Wednesday, May 03, 2023

7.3 Direction - Aimless

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the third day of the month is "Direction."


Sometimes I stare at these prompts and nothing comes to mind. I am aimless, directionless, nothing new to say, nothing to add to the global conversation. So here are updates about random things.

Zelda has not thrown up since overnight Friday/Saturday. Her litter box is still a bit of a disaster, despite us giving her medication that literally says on the label "It is common after starting this medication for no stool to be produced for 2-3 days." Harumph. We have an appointment set up for her for tomorrow and I'm sort of undecided about whether or not we should go. On one hand, her litter box situation is not ideal. On the other hand, she's otherwise acting normally, eating fine, and I know it's going to cost us hundreds of dollars just for showing up at the vet. *sigh* Why can't she just speak a language I understand and tell me what's going on?

I wrote recently about how my husband's commute was made longer through a combination of flooded roads and construction. The flooded road is still closed, but now they are starting some construction in our downtown area and, while it will remain open at all times, it's definitely going to continue to slow down his commuting time PLUS it's going to be a huge annoyance for walks with Hannah. 

Look at her waiting to eat! Like a properly trained dog. So cute! Not so cute about the letter board.

Speaking of Hannah, teaching her to be unafraid of the letter board is going about as well as teaching her to go down the basement stairs. This is to say that I've not gotten Hannah any further down the stairs than one paw and she will be in the same room as the letter board, but doesn't like to go near it. I will update this situation if we ever make any progress. (She can walk up and down stairs and does so all the time. It is specifically the basement stairs that are her nemesis. They are narrow and steep and, hey, I don't like the basement, either. But when/if there's a tornado, we need her to be able to get down the stairs and so we keep trying the training. Our plan right now is that if there is a tornado warning, one of us would have to pick her up and take her down there. It's not ideal, but it's what we would have to do.)

The weather continues to be cold and miserable, although the sun sort of came out yesterday (see the river above) and it looks like there's going to potentially be an upswing starting today. FINGERS CROSSED.

Tell me something random that's on your mind.


  1. Random: I am horrible at remembering numbers and number sequences (phone numbers, dates, etc).

    It is also rainy and overcast here - again. We had perfect weather over the weekend, and then right back into the most depressing combination of wet/cold imaginable. Not a fan, spring. Not a fan...

    Hope Zelda is back to 100% soon!!!

    1. I am terrible at memorizing anything. Whenever we had memorizing tasks in school, like states and capitals/presidents/lines for plays, I basically just curled up into a ball and tried to pretend it didn't have to happen. Thank goodness it's not a skill that comes up much in my adult life.

  2. I am freezing, and it won't stop raining and being cold. Lousy weather for my birthday.

    Poor Hannah! Is she afraid of the letter board when it's blank, too? What if you cover part of it with a friendly towel or blanket?

    Not sure what I'd do about Zelda. If she's happy and playful and still eating and drinking normally, I might be inclined to wait another few days or so, but obviously, you'd know best.

    1. Appointments at the vet are scarce. I actually made this one last Friday when I called after a few days of both litter box trauma AND puking. I think I'm going to keep the appointment, though, based on the changed nature of her litter box. I'm not terribly worried, but it is a change that has been this way for a while, so better safe than sorry.

      I've never tried the letter board blank, but I think she's mostly scared of it because it's new? Maybe? I'm hoping that in a couple more days she'll be more comfortable with it.

  3. Hannah's fear of the letter board reminds me of Charlotte's (our black cat) fear of the ceiling fan in the living room. When we adopted her, she was used to living in one room so we kept her in our bedroom for a couple days while she got used to being with us. When we started letting her out, she would venture to the living room, look up at the ceiling fan, and run back to the bedroom. TO THIS DAY, (five years later) if there's a scary noise, like let's say fireworks, she'll look up fearfully at the ceiling fan before running to the bedroom. Luckily, if nothing else scary is happening, she's able to ignore it most of the time. (Oh and by the way, it's not like the ceiling fan is on most of the time- I can see how it might look scary if it's moving- but it's usually not.)
    I would love to know exactly what it is about the letter board that scares Hannah (obviously, we'll never know.) And I try to avoid taking my cats to the vet if at all possibly because it's such a horrible ordeal, so I wouldn't take Zelda in. But maybe that's not the best advice in the world- you'll obviously do what you think is best!

    1. Poor Charlotte! That evil fan is definitely responsible for ALL loud noises in her life. That simultaneously makes me laugh and feel terrible for her.

      I would love to know about Hannah's life before she was adopted. It seems like her foster family was good people, but before that her life is just a mystery. What do brooms, bicycles, and letter board have in common that scare her so much? (Or maybe I don't want to know. It seems like it couldn't have been good.)

  4. Argh yes why can't our pets just tell us "it's fine to skip the vet, I'll be back to normal tomorrow" or "hey something's up, keep the appointment".

    My random update is that we finally got our treadmill fixed this morning AND it's been raining for that we have a good indoor workout option the weather will get better right???

    1. I'm pretty sure that your treadmill being fixed is a sure sign that you're going to be able to get outside! I appreciate you making this sacrifice for all of us who want nicer weather!

  5. Yikes, hope Zelda is okay!
    Random: it's really warm here this week! I went from legwarmers and puffer coat last week to wearing a skirt with bare legs today!

    1. Bare legs! I'm so jealous! I don't see that happening here any time soon, but I am happy you can enjoy the freedom!

  6. I am glad Zelda is a bit better and totally feel you on wishing he could just say "hey, my tummy hurt for a bit, that's it!"

    I am also excited for potential sun and spring.

    Something random... wishing I was doing better at communication with my husband this week.

    1. Well, if communicating with our spouses were easy, we'd all just do it, right?! I hope things get better and you get on the same page as your husband.

  7. I could look into Zelda's eyes all day. I also wish my pets could tell me what they are thinking.

    1. Knowing what pets are thinking would alleviate so much stress in my life.

  8. I'm happy to hear Zelda is doing ok-ish! Random thing I learned today and keep thinking about is that the Union Jack is composed of the Cross of St. George (England) the Cross of St. Andrew (Scotland) and the Cross of St. Patrick (N. Ireland).

    1. I guess UK trivia is in the air right now!

  9. First random thing that comes into my head... Three years postpartum I am finally climbing out of my shell and enjoying life again (almost as much as before).

    1. Congrats! I hope things continue to get better.

  10. Poor Zelda. If only she could explain to you exactly what she is feeling...that would help so much.
    I understand Hannah's diversion of the basement and the stairs to get there; makes perfect sense.
    Random: why did God invent Pollen? (I've been cleaning outside all day and had to wear a mask!)

    1. I get why pollen exists, but I don't understand why we humans have such a bad reaction to it!!

  11. I hope Zelda is better soon and you can avoid a trip to the vet. Our dog was vomiting on Sunday but luckily it only lasted the day.

    1. I really hate it when they are sick. Especially the cat because how does she even get sick? She literally is always in the house!

  12. Road construction here is RIDICULOUS. Sometimes it takes me the same time to go SEVEN MILES as it takes Bent to drive like 50. Gah.

    1. I'd much rather drive 50 miles with little traffic than have to drive in bumper to bumper traffic for just a few miles, that's for sure.

  13. I live vicariously through you re: pets, but I don't envy you the decisions you have to make regarding their health and such. I hope Zelda is ok.

    1. She'll be okay. I was unsure about whether or not to take her, but she threw up on the way to the vet, so I felt pretty good about my decision after that! She's on some meds, but hopefully she'll be right as rain in a few days.

  14. That is one very odd dog.

    Our cat box was overflowing today as the visit to the clinic threw everything off yesterday. TG that she is very good about her box.

    1. Zelda has been very good about using her box, too, even though what's happening in there is gross. I don't envy people who have cats who refuse to use their litter box!

  15. Poor Zelda. I'm glad she seems to be on the mend, but probably good to keep that appointment to deal with that litter box issue. I know I will one day have to deal with something like this, but right now, the girls are masters at the litter box and I never want it to change!

    Something random: I'm working in Starbucks and it's FREEZING in here. I always bring a jacket just in case but why so cold?!!

    1. I find a lot of eateries are cold! My theory is that they make it sort of uncomfortable so patrons will leave faster and they can turn over more tables!

  16. Poor Zelda! I hope she's feeling much better by now - I'm so behind on blog reading!

  17. Poor Zelda, although it sounds like she's hopefully on the mend since you wrote this... Fingers crossed.
    Dogs are funny, aren't they? My dog used to resist the strangest things - and, even more fun, he was inconsistent. Nothing like keeping me on my toes!
