Monday, November 19, 2007

Stranger in a Strange Land

Biker Boy and I are both working from home right now, which is a bit of a rarity. There is much clacking of keyboards and occasional one sentence questions with one word answers bit back. The strangeness of these circumstances reminded me of how awkward Valentine Michael Smith's transition to Earth was and I found myself feeling a bit befuddled by our pseudo-professional relationship for this moment. If I got up from the keyboard and went into the kitchen and called to him from the kitchen "do you want a glass of water?" our relationship would be that of a more intimate relationship once again. I'm both confused and fascinated by this.

Anyway, this is the last real day of work for me for a while. We are doing a whirlwind tour of the Midwest for Thanksgiving, leaving immediately after my class gets out tomorrow afternoon. We'll drive to Iowa for Wednesday and Thursday, drive to Michigan on Friday, and hang in Michigan for Saturday and Sunday, then drive back to the Twin Cities on Monday. Since Biker Boy and I won't be spending Christmas together, this is our way of introducing the idea of our togetherness during holidays to our parents. I think his parents will be much more accepting than my parents.

I probably won't be posting during this week, although hopefully I will gather lots of fun stories to tell. Have a wonderful holiday!

PS Did you know that it is a requirement for me to watch the Lions on Thanksgiving Day? I became irrationally upset that they might not have the Lions on television in Iowa when we were discussing Thanksgiving Day plans. Then, I became even more upset that it might be on, but that Biker Boy's family does something different for Thanksgiving. Oh, my God. What would I do?!?! BB calmed me by telling me that my tradition will trump his family's not having a tradition at all and that the Lions will be on, just like they always are. Whew.

PPS Go Lions!

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