Saturday, November 17, 2007

It Hurts, It Hurts

I have an office mate who loves to go the gym. He loves a good, long workout. He loves the sweat, the pain, and (I'm pretty sure) how his biceps get bigger and bigger every single time I see him. I both admire and loathe him.

I hate working out. I hate the time it takes. I hate the pain. I hate that after years of yoga I am still not flexible enough to do downward dog properly. I hate that my biceps do not get bigger and bigger. But, here's the thing. I love to eat. I love lots of food. Yesterday, I knew I was going to eat lots of food at a party in the evening, so I worked out hardcore. You know, to make up for the calories I knew I was bound to consume when potato chips and brie are placed in front of me. Damn. Potato chips have no chance when I am near them. No chance.

I will workout like a maniac again today, but damn it, my gluts and abs hurt. I'll do my arms today because I sort of slacked on them yesterday. I need sexy, toned arms for my wedding dress!!

Okay, don't get me wrong. I don't hate all kinds of working out. I don't mind dancing, ice skating, or walking around outside. But I dread aerobics, jump roping (OOOOOHHHH...the dreaded jump rope), weight-lifting, and (I sigh as I say this) riding my bike. I love how I feel afterwards. And I love seeing improvement in my abilities and certain muscle areas. I mean, I have pretty sexy calves that I've never had before in my life since I started riding my bike. But, the actual doing is painful and hard and it's a really intense pep talk I have to give myself before doing any of these activities.

I know out-of-shape people don't like to workout because, you know, it sucks to workout when you can't do it well. But, is it just me or do other (relatively speaking) in-shape people hate working out? How do you develop a love for doing it? How do you jump out of bed in the morning, ready to do it? Can you teach me to love it?

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