Friday, November 30, 2007


Tonight I am going to bed early. Tomorrow I will sleep in and then, hopefully, frolic in the five to eight inches of snow that have been forecasted. I love snow. I love how it muffles the sounds, I love how when you shovel it you don't have to go to the gym, I love how you can "accidentally" hit your fiance in the back with a snowball when he's helping you move your car, I love the sledding followed by hot chocolate, I love the snow. This weekend I have absolutely nothing on my calendar that involves leaving the house. I am shamelessly devoted to the snow this weekend. We stocked up on food today, we made sure our sleds were in working order, and took care of all errands. For the snow, of course.

In Garth Brooks' rendition of "Shameless" (originally penned and recorded by the mighty Billy Joel in a not as good as Garth Brooks way), there's a line where he sings/screams "it's outta my hands." For a long time I thought he was saying, "I sat on my hands." And this made sense to me. Because I always sit on my hands. Because they are cold. If I'm driving, I'll catch myself sitting on the hand that isn't being used on the steering wheel. If I'm watching tv, I'll almost always end up with hands under my legs. And when I wake up in the morning, my hands are almost always underneath my body. I can't help it. I am a hand sitter onner.

So when my friend Tammy heard me singing "I sat on my hands," she just shrugged and nodded. "Of course that's how you heard it." But she thought he was saying "favorite flannel gown" instead of "faded flannel gown," so we can't all have perfect song information.


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