Thursday, November 24, 2022

1.24 Family - Gratitude

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-fourth day of the month is "Family."


I'm not going to lie to you, my friends. I'm not writing this on Thanksgiving. I've written it most of it ahead of time because there's no way I'm going to fit it in otherwise.  A piece of gratitude for every day of the month.

Things I am grateful for:

1) My wonderful husband. I won't be too mushy about it, but he's supportive, hilarious, and just that right combo of grumpy and smart that gets me right in the heart.

2) Zelda the Cat and Hannah the Dog. Look, we are two child-free people who honestly would have very little to talk about it if weren't for the antics of our pets. Also, look at my kitty and tell me that you wouldn't do whatever she wanted you to do.

3) Evenings alone in the house. I don't get them as often as you might think, but being alone in the house is a blessing.

4) Access to modern medicine. I had to have a procedure done today and while it wasn't fun, it always wasn't terrible and it relieved my mind greatly. 

5) My mom. We texted about her dog today and she's so obsessed with him. I get it. He IS really cute, although maybe my feelings should be hurt that she's crazier about him than she is about me?

6) The ladies in my book club. Smart women who have smart things to say and also will let me talk about my dog endlessly.  I mean, what's not to love?

7) Yoga at the community center. Such a nice way to start the week.

8) The ability to vote. Things are kind of scary right now, but at my polling place, it was busy, but normal. There were no skirmishes, no raised voices, and it's such a privilege to be able to cast a ballot.

9) Can I hear it for my bloggy friends?  You guys, under the fearless leadership of San, NaBloPoMo has been a rousing success. I've found new blogs and have felt really supported throughout my job search and stress over a certain dog whose precarious health seems to be improving.  This blogging community is real and important.  So many people participating!   Let's bring blogging back to the mainstream. (Ha ha ha!)

Beckett •
Elisabeth •
J •
Jamie •
Jenny •
Meike •
Melissa •
Rachel •
San (me!) •
Sarah •
Stephany •
Suzanne •
Tierney •
Tobia •
Zenaida •

10) My giant extended family. One of my cousins called me because of family drama and it was so nice to just realize that I am part of a huge network of people.  The gossip's nice, too.

11) The library. It goes without saying that I could not possibly afford my own reading habit and all the great work that libraries do should never go unnoticed.

12) A Saturday with nothing on the calendar. Is there anything better than being able to sleep in and just read books on the couch all day?

13) A safe, warm home. Such a blessing to live where we live in this gorgeous old house.

14) Long-term friendships. Two of my best friends live in Columbus and I was able to see both of them just last month. My accountability buddy lives in New Hampshire and it's such a delight to be able to chat with her every day, even if it's just a quick check in.  

15) Finding a replacement for the ED at the community center. It's such a relief for me.

16) My fearless fitness instructor. I was asking her for a favor outside of her actual job of teaching fitness classes and she really came through and did far more than she needed to.

17) Hannah's neurologist. She's so good with Hannah and has not given up, even when Hannah was not helping by being a difficult case. She's consulted with other vets, called me after hours, and takes such good care of my dog. I am so grateful there are medical specialists like this in veterinarian care. 

18) The ability to do my job interview. Even if I don't get the job, it was good to get the experience of doing it and it gave me confidence that I'm a desirable candidate. 

19) My heated vest. It was so cold today and having my vest made walking Hannah much more pleasant than it would have been without it.

20) Safe places to walk the dog. We have so many options for where to go when we leave the house. We can basically go in any direction and have a lovely walk. We are so lucky to live where we live with sidewalks, safe neighborhoods, and lovely views.

21) Cell phones. How did we even keep in contact with our loved ones without them?

22) Having a husband who doesn't flinch when I call him into the bathroom to look "at this weird rash" in the morning. Ha!  What a guy.  Human bodies are weird, yo.

23) The family I married into. Sometimes I hear stories about in-laws that sound so nightmarish. My in-laws are generous, kind, and funny, although they do sometimes talk about disgusting medical things at the dinner table, so that's a tiny demerit. I'm excited we'll see them on Thanksgiving and am grateful that they welcomed me into their family lo those many years ago.

24) Bountiful food. I will not take for granted that we will have a full spread of food this year. It's hard times with inflation, food shortages, and such high travel costs that a lot of people won't be able to have their regular traditions or spend it with the ones they love and I'm grateful that we will be able to.


  1. I love your list, but especially the library one, as I too "could not possibly afford my own reading habit"! Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. I can't imagine a life in which I had to pay for the books I read!

  2. Love this!
    I would definitely do whatever your kitty wanter - I mean, look at those eyes.
    Maybe the thing that made me the most happy was your comment about the rash, though. We really need people in our lives that won't flinch over requests like that. It's that sort of stuff - not the filtered PDA on Instagram - that signal the best of what a relationship provides in my opinion.
    And also agreed that human bodies are weird (and, can I be honest, often gross my out. I'm SO glad I didn't go in to medicine. I am not cut out for that world).

    1. Yes, I am absolutely revolted by the human body, but my husband just rolls with it. I think that it comes from him being in a medically-minded family (two of his siblings are doctors and one is a dentist). But those really are the moments that make a marriage intimate and strong, aren't they?

  3. I love this list! So many wonderful things to be thankful for. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Yes, this is a great list. It's nice to take a minute to appreciate things we might normally take for granted (like the neighborhood we live in or the library.) And yes- voting. It seems like all we do is complain about politics, but we're incredibly privileged to live in America. If you don't like the president, so what- we get to vote again in four years.
    Yay for the blogging community! This NaBloPoMo has been incredible.

    1. I'm going to miss NaBloPoMo when it's over. It's been such a joy to have so many great posts to read each day.

  5. What a wonderful list, Engie :) I don't even care one bit that you pre-wrote this... (in fact, I encouraged this very much in the beginning because this is how to win at NaBloPoMo! Speaking of which, this year's participation and follow-through has been amazing and I am so thankful for every single one of your for being so dedicated and such team players, writing and commenting for 3.5 weeks straight now! Blogging is not dead!).

    Your kitty would definitely get me to do a lot of things.... haha. What is it with animals and their "puppy eyes"??

    1. Yay for you San! You've done such a great job getting NaBloPoMo rolling and keeping everyone motivated. Thanks so much for all you do.

  6. Awesome list. I love it so much!!!

  7. I am a little behind on pst reading but this was a great read! Thank you! Yeah for the library, I agree. We spend almost every Saturday there when the kids were little. I loved carrying stacks of picture books home and swapping them out the following week. Now we use the online offerings more but it's so nice to know it will be there.

  8. There is a whole lot to be grateful for when we sit down and think about it, isn't there? I love this list!

  9. I was not going to comment on this as it's a month old now (siggghhh...) but I had to when I saw that you referred to your husband as "just that right combo of grumpy and smart that gets me right in the heart". This. Is. Perfect. I like someone who is occasionally - or even MORE than occasionally - grumpy. That means they're human, and I can be human around them, too. :)

    1. Sometimes I imagine what we would be like to be partnered with someone who is always cheerful and upbeat and it just makes me cringe. Part of my husband's charm is his crankiness! I'm glad positive people are out there, but they have to go find other cheerful people to partner with!

    2. Seriously, that would drive me BONKERS. I also love this about my parents' relationship - they bicker when they are on the phone with me, and it makes me happy that they've stayed together 50+ years and can still push each other's buttons. ;) A mix is good for everyone. In my opinion, obviously!
