Friday, November 16, 2007

The Old Hood

When I first lived in Minneapolis, I lived in a not entirely safe neighborhood because the rent was cheap. And I found a guy who could cut my hair like nobody's business. (For people who have seen my hair recently, you can't hold it against my hair guy - people are so supposed to get haircuts more frequently than every four or five months. Or so I've heard.) And I found a cute little boutique that holds the secret of all my most awesome, non-Baby Gap related purchases.

So this morning I went back to the old hood because I needed something done with my hair. It was starting to look Daria-ish again. And while I am pretty certain that none of my students know who Daria is, I am certain that they were beginning to stare at my flat, lifeless (increasingly gray!! argh!) hair with disgust. And my hair guy was incredulous at the state of pathetic-ness of my hair. Anyway, he said something to the effect of it would only take an inch or two to do the job. And he proceeded to take off like half of my hair, which for those of you keeping score at home, is way more than an inch. Anyway, I don't really care because it looks great and it will grow back (in four or five months time!), but do hair stylists learn in school that they should always tell their clients an inch? Even if it's more like four or five?

Since I was in the neighborhood, I walked the couple of blocks to my little boutique and was disturbed by the tunic trend. Tunics? WTF? How is a girl supposed to wear a tunic? Especially a not entirely flat-stomached girl? Even more disturbing was the overabundance of super short mini dresses. Hello? November? Minnesota? I was hoping for a great long-sleeved, knee length dress or a mid-length dress paired with a little light-weight cardigan. And I got mini dresses. I hightailed it out of there without even going to the back of the store to see the accessories. Bummer.

So shopping was a bust today. But my hair is awesome. If I knew how to take a picture on Biker Boy's digital camera, I would, but I don't, so you'll just have to imagine me with great hair.

1 comment:

  1. Oh amen on the tunics. It's like the fashion world hates anyone who wears anything larger than a size 4. I was pretty excited when tunics became popular, because I thought it was a nice change from the midriff baring excuses for shirts that preceded them. But holy hell tunics are horrible for those of us who slightly larger than skinny. Way to help us emphasize the roll! What's next? Flashing belts that say FAT IS HERE!?
