Monday, January 11, 2021

2020 Goals, 4th Quarter Update!

My original post is here.

Area One: Health
1) Work out three times a week for 30 minutes or more - In these thirteen weeks, I worked out for thirty minutes or more a total of 56 times, which averages to 4.3 times a week, so I hit this goal.  
2) Work out an additional two times a week for at least 15 minutes - I did 12 additional workouts that were less than 30 minutes, so I also hit this goal (since I was over my 30 minute goal by just over one workout per week).  Nice. I'm impressed with myself for hitting these metrics.
3) At least two strength training workouts every week - This came to 33 total workouts, which is 2.5 a week. Nailed it. 
4) Brush Hannah and Zelda's teeth every day: This didn't happen. Add it to the 2021 goal list.

Overall, I'm super impressed with my own workout goals. I'll definitely work on prioritizing the dog and cat next year.

Area Two: Professional
1) Get my email under control and keep it there (try to keep the inbox to 15 emails or fewer at all times): No. It just isn't a thing I do. I have under a hundred.  I'm just terrible about it and don't have a great filing system because so many emails should go in multiple folders and it's confusing.  I should continue to make this a goal, but I'm just not going to. I basically have given up.
2) Volunteer position - I'm on the board for my local community center.  I'm head of the programming committee and I'd like to get a program started in 2020 - Ha ha. Nothing happened, but I did hold a programming meeting in December.  

This area just didn't get any love. I give up entirely on these goals.

Area Three: Communication 
1)  Post to Instagram once a day  - 83.7%. I think that's a grand slam, considering I honestly never leave a four block radius of my house. 
2) Update blog at least twice a week - I actually posted every day in November, so I obviously met this goal in November. In December I posted 12 times and October I posted 13, so I managed to do it in those months, too. Yay me!
3)  Keep track of books read - I did keep a running total. Yay! 
4) Send a postcard/note/letter to my mom, aunt, and uncle every month every month - It's so easy at the end of the year - Halloween card in October, Thanksgiving card in November, and Christmas card in December. Done!

I really hit these communication goals out of the park. Go me.

Area Four: Personal Improvement Projects
1) Tackle one project around the house every week  - Nope. 
2) Duolingo every day - I did do this! Yay me!
3) Take at least three more classes with Hannah - Obviously not. Stupid covid. We do train every day twice a day for 5-10 minutes.  She's super cute and loves to "earn" her breakfast and dinner.
4) Try a new recipe every week - Ha ha ha! I tried two new recipes this quarter and they were both disasters.  Oh, well.

So, these were a mixed bag, but at least I tried! It's obvious that I end up prioritizing some goals over others, but isn't that the way it goes? 

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