Thursday, November 29, 2007

Another Reason to Marry the Boy

"Don't worry if you smell smoke in the kitchen. I may have done a little experiment."

"Ummmm...what kind of experiment?"

"Well, there's a rumor going around that Gibson has stopped making picks out of celluloid. And, you know, celluloid is highly flammable, so to test if a guitar pick is actually made of celluloid, the best way to do that..."

"Is to set it on fire? In our kitchen?"

"Well, I had it in the tweezers on my Swiss army knife and the water was running in the sink. It was safe."

"But smoked?"

"Yep. It went right up. So I think it's just a vicious, nasty rumor. Although the price of celluloid is going up because there are only a couple of suppliers."


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