Thursday, December 22, 2022

2.22 Safety - Snowpocalypse 2022

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-first day of the month is "Safety."


There is a snowstorm heading our way today. But the coldwave that preceded this supposed storm was hardcore. Hannah basically went on a walk strike on her morning and afternoon walks yesterday, so I determined it was too cold for her paws.  I further determined that if she needed her booties, she also needed her coat, mostly because I think she looks so adorable in it. And, obviously, even though this photo was taken at (consults phone) 5:16pm, you'll see that it was pitch black and so she also needed her glowy collar. Who is the safest dog in this town?

I'll keep you updated on the state of the Snowpocalypse and if we end up snowed in. We went to Costco and the regular grocery store yesterday and it was crazy busy insane because everyone in the greater Madison area knew that they had to do the same chores before we were snowed in on Thursday and Friday. Insanity. But we made it home safe and sound and excited for a couple of days snug in our home. 

Is the Snowcalypse affecting your holiday plans?


To see what Bestest Friend has to say about the theme of the day, visit her at Too Legit to Quit.


  1. "A couple of days snug in our home" is exactly what we're planning for the next few days. Stay safe everyone!

    1. I'm actually quite thrilled with a couple of enforced quiet days right before the holidays. We're drinking lots of tea and pretending we don't need to shovel.

  2. Well, no Snowcalypse here but I know all about it from my sister. She and her husband are supposed to host the family Christmas gathering tomorrow, which she's been planning for months. Now they're trying to decide if they need to cancel it. They're in a south suburb of Chicago, and are waiting as long as possible to get an idea of how badly they'll be hit.
    Good luck! I'll be waiting to hear all about it.

    1. Oh, I do feel terrible for all the people who had holiday plans during the next few days. It's hard to know whether to cancel and if you do hold an event, it's hard to enjoy it knowing people will be traveling to and from on terrible roads! I hope their family event can still happen safely!

  3. Hannah looks quite snug and safe already.
    We're getting hit late tonight with snow and then high, gusting winds, with the rapid temperature drop into the single digits. The forecasters still cannot decide on how much snow, thanks to the variable that is Lake Erie. Sigh. I hate winter. A LOT.

    1. There's nowhere in the Great Lakes region that can be predicted because of the Lakes. It's one of the glorious parts of living in the Midwest! I do not hate winter. LOL.

  4. Oh my. Here in DC it is just rainy and chilly. We will see how things pan out, but definitely not on the scale of a Snowcalypse. I've decided that I've done enough shopping and do not need to venture out to the stores again. I might take a walk to get some air, but no more driving or parking lots until after Christmas. (Well, we do have tickets to the movies on Christmas eve. And there's church. But the Husband can drive.)
    Hannah looks well fortified. You take such good care of her!
    I hope you have a cozy and safe next few days!

    1. Oh, I spent a semester in DC and I remember how it was cold, but no one had appropriate cold weather clothing and I thought it was so weird. I'm glad you can stay safe inside until Christmas Eve and hopefully the weather will be better then.

  5. I did an online rider and pickup tis week, just to avoid the crazy crowds..It isn’t my preference, but I will probably do it for the next two weeks as well.

    Our storm predictions are wild — some sort of sequence of snow, rain, freezing rain. Ugh.

    1. Oh, no! As soon as ice or freezing rain is involved, it's impossible to clear anything! I hope you stay inside and stay safe.

  6. We got about 7-8" of snow yesterday and now it is insanely cold. -30F windchill! It is so horrible out - right in time for us to be home with our kids for the holiday! We are not traveling, though, thank goodness. I debated making a dr appt to get an injection in my flare but Phil told me it would be a bad idea to go anywhere in this weather. We have had so much snow this winter already and winter just officially started! I fear it's going to be a long winter. But - the forecast for mid-week next week looks wonderful - back in the 30s! So I am focusing on that!

    Phil did all of our shopping last Saturday. We probably need one more thing for our Christmas dinner but the weather should be better by Saturday, although I expect the produce aisle to be thinly stocked! Which is fine. We can make do with what we have!

    Stay safe and warm!!

    1. Ha! Isn't it crazy how we're starting to think the 30s are warm. In October, I would have cried if it were in the 30s, but now I think I would probably go outside in it without gloves. LOL. We definitely change with the seasons, don't we?

      I hope the boys aren't going too stir crazy and that you're all safe and snug at home!

  7. Not dealing with snow here, but it is supposed to be our coldest Christmas in decades, and my mother is so disappointed for my brother's sake. But we're together, that's the main thing. I'm glad you're ready to hunker down.

    1. Oh, yes, it would be a bummer to travel to Florida only for it to be cold! I mean, less cold presumably than where he's coming from, but still. I'd expect some beach time and that's probably not going to happen!

  8. Brrrrr. This does not sound fun.

    It's actually quite warm where I am right now; but west of me (in Ontario) they're about to get a major ice storm. We're supposed to get a lot of rain on Christmas Eve which is not very festive. And it's supposed to be very warm (+14 C; ~60 F). We might get some snow next week, but temperatures are supposed to stay relatively mild.

    1. Oh, wow! Our Christmas in 2019 was unseasonably warm like that and I remember taking Hannah to a park and all these kids were so excited to see her and ran up to boop her nose. It was such a lovely time. Rain with those warm temps is decidedly NOT festive, so I hope your forecast is wrong and the rain doesn't come!

  9. Snowpocalypse here too. AND SO COLD. This is when I question living in WI for sure.

  10. I hope you made it through the Snowpocalypse okay! Here in Florida, we got to enjoy an unseasonably cold Christmas, which was nice. We had a "feels like" temp of 25 one day, which was crazy! It mostly stayed in the 30s on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day. It was fun to actually have a cold Christmas!

  11. She IS the cutest dog in your town. She's well taken care of by her humans.
    I hope all was well for you guys!

  12. Hannah is the safest - and cutest - dog in town, OBVS.
