Thursday, January 23, 2025

Photo (Almost) Every Hour 1/22/2025

5:43am - The alarm went off at 5:30 and I slowly made my way out of the blankets. I was doomscrolling, so I stopped and read my Kindle for a few minutes. 

6:16am - The temps were over zero this morning (six degrees, to be exact), so Lady Hannah deigned to walk half a mile with me. Look at those ears. It was snowing a tiny bit and we were supposed to get "trace" amounts of snow today (foreshadowing). 

6:29am - (a repeat of the 6 o'clock hour because I forgot the next one) - Zelda, oh Zelda. You GUYS. It is unfair that she is so sick AGAIN. More on this tomorrow, but she's really in it and apparently the limit of how much we're willing to spend to keep her alive is between $42 a month and $341 a month.

8:45am - This is the alligator plant in my office. It has grown since I first got it, so I think it's doing okay in my office under the lamp. 

9:20am - Settling in for a two hour meeting on a software rollout. Don't worry, friends. I brought tea. 

10:48am - Still in the meeting. Look at these lovely chairs. One of my co-workers started talking about the best chair she ever sat in (Allsteel #19, which I don't think is made anymore) and we all started complaining about our office chairs. We are the coolest. 

11:04am - Walking out of the meeting! It's real snow! It was liking walking around in a snow globe. I was very excited about this - some of my co-workers were not. Oh, well. It would have been nicer if the wind wasn't bitterly cold. I blame Canada for this cold air. 

12:14pm - What am I wearing today? 

Cowl neck dress from Rowan Grey Clothing - Look, it's a tunic in my world - it's not nearly long enough to be a dress - it hits the model at the knees, but it's barely to my mid-thigh. The pockets are amazing and super deep and it's the coziest garment ever. 

Duluth Trading Co NoGA Naturale Leggings 

Cydwok Deform boots (in brown/dark brown)

 - I haven't actually done any work today because I've just been in meetings.

2:54pm - You guys! Sometimes I forget that I'm even doing this photo every hour thing. My boss got everyone on the team a version of this saying for Christmas. Everything IS figureoutable. 

3:31pm - Afternoon treat. Should I have an afternoon treat? Don't answer that. 

4:35pm - Snow! Look at our poor car all covered in snow. 

4:59pm - Who loves the snow? And the fact that is now above 15 degrees, which is when I don't make her wear her coat?

5:12pm - Look at my baby who was having so much fun running around in the snow like a crazy dog. 

6:26pm - We're still working on Hannah's fear of the hula hoop. Why is she scared? I DON'T KNOW. I also don't know why she tucks her tail when I ask her to lift her rear right foot. I wish she spoke English. 

7:24pm - Working on this post!

8:30pm - It's still snowing! Hannah was living her best life and I was, too. We love the snow. My husband shoveled and I had to laugh as he was inside long before we got back from our walk and the plow drove by just as we were coming up the driveway. I know some people who are going to have shovel out the end of the driveway in the morning.

9:12pm - I cuddled with the kitty for a few minutes before showering. Poor kitty just doesn't feel good. She was purring and leaning into the pets and who was I to say no to her?

And then I went to bed.


When's the last time you had to shovel snow? 


  1. I haven't had to shovel snow at all this winter. We keep getting maybe an inch which blows around, so I let nature do the work. ( we shoveled incessantly last January, so I'm enjoying the light snow.) I like shoveling, though- it's calm out there under the clouds.
    I'm sorry about Zelda- I hope you find something that helps her. mbmom11

    1. I like shoveling, too. It's such a weird thing - it's cold outside and you're sweating from the work. It's fun times!

  2. We may have to push a little snow around this morning after a light fall last night. The contractor won't come for that amount. But I do call what we do, pushing, more than shovelling.

    Poor Zelda.

    1. Sometimes we'll literally sweep the snow with a broom if it's just a dusting. You can't leave it there because it'll turn to ice, but it's not worth shoveling!

  3. We have no snow at all! I mean, in the mountains yes, but the valley where I live is completely snowless. Rex would be bereft if he knew that others had snow. But happily, he's a dog, he has no access to the weather network. I love these posts. Raspberry and chocolate is a great combination and I do love your dress/ tunic. It looks great on you! I'm so sorry about Zelda.

    1. I won't tell Rex about our snow if you don't!

  4. You got a lot of snow! It does look fun and exciting, but I'm glad I'm not there. Although if I were there I would cuddle with Zelda all day, so that would be good.
    I love your dress, and yes it does look extremely cozy.

    1. Oh, it is so much fun. I really do love a good snow. And this one is a good snow - it's light and fluffy, so shoveling is easy and it's fun to play in.

  5. I shoveled a few weeks ago. It was morning and there was prob less than an inch, but I wanted to clear the driveway before the cars drove over it and we ended up with frozen tire tracks indefinitely. Love the tunic. That would also be a tunic on me. Poor, sweet Zelda.

    1. I can't believe how short it is on me. Oh, well. It's a winter garment, so I guess it's fine that it's so short. I would have been bummed if I had ordered it and it was that short if I had intended to wear it during warmer weather because it's not an appropriate length.

  6. I last shoveled snow in 2018, and was I excited to move to Florida! Though Florida did get snow yesterday, it was in the Panhandle, which is a good 5-6-hour drive from me.

    Poor Zelda. I'm so sorry you're going through this.

    1. I think I would miss the snow if I were you. But I guess that's what makes us all different people, right?


  7. We have had snow all week. There was no forecast, but it just showed up. Annoying.
    Sweet Zelda. 😘❤️

    1. Our snow was not forecast, either. It was a surprise!

  8. Awwww...lap kitty. I love it. Sorry she is not feeling well! As far as snow goes, my memories of shoveling are from childhood when we had to do it a lot. In fact, any day that we had a snow day (day off) from school, we had to shovel the upper patio of my parents' business, which was a pain, because you could not just toss it over the edge because there was a second patio below, so you had to walk over to the side and heave it over. Our snow is called Sierra Cement because it is very wet and heavy, not like yours which (if it is like Iowa) is more light and dry!

  9. Last time I shoveled snow? Funny you should ask: this morning. What a coincidence, huh? (I was only expecting an inch tops, but like you, I love snow. No complaints here. At least Hwy. 12 to and from Madison was easy to navigate. County Road K, less so.)

    I love this photo-every-hour idea BTW. Also, poor Zelda.
