Sunday, January 02, 2022

December 2021 Expenses


Well, I did better this month in that I didn't spend more than I made, but I didn't actually do much savings, either, so there you go. Here's the order from most to least.

Last month someone asked about actual dollar amounts and I should probably keep that to myself, but here they are.  

Pets ($794.03 - 31.2%) - I did buy birdseed and Zelda the Cat got some food and some medicine for joint care, but this is almost all Hannah the Dog. Poor baby. If I had known that Hannah would be this expensive, I would have signed her up for pet insurance ASAP and I would have adopted a healthier dog set up a savings account for her.

Groceries ($741.45 - 29.1%) - We don't eat out, Dr. BB must have gluten free foods, and so this is what it is. I know it's a lot, but I'm not sure where we could cut. 

Holiday ($251.81 - 9.9%) - I thought I had finished holiday shopping, but I forgot that we hadn't gotten our nieces/nephews in the kid draw yet and had to buy two presents for them and some additional random stuff (wrapping paper, etc.).  One of the benefits of doing this tracking exercise is that I learned it costs me about $2000 for holiday costs - I need to start setting aside money every month for this next year.

Personal care ($183.42 - 7.2%) - There was a trip to Ulta for a few skincare products and a tiny bit of makeup and a trip to Walgreen's where I purchased lotion and vitamins (which I guess should have gone under health, but I didn't separate, so...).

Health and fitness ($189.18 - 7.4%) - $75 is that STUPID YOGA PASS I DON'T USE. Otherwise, I had to pay for some bloodwork, a yoga pass I actually use, my running app, and my fitness classes. I'm debating whether or not to cancel my running app since I won't be able to run for a few months.    

Savings ($100 - 3.9%) - This is just deducted from my account every month.

Bills ($97.58 - 3.8%) - Car and home insurance.

Other ($58 - 2.3%) - I bought tickets for a holiday light show at the local rotary gardens and I paid for a Zoom account. 

Charity ($53.79 - 2.1%)  - I was recruiting people for the board of directors where I volunteer and I bought lunch a couple of day.  

Cars ($49.79 - 2%) - Gasoline.

Eating out ($23.47 - 0%, but is actually money I spent) - I had lunch out once and bought coffee once.  A girl has got to have some vices, right?

And that's all, my friends.  If I didn't have a dog, I'd be doing okay. What's the expense that's holding you back?


  1. Honestly, I am so glad to see that other couples spend as much on groceries/food as we do (actually, our number was even a bit higher in December). Yes, we don't cut many corners when it comes to food, as we do like to eat well/healthy, but I also don't really know where to cut if I tried. I always tell me: if it's a priority in our budget, then that's what it is.

  2. I tracked what we spent on gifts this year for the first time ever. I just did it in my planner instead of through mint, which is what we use to track expenses. The bulk of our spending was for cash that went in the 4 daycare teacher's cards. Our families do so little gift exchanging so that helps. I've talked to a couple of friends who talked about having to buy 20-30 gifts for their families. That is just bananas to me!!

    I do an annual expense post so I am starting to pull those numbers together. I used to look at mint all the time but I've rarely looked at our accounts this fall so it will be interesting to dig into the numbers!

  3. Oh wow, you weren't kidding about how much you spend on Hannah! I'm glad she found the right family to help her through all her health issues, even though I know it's a lot to deal with.

    I budget $600 a month on food for JUST MYSELF, so no judgment here at all. It's my biggest expense, but I've stopped feeling guilty about it. I spend how much I spend! It may be wayyy more than other people, but I also don't spend a lot in other areas so it all evens out.

  4. Oh, poor Hannah. She is so lucky to have you, but I'm sorry you didn't know just how many health problems she'd have. :(

    You're totally in line with my spending on food, too. I eat out about 2x a year, and then it's takeout. It's been about 6 months so I'm tempted but I'm also being so careful with money right now that I can't fathom spending the money. Maybe by the spring?

    I am still so (expletive retracted to keep this a family-friendly site) about that yoga class. What. The. Heck.
