere - Summer Vibes

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined topic chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-third day of the month is "Atmosphere."


Wednesday was the Summer Solstice. I am leaving this here with no explanation. This was our vibe on Wednesday.

How did you celebrate the longest day of the year?


  1. Zelda wins. That is all.

  2. We didn't celebrate... perhaps this weekend? I have to say the solstice makes me a tiny bit sad because of how quickly we're going through summer!

    1. Oh, wow! I think of the solstice as the BEGINNING of summer. Yay!

  3. You look lovely in that nice dress, NGS!!!

    1. Thanks so much! If anyone's into summer dresses from an ethical(ish) fashion company, Mata Traders is my go to.

  4. Zelda is a whole vibe right there! We celebrated with dinner on the deck and hammock time for my daughter - as she said, the only thing missing were s'mores haha!

    1. Oooohhh...I'm adding smores to my list for next year's celebration. Your daughter has a good idea.

  5. You obviously celebrated the perfect way, and Zelda especially embodies that lazy feel of summer. I can't say I did anything to celebrate, although I was aware it was the solstice. Now my sunlight-loving brain is thinking "oh no! Now the days will start getting shorter!" Sigh.

    1. Oh, the days don't get noticeably shorter for a long time. It's official. We made it to summer! Yay!

  6. It was a sunny pleasant day here so we went to a lovely outdoor cafe, sat at the bar, and drank. Martinis for me, bourbon neat for my husband. 🍸& 🥃

  7. I realized it was the shortest day...but then proceeded to not do anything to celebrate or mark the occasion. It always strikes me as odd the longest day is in June. The kids are still in school and the end of July always seems like the true "deep" summer to me? Every year I feel this way, even though I realize that objectively it is the longest day.

    1. I agree with this sentiment. I think of the dog days of summer as July and August. The solstice seems more like a celebration of the beginning of summer and now we can really do the summer things!

  8. I celebrated by having coffee with a friend and a zoom call with another friend! My husband and daughter and I got ice cream after dinner, too, which feels like a quintessentially summer treat. Although we definitely eat it year round.

    1. Yes! I only get ice cream a handful of times through the year and I made a definite plan for getting it on Wednesday.

  9. I went for a long walk in a lovely neighborhood along Lake Michigan. It was a beautiful day. Perfect for the first day of summer!

  10. Oh, I wish there had been ice-cream. That looks perfect.
    I just went outside and said "yeah, it's still light, but it stays light MUCH longer in Germany than it does here" (it was 9 pm and the sun was fading... summer nights can go to 10:30+pm in Germany).

    1. I would LOVE it to be light until 10:30. But does that mean it gets darker earlier in the winter because I can't take that? It's already pitch black at 4pm here.

  11. Atmosphere is a great theme! You know, every year I wait for the solstice and this year it slipped by without my even realizing the day! Thanks for coming by Marmelade Gypsy this past week. Lovely to see you!

    1. Oh, I basically just use the solstice as an excuse to get ice cream. :) It's celebratory ice cream!

  12. Oh Zelda!! So pretty!!! We kind of forgot to observe Solstice... I kind of get sad thinking about how the days will get shorter from here. I intentionally did not say this out loud like i usually do because it's such a buzz kill to say that.

    1. It's so interesting that people focus on the days getting shorter. I honestly think of the solstice as when summer BEGINS, but I can see how it could go the other way.

  13. Love this! Especially the cold treat! I think we gardened 6/21. LOL I can't remember!

    1. You would have had a lot of time to garden that day!

  14. I love this Summer Solstice College! I'm with's so darn hot, let me laze around the house, please.

  15. *googles Frostie Freeze*
    *maps Frostie Freeze*
    *adds Frostie Freeze to list of places to hopefully get custard/ice cream this year*
    (Seriously, I was going to ask you if there was anything down your way that I needed to add to the list. LOL.) Yay solstice. I'm loving the warm days we're having right now (not the hideous heat we had a few days ago...) and feeling like yes, this is summer.

    1. Hey, if you come to Frostie Freeze, let me know. I'll walk over there! It's fine.

      The real place you should go is Mullen's Dairy Bar in Watertown. That place is amazing!

    2. Mullen's looks fantastic, but man, that would be a road trip! If I had any interest in outlet shopping - HA - I'd do a combo trip. On the other hand, you only live once, so maybe... :)
