Sunday, December 02, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let is snow

Delightfully messy. That's how I would describe yesterday to you. It snowed about five inches of beautiful, powdery snow. It made sledding so much fun. A faceful of snow would blast you at the end of the hill every time, but it was not icy or hard, so you weren't worried your tailbone would break. We had nothing scheduled. We woke up late-ish, made eggs, did some online Christmas shopping*, put up our Christmas tree**, had soup simmering on the back burner all day, went sledding, and watched Missouri go down in flames.

My truck is currently stuck in some parking space blocks from my house (seriously stuck - I can't get it out), but when BB gets home, we'll go get it out. Or wait for the snow to melt. But the beautiful, wondrous Saturday was well worth it.

* Support your independent local stores and online retailers!! Some of my favorites are Pink Loves Brown, The Walrus and the Carpenter, The Small Object, and the Pipsqueak Boutique. Oh, sheesh, I forgot to mention Think Geek and Etsy, where many, many hours went by yesterday. There are many, many, many others. I think I may get almost 75% of my Christmas shopping done online this year!! Whee!!

**Do not be alarmed. Our Christmas tree is about three feet tall and has about 12 ornaments on it. The "putting up the Christmas tree" took all of 20 minutes. But then we laughed at ourselves and our incredible excitement over such a traditional thing we were doing. And loving.

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