Sunday, June 25, 2023

8.25 Relationship - Playlist Throwback

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-fifth day of the month is "Relationship."


Last month, I wrote about how we celebrated our fifteenth wedding anniversary on the twenty-fifth. This month, I'd like you all to see that my husband loves me enough to give me a primer on Radiohead.

In my obsession with the podcast 60 Songs That Explain the 90s, I listened to the episode on Radiohead's song "Creep" and admitted to my husband that Radiohead's back catalog is intimidating to me. 

(I honestly imagine it's the equivalent of someone staring at the discography of Dolly Parton or Garth Brooks and just sort of shrugging. Where would you even start?  I mean, the obvious answer is that you start with Garth's The Hits - although Garth's not on streaming services, so you'd have to buy it and that seems unlikely unless you are a true fan - and Parton's Playlist: The Very Best of Dolly Parton, but this is a serious digression.)

We had this discussion, I took off to walk the dog, and when I came home, this was sitting on the dining room table for me. 

He proceeded to explain to me the complicated system of dashes and asterisks and I feel like my husband just made me a mixed tape and I thought it was the most romantic gesture in the world. Be back as soon as I listen to all of these songs.


Absolutely unnecessary evaluation of each song (I'm seriously worried about what this is going to do to my Spotify algorithm):

"Creep" - Every generation needs a stalking song, I guess. 

"Anyone Can Play Guitar" - I can 100% see why my husband loves this song. 

"My Iron Lung" - LOLOLOLOL forever at Radiohead. Poor band gets a hit single and then complains about how hard it is on them. This song is hilarious, but I don't think it's supposed to be? I do appreciate the potshots at grunge. It is a cleverly written song.

"Just" - My husband suggested I watch the video. I had no idea what the members of this band looked like, but now I know. And the video was interesting, although I was less impressed with the guitar in this tune.

"Paranoid Android" - Okay, I gave this one the old college try. Two-and-a-half minutes into a six-and-a-half-minute song and I wanted to tear my hair out. It was...noisy.

"Let Down" - This just sounds like noise to me. I can't understand what York is singing even though I'm reading the lyrics at the same time. Huh. The intro and bridge are very pleasant musical interludes.

"Everything in Its Right Place" - No. Just no.

"The National Anthem" - This is screechy. 

"I Might Be Wrong" - I like the album cover art. It's listenable, but barely.

Do you listen to Radiohead? What's your favorite album or song? 


  1. I don't really listen to Radiohead, but I do like Creep. I guess I am a Radiohead dilettante!

    1. Creep was the only song I knew before this whole list. I think we're on the same Radiohead page.

  2. Just a No for me. Not my jam, as they say.
    I love how methodical your husband is. Are you sure he’s not an engineer?

    1. Ha. He IS very methodical. When confronted with a problem, I always try to think like him because he's inventive and really good at using materials around him to create tools to help. He's just super smart is all!

  3. I only became interested in Radiohead last year. I liked Creep when it was popular in the 1990s, but I'm not a fan like your husband.

    1. I dare not ask him for a similar list for REM. I think the list would just be every song on every album. So I think his fandom of Radiohead is light compared to other bands!

  4. Off hand I don't recognize any of the titles BUT you just got me to download 60 songs that explain the 90s. THE LATEST EPISODE IS TUBTHUMPING!!!!!!! And there's an episode for Baby One More Time!!!!! I can't wait to listen.

    1. That podcast is AMAZEBALLS. You will love it. Rob is hilarious and he's genuinely enthusiastic about all these songs!

  5. This is THE CUTEST. Totally something my husband would do. Gotta love those who take their spouses' musical education seriously. I like Radiohead, although not every song. I do like Creep a lot, and Everything In It's Right Place is one of my favorites.

    1. Oh, ha! Sorry I insulted one of your favorite songs. I love guitars and drums, but there's a limit to my ability to deal with a sort of high-pitch whine.

  6. I was never a HUGE fan of Radiohead; they were around and I definitely listened but I don't think I ever had an entire album, although if any, I may have had The Bends, and would say probably High and Dry and Fake Plastic Trees. After that, they got a little weird, although Karma Police and Everything in It's Right Place were definitely popular. I don't think I have listened to any albums after that although I may have inadvertently heard a song on the radio.

    To me the 90s were such a mixed bag! I listened to grunge and heavier rock, but also hip hop was really good at the time (Snoop Dogg, B.I.G) and then of course there were bands like the Beastie Boys and Sublime and Shania and Madonna etc. That podcast sounds great. What band would you say epitomized the 90s?

    1. Oh, I was a country fan in the 90s and would say Garth Brooks, Shania Twain, and The Chicks were the soundtrack to my 90s. I didn't listen to many of the songs that the 60 Songs that Explain the 90s cover in the 90s, to be honest. It's such a great question, though! Your answer to "what band epitomizes the 90s?" probably says a lot about how you lived your life in the 90s.

  7. This is very sweet! I only know of Creep on this list and I do like that song. I would venture to guess that my husband probably likes/appreciates Radiohead. Our music tastes do not overlap much, though! He is more of a classic rock kind of guy, I'm more of a singer/songwriter fan + Taylor Swift aficionado. He does appreciate TS, though, but he much prefers her earlier albums. He feels her latest albums would not have been published/picked up by a record label if not for her prior success. *shrugs shoulders*

    1. I like TS's earlier albums, too, but at heart I'm a country girl, so her switch to pop was not my favorite choice for her. However, I did enjoy the Folklore/Evermore stage, as well.

  8. My husband really likes Radiohead. My favourite song is Karma Police. I once tutored someone from Asia (for whom English was his second language) and all he wanted me to do was teach him how to pronounce all the words in Karma Police (he played guitar and this was his favourite song). For a while Karma Police was also a favourite "lullaby" of one of my kiddos.

    1. Adding Karma Police to my Radiohead homework!

  9. Your husband is the coolest. LOL and yes, it does feel like a mix tape sort of. I know a few Radiohead songs, of course, but had to go and listen to a few that were mentioned... and I think I really only know their first two albums.

    1. Interesting. My husband claims that The Bends is his favorite album, so I think you two might be on the same page of Radiohead fandom.

  10. I must admit that I only know a few of their hits. But, I do love how he shows his love for you through this sweet tutorial. That is true love!

    1. It was so sweet. I don't think I'm converted to a Radiohead fan, though.

  11. Aww! OK computer was one of my favourite albums in college. That's a very cute list!

    1. I think that some music just finds us at the perfect time. I wonder if I'd listened to Radiohead when I was in my teens/early twenties if I'd adore them, too.

  12. Ok, I think I was living under a rock. Seriously. Don't tell Dr. BB, but I honestly don't think I've ever listened to any Radiohead. (*ducks*) This is a true act of love, and clearly shows that he has your best interests at heart. :)
    OK, took a quick listen, and I *might* have heard Creep. Or parts of it. I was into REM, Counting Crows, 90s country, U2, Boston... And I went through an unfortunate super-religious phase (egads) so there were also 'Christian' artists on my list. To say I wouldn't go near those with a ten foot pole now is the understatement of the year.

    1. I don't know if I ever heard a Radiohead song besides Creep, so I think you're probably okay! Dr. BB hadn't heard of Lorrie Morgan or Deanna Carter until recently, so it's just what you listened to at the time!
