Wednesday, November 23, 2022

1.23 Atmosphere - Morning Walk

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-third day of the month is "Atmosphere."


I am decidedly not a morning person, but it has been determined that Hannah IS a morning dog. She wants nothing more than for me to take her for miles and miles in the morning and is constantly disappointed when we hit the half-mile mark and turn around for home. Since DST, there is a little light in the mornings when we go out there, but only just. Hannah relishes this time of day and I spend most of it thinking that I should really put on warmer clothes. See, I just go downstairs in my pajamas (a sweatshirt and a thin pair of yoga pants that I bought at Old Navy what must have been more than fifteen years ago), throw on a coat and hat, and head out the door.  And we really could go for longer distances if I weren't so cold. So maybe that's something I should have a talk with myself about.


Hannah. She greets both me and Dr. BB as if she has not seen us for years every morning. She dances and prances and tries to lick poor, neglected, overpowered Zelda. She skips around the mudroom in sheer excitement when I grab her harness, making it surprisingly challenging to actually put the harness on her to get her out the door. And, oh, the excitement of everything outside.

The snow! The squirrels! The yellow snow! The fire hydrant! Leaves falling from trees! The guy in the red truck who always waves at us! OH MY HEAVENS, DO YOU SEE THE STICK?  

And this is the reason why we have pets, isn't it?  If not for Hannah, I would still be tucked inside, drinking my tea, warm and cozy. But I wouldn't feel the infectious joy of a dog rediscovering her neighborhood after eight hours away from it.  


  1. I'm not a morning person either, but I can see how Hannah's joy would be uplifting. Definitely dress warmer, though, even if not to go longer--just to be comfortable!

    1. At some point, I switch to sweatpants for bed and then I will be warmer, I promise!

  2. After reading this, I think I really need a dog. I mean, kids are okay. They like sticks and fire hydrants and squirrels as much as the next human...but they do not seem overly enthusiastic to rediscover the neighbourhood each morning on our walk to school, and there is rarely skipping around in our mudroom. More like: Mom, where are my socks. Or Mom, I hate these boots, they hurt my feet. Or, Mom, I know I just put on my snowsuit and we're already late, but I really have to pee.
    See, with a dog, there will be no snowsuit removal to pee AND no dribbles on the toilet seat.

    1. Oh, well, dogs are tons of work, too. So, there's no snowsuit removal to pee, BUT there are three walks a day and chasing the cat!

  3. Yes, I'm kind of wishing I had a dog now too! Kids can be like that- when they're little. But then as Elisabeth said they grow up and, well... Anyway, now that you've written this post I'm hoping you'll dress warmer so you can be out longer and enjoy it more.

    1. I hope Hannah's enthusiasm never wanes like kids' do!

  4. Rex is always so excited for a walk that it's challenging to get his harness on. It's almost like he can't help himself. Dogs are so wonderful!

    1. They're so excited over the smallest things - it is absolutely wonderful.

  5. Aww, I love the enthusiasm of dogs and how they greet you like they haven't seen you in years. So sweet!

    1. She's so excited in the morning, but her energy level drops throughout the day. We're lucky if she lifts her head up when we come home after work.

  6. This is precisely why I don’t have a Hannah. 😀
    But I understand why people do.

    1. It takes a certain type of person to keep up with dogs. I understand that they're not for everyone.

  7. Stepdog is not a morning dog. She likes to go out with the boys when they catch their school bus, but won't go any further than they have to go. She used to get up and come downstairs with me on the mornings when I get up first, but lately she's taken to sleeping until my husband gets up.

    The post-lunch and post-dinner walks are a different story! She's all action and ready to go!

    1. Hannah is the opposite of your step-dog. Getting her to go on a walk for longer than two minutes after dinner is a challenge. She starts dragging as soon as the sun goes down!

  8. I love this post so, so much. Happy Hannah! But cold Engie - we need to correct this.

    1. She's definitely a happy dog these days and I love it!

  9. We don't have a dog - not til the kids are out of diapers, the Husband says - but we regularly walk and dog sit for our friends' dog - their dog also does the super-duper-jumping-excitement-jumping-so-much-you-can't-get-the-leash-on thing .... It makes me laugh.
    Curious - what do you wear on your feet for these pajama clad morning walks?

  10. The excitement is real - pets and kids have an abundance of bottled up joy :)

  11. As I was reading this I thought: If not for Hannah, you'd still be in your bed or at least in your comfy cozy house. Dogs are good for getting us moving; ours are super happy in the morning too and they don't even need coffee: IMAGINE THAT!

  12. I love the enthusiasm with which dogs greet the day. When I pet-sit for my mom's dogs, I just love the way they are so excited to get up and seize the day. It always puts me in a better mood!

  13. You make me miss my Simon. :( 3.5 years and I can still remember how he'd light up when I came home. Treasure it, as I know you do!
