Monday, March 17, 2025

Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha #1) by Tasha Suri

The Books of Ambha duology by Tasha Suri is on the Reddit list of Top Books by Women. Empire of Sand is the first book in that series. 

Mehr is the illegitimate daughter of the Governor. Her mother was Amrithi, a desert nomad. Amrithi are outcasts, not welcomed into the Empire's society. But Mehr has Amrithi power, an ability to harness the power of the desert storms and when her power is noted, she is soon married in order to harness that power, although that power is used for evil. Now she and her husband Amun must trust in one another to survive.

The writing was beautiful. But this book was a slog with the same things happening over and over again and there were scenes of what I thought of as unnecessarily graphic violence. I think this is a style situation where if that style is your jam, that's great. It's not a book for me. I did like the slow burn romance, but I also question whether or not Mehr would have fallen in love with anyone who was kind to her. 

The magic of this world is super interesting, though. I wish I had loved this book because I am curious about what's going to happen with the magic in the next book. I glanced at the description of the next book and it looks like it's about Mehr's younger sister and it's almost 500 pages. Hmmm. I'm not sure I'm invested enough to continue.

3/5 stars

Lines of note:

Mehr woke up to a soft voice calling her name. Without thought, she reached a hand beneath her pillow and closed her fingers carefully around the hilt of her dagger. (location 72)

What an opening line!

Mehr was suddenly quite sure that if she could have chosen her own suitor instead of being drawn into the mystics’ net, she would have selected the kind of man who did not answer a question with a question. She wanted a truthful man, a straightforward one. She wanted someone who would not make a game of her life. (location 1363)

I mean, I think that's fair.

“The bonds that tie people together change who they are,” Mehr said. “They have to.” (location 2955)

Do you think this is true? Do you think that every interaction you have with someone changes you?

Mehr had significant experience in keeping her head lowered and her mouth silent. In that moment, she chose to put the skill to good use. (location 4417)

I should learn this skill. 

Hat mentions:


Is there a book you can think of that has great writing, but that just didn't hit for you?


  1. A few years ago I read the 7 1/2 lives of someone - it was a mystery and I can't remember the name, except that it came out at the same time as the 7 Husbands of Evelyn Somebody (could look this up but lazy) and I always conflate the titles, despite them being very different books. Anyway, the mystery book was well done but I just didn't enjoy it. I'm not a mysterious gal!

    1. I DNFed that book, too! It's the 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle (the mystery one - I DNFed this one because it needed a far more conscientious reader than I am) and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (fun Hollywood story!) and I also conflate those titles ALL THE TIME.

  2. Ha ha, I do know the book Nicole is talking about- the 7 and 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. I liked it but I can see how someone wouldn't, especially if you don't like mysteries. Anyway- this book sounds... good... but I'm not sure if I'm up for a "slog." I am intirgued though- I'm about to finish Jonathan Strange and would be interested in more books about magic.

    1. You may be ready for The Realm of the Elderlings, Jenny. Once you read Robin Hobb, nothing will ever be good again, though.

  3. I don't know if the writing is spectacular but Diana Gabaldon's Outlander books never hit with me. Everyone was reading them and I just couldn't.

    1. I read the first one, but the graphic sexual assault scenes are too much for the likes of me. I have not read any other in that series.

    2. Hard same. WAY too rapey.

  4. I pass by book reports, but when I saw that I was a fantasy, I stopped. It’s been a long time since I read a good fantasy, but I don’t think this will be the one to break the famine.

  5. I don't do a great job of keeping track of what books I've read and how I felt about them. There was a book I read for book club a few years ago that I really disliked. It hopped from one hot topic (uncle groping daughter, drugs, war, stereotypes, etc) to another, tying to be so relevant to the times (the 60's, if memory serves). It felt really forced and I was over it. By the time another 'issue' was introduced I was full of eye rolls.

    1. So many things in one book! I'd give that an eyeroll, too. It's like the Forrest Gump of books.

  6. I do not generally read, or like if I do read, books with swords on the cover, or crowns, or large keys. I'm just not a sword-and-sorcery fantasy lover - my fantasy tastes skew more urban. I don't think every interaction with everyone changes me, but I do think there's something to the thought that if you're very close with someone it is quite likely that you will change your thinking slightly because of that bond. My closest female friends, in particular, have caused me to become more apt to stand up for myself (even if it's while talking to them, ha ha) and to be less critical of myself (sometimes).

    1. We are fantasy opposites. Urban fantasy tends to be too dark for me. I like imagining these places that don't really exist. LOL. And sometimes there are DRAGONS, which is the epitome of awesome to me.

  7. 'would have fallen in love with anyone who was kind ot her' Omg Engie is she Valancy?

    1. YES!! Except not nearly as optimistic. LOL.
