Friday, January 24, 2025

Five for Friday, Edition #13

1) We took the Christmas decorations down last weekend. It made me sad, but we had to do it because someone (I won't name names) had puked up a hairball on the tree skirt and the only real way to clean it was to take the tree down to put the tree skirt in the washer. The good news is that the days are getting longer. The bad news is that doesn't help me in the mornings when it's pitch black and I'm walking Hannah. ANYWAY. That's done. Now I have the annual question of "what do I do with the holiday cards" that always involves me stacking them up on the desk in our living room and then throwing them away in a fit of spring clean in April. 

2) Earlier this month, I had a bloggy meetup with Anne and Sarah! Yes, I should show you a photo of the three us being cool together, but this is me, so here's what you get instead. If you also live in southeastern Wisconsin or northern Illinois, let me know. I'll definitely come to your house and make your dog take selfies with me. 

Annabel and me. Obviously we're in love. 

3) I recently went to a class to learn how to clean my sewing machine, something I literally had never done the entire time I have owned my machine. Did you know you're supposed to clean it EVERY YEAR? LOLOLOL. It's clean now. Will that be the catalyst I need to hem the pants?  We'll see! (I think we all know the answer is no.)

4) If you have talked to me in person in the last three weeks, I've probably talked about one of two pieces of media - either the fact that we're watching a show on Netflix called Evil or that I'm listening to the audiobook of Gone With the Wind

Discussion with my (lapsed Catholic) husband after an episode of Evil, a show I have taken to calling Demon Detectives:
Him: If I'm dying, I'd like last rites, okay? Just in case.
Me: Okay. I'll do that for you.
(pause while he looks at me expectantly)
Me: What?
Him: And you?
Me: Oh, no. I don't need it. It's all made up. I know what happens when we die.
Him: What happens?
Me: My body rots?
Him: But what about your soul?
Me: There is no such thing.
Him. Atheists

Also, there's going to be an entire post (maybe two? or three? or a million?) about Gone With the Wind, but I want you all to know right now that it's a true masterpiece and I now want to be a southern belle who owns sawmills and hates my children. 

5) Let's talk about the cat. Zelda's had chronic diarrhea for weeks, going on a month now. She was on an antibiotic for two rounds and then they did an ultrasound. She had an ultrasound in 2022 when she was diagnosed with IBS for kitties, so they compared it and saw an increased thickening in the small intestine. What this means is one of two scenarios:

a) Her IBS is getting worse. The thickening will continue. This is treated with steroids. Hey, don't worry, your cat who already begs for food ALL DAMN DAY will beg EVEN MORE because she will have the hunger. And the thirst. 

b) It's a slow-growing cancer. This would be treated with chemo and then the very same steroid. About half of the people who start chemo on cats don't finish because the side effects of nausea and vomiting are too bad. PLUS. To determine it's cancer and not her IBS, we'd need to do an endoscopy that would run $2000-$3000. 

We told the vet that we were just going to put her on steroid and move on with our lives. If it's cancer, the steroids will help her symptoms and we're just not willing to shell out thousands of dollars AGAIN. The vet called in a script to Walgreen's and I went to pick it up. 

Pharm tech: That'll be $341. I put the GoodRx coupon on there and everything. 
Me: Excuse me?
Pharm tech: $341.
Me: How many doses is that?
Pharm tech: It's a 30-day supply.
Me: Um. Can you hold on to that for a bit?

I texted my vet friend (I swear I don't take advantage of this relationship!) and asked if $341 was a reasonable price for a month's worth of the medication and she said NO WAY! Don't pay that! She'll fill it at the vet office. The next morning she texted that it was ready and would be $41.42. 

So we learned that I'm unwilling to pay $341 a month for the rest of Zelda's life, but $41 is reasonable. I feel sort of like a bad cat friend, but here we are. 

She started on the steroids and we are hoping for the best. In the meantime, just so you know, her litter box is STILL REALLY GROSS and I'm scooping it three or four times a day. And what a good kitty because she always makes it to the box even when it looks like it was an emergent situation. 

She's never going to "get better" from this, regardless of what it is, but hopefully her symptoms will decrease. Poor kitty.

Hannah on our Thursday walk after work. I just didn't want her to be jealous of the photo with Annabel. 


What piece of media are you talking about these days?


  1. What is this thing called sewing machine?

    And … I’m with you. This is the whole ride.

    And … I admire you for doing what you have with Zelda. I probably would have sought the final solution by now. It’s just that I think there’s only so much we can do to help a cat. Depending on the cat, of course. Our girl would have trouble accepting ministrations.

    1. Right now the entire ministration is weighing her once in a while and hiding a pill in her food twice a day. That's not too bad! Hopefully the medicine will soon provide her with some relief.

  2. Oh honey, I'm sorry about Zelda. It's so rough.
    Can I tell you what happened with Barkley? He was diagnosed with cancer in Jan 2021, and our options were pretty horrific, and I wasn't about to put a 13 year old dog through them. So I said we'll just wait and see what happens. I didn't think he'd last until the spring. He lived another year and a half, and I am sure it's because we all became super-indulgent with him because he was in his last days. "Now THIS is worth living for." Ah, dark humour. Anyway, he died not of cancer but of a stroke, but then he was 14 by that time and that is pretty old for a dog of his size and breed. Barkley! What a sweet boy he was. He also had doggie dementia and once got "lost" under the coats that were hanging on hooks by the back door. What a good boy.
    I did not know that sewing machines needed cleaning, not that I have one, but I have never thought about it before.
    Well, fiddle-dee-dee. Yes, GWTW is super problematic BUT it also is an incredible work of literature. Scarlett is a pretty amazing heroine.
    I was just telling someone about the book The Body, which I read last week. The last person to die of smallpox was accidentally exposed when a scientist was working with the virus samples before the deadline to destroy all virus samples. When the scientist found out about the person that died, he killed himself. So technically HE was the last person to die due to smallpox. For some reason I can't stop telling people about this. I AM SO FUN TO BE AROUND, BE MY FRIEND.

    1. I think Zelda's going to be the same way, Nicole. The vet told us that she's going to be insatiable with the steroids and I can already tell we're going to be "fuck it, she's only going to live once" and feed her whatever she wants. I mean we kept her in good shape/fighting weight to help her live her best life, able to run and jump as long as she could. I hope we still have her for a good while, but she's going to be spoiled as long as that is.

      GWTW is a masterpiece. I have no idea why I cared about any of those absolutely terrible characters, but somehow I did. I just couldn't think too hard about the Confederate sympathies.

      That's a sad anecdote, Nicole. STOP THINKING ABOUT IT.

  3. Oh Zelda. Sweet kitty. By the way, you are the opposite of a bad cat friend. You are loving and doing all the things including making informed decisions about what's best for her health.

    I did not know that sewing machines needed cleaning... we have never once cleaned my kid's sewing machine and she has had it for several years.

    I kind of feel like the pants hemming is akin to my gallery wall. Always planned, never executed. SIGH.

    My husband and I just started watching American Primeval, which is SO VIOLENT and also I cannot stop watching it!

    1. Poor Zelda. She's not been very lucky in her little life. We'll make sure she has the best life she can.

      My sewing machine wasn't that dirty, actually. But it's probably worth it for Carla to take off the throat place and use some Qtips to get the fabric lint out of there. Or not. You know what? If her feed dogs are working and the fabric isn't getting caught up, it's probably clean enough.

    2. I do not understand any of those words, Engie! If you're going to do a consultation with Birchie, can my kid join in???

  4. I am dealing with "Rebecca" as I had my son read it for homeschooling. He's just about finished - the last few chapters had him perk up - it was a slog there for a while. Then I get to make him write some essays. Also dealing with someone in my house watching "Three Pines" and complaining about it, but he won't stop watching it. (I've read the books so he keeps asking my opinion about things. I'm not watching it - don't ask me - it's probably different than the books!)
    Hopefully Zelda responds to the steroids and keeps her happier for a while.

    1. I'm so glad "Rebecca" didn't get the vote for CBBC if it's a slog in the middle. Imagine having to come up with discussion points about a slog!

  5. I am quite confident I will never use a sewing machine, so am not too worried about learning how to clean one. This from a woman who has literally never cleaned an oven in her life. Oh dear. What does that say about me?

    Poor Zelda. I love Nicole's advice to just love on her as much as possible and I know you do that so well. It must be so stressful and exhausting, but you are showing up when and how she needs you. I do hope the steroids help her recover, and I'm glad you were able to find them for a more reasonable price. Sending hugs.

    Also, ANNABEL. You know I'm not a pet person, but I desperately want to snuggle that adorable little puff ball!!!

    1. I don't know. Sometimes (OFTENTIMES) I think about the Sisyphean task of housework. It's FINE if my shower is a little dingy, isn't it? Because once I'm dead, no one is going to talk about how clean my shower was.

  6. Oh, why can you not live closer to me? I'd help you with sweet Zelda, and you could hem my mother's pants which have been sitting on my chair for 5 days now because I really do NOT want to cut off about 4 inches and then hem them.

    I adore GWTW. I've read it approximately 40 times, and no, I am not kidding. Please do yourself an enormous favour and DO NOT READ Scarlett, its unauthorized 1991 sequel by Alexandra Ripley. What an absolute abomination of a book. Margaret Mitchell's estate was reportedly quite embarrassed by it. I know I was.

    1. I will not read Scarlett. The book is wonderful on its own! I don't need. I know what I think happened after the book ended and don't want to read a sequel to find out someone else thinks differently!

  7. I remember reading Gone With The Wind when I was in high school, maybe grade 7 or 8, because I was newly into romance novels and everyone told me that Gone with the Wind was the most romantic thing and of course how could it not with that cover of Vivian Leigh in Clarke Gable's arms, all shoulders and heaving bosoms. And I got to the end and was. so. disappointed. (I don't want to assume you know what happens at the end, but I sort of think of GWTW like the Usual Suspects - doesn't EVERYONE know what happens at the end? But I won't spoil it just in case.)
    Anyway, it was just not the book I was expecting.
    I did, on a whim, a few years ago open up my sewing machine to clean it because the nice lady at the church who was in charge of the mask making ministry said I should oil my machine to keep it working smoothly. And I opened it up and there was entire herds of dust bunnies in there. So now when I'm using my sewing machine I will periodically open it up and swish the little brush around it. I am rooting for you to get those pants hemmed.
    Oh poor Zelda! I think it's one thing for $341 one time, but for the rest of her life? I think you guys are giving Zelda a great life, even without shelling out $341 a month.

    1. I truly knew nothing about the plot of the book, Diane. Nothing. I loved the ending! It was perfect! I mean, I know exactly what happened after the ending, so of course I thought it was perfect.

      Oh, those pants. I should hem them. *sigh* But I don't want to.

  8. I hope her symptoms decrease too and you are a wonderful cat friend. It was smart to check in on that price!!! Sending Zelda comfy vibes.

    LOL cleaning a sewing machine what?!

    1. Cleaning the machine is actually pretty important because if too much lint/fabric dust gets under the throat plate, it can get really backed up! It was sort of fun to learn the proper way to clean it and see what it looked like in there.

  9. Poor Zelda! I totally understand how you feel about the money part; don't hit yourself too hard about that. The tradeoffs aren't always so obvious, but we all make them. I hope the steroids help her.

    1. I hope the steroids help, too. It's clear that she just has constant belly discomfort. Fingers crossed she starts to get some relief soon.

  10. We might have to do a virtual sewing machine consultation! I rarely sew, but I've had the same machine all my life and it doesn't work very well. Something tells me that cleaning might be the answer. I have no plans to sew anything, but I use it for repairs and such.

    It's good that whether it's cancer or not has the same treatment - there is really no reason to know one way or the other. I hope that Ms Z is feeling better.

    1. Oh, yes!! We could do a little virtual session! I can email you a scan of the document she gave us with cleaning supplies and the like. Depending on what is not working very well, cleaning it might make it seem like a brand new machine.

  11. Poor kitty, poor you. It is so difficult to face limits in the care we can give to pets, but I think you are doing a great job at being compassionate and reasonable. I hope she feels better soon!

    1. Fingers crossed she gets relief soon! She's so good-natured about it, even though she's clearly in discomfort.

  12. Well, I hate to brag, but I'm pretty obsessive about keeping my sewing machine clean! 🤣 I used to take it to get serviced at a dealer every year, until they finally told me, "You don't need to do this - you keep it so clean!"
    You are the best friend Zelda could have. ❤️

    1. I hope Zelda knows how much she's loved. Even if we are cheapskates about purchasing prednisolone.

  13. You know, I think I had an *inkling* that sewing machines need to be cleaned occasionally; but I haven't taken it upon myself to look into it or do anything about it. But then again, I haul my machine out maybe once every couple of years or so. So, I'm going with the assumption that I'm good for now.

    I'm so sorry about Zelda's prognosis. You are a good cat friend to try and make her comfortable and happy.

    Gone with the Wind; problematic in so many ways but such a great book.

  14. Our recent media conversations include...nothing. We were in Mexico for 10 days and our bungalow's TV was dysfunctional. Speaking of religion though, we did have a good conversation a while ago about the film, Heretic. I recommend it.
    P.S. Price gouging is the new watching the news aka stupefying.

  15. I love Gone With the Wind SO MUCH. I hate the horrible racism, I hate that they are glorifying the Confederacy, all of that. But Scarlett sees through it at some level, she knows she doesn't feel the way that others feel, doesn't think it's worth dying for the cause. I ached for her when she wanted Rhett but he didn't want her (but he did want her, but thought she didn't want him...UGH). And she just shouldered that entire family and pulled them with her, not letting them die in genteel poverty, which surely they would have done had they not had a lioness living amongst them. I HAVE THOUGHTS ON THIS BOOK.

    Regarding Zelda. SIGH. There was a period of perhaps 10 days when we knew Mulder had lymphoma, but had to wait for an appointment to see the oncologist (if we could have gotten him in sooner, would the treatment have been more successful? WE WILL NEVER KNOW. Lymphoma is a fast motherfucker. (I swore on Sarah's blog today too, I'm in a mood)) and I tortured myself trying to figure out what was best to do. I joined FB groups for his breed, and asked people what they had done. There was some wisdom there, about knowing your pet, about knowing your own limits, about helping them to live their best life, all of that. One man said he had treated one dog with chemo, and it worked well. He did not treat another dog, because that dog was so afraid of the vet, and it's a weekly appointment. Another said they would never put another dog through the treatment, it was miserable. Another said their dog tolerated it well, and didn't really suffer any side effects. So many different possibilities and outcomes, right? But Zelda. She's been through a lot already with the radiation. You don't even know whether it's cancer, and to find out is very expensive and invasive. And so many people quit the treatment, because their cats are miserable. That's a lot. I think that what you're doing is what I would do. It's what I did do, when Mulder's cancer came back. His chances of going into remission again were not great (at least not of staying in remission) and we didn't want to put him through feeling crummy for 2 out of every 7 days, for it to just come back again. And it was expensive. So we put him on prednisone (cheaper than what Zelda is taking, for sure...Zelda's steroid wasn't offered to us) and it worked for a little while. ANYWAY, as we know that Zelda already has IBS, I'm guessing that is what the issue is, and I'm hopeful that the steroids help her feel better and that she has a long, healthy life. <3

  16. Ugh, I am sorry about Zelda. Those are tough decisions to make and i don't blame you for asking your vet friend about the drug price. I mean, maybe you would have spent the $340 if there was no other option but why pay extra, if you don't have to? That was just smart on your part.

    Haha, I had to laugh about the conversation with Dr BB... no last rites for you! LOL

  17. Oh poor Zelda! And what a good girl for always going in the litter box. Give her some extra hugs and cuddles from me. And, I'm laughing at the conversation with your husband- no last rites for me either! It'a all made up. I like how your husband is covering all bases though.

  18. I'm not gonna call you a bad cat friend, but I'm thinking you are a wise consumer, because holy cow that's a big price difference. And poor Zelda and poor you. I love the pic of you and Annabelle and I'm laughing that you had to post Hannah so she isn't jealous. Well played. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in the 'what should I do with all of these Christmas cards?' I find stacks of them in cabinets and in the study closet years later. I hate throwing away photographs. I'm not in northern Illinois. I'm in a western burb, but I can drive to a northern burb. But, and this seems important, I don't have a dog for you to snuggle and pose for photos with. Oh, AND - I was blown away that my sewing machine stopped working (this was years ago) and then I discovered that they need to be oiled and cleaned and serviced, I guess it makes sense, but of all the sewing tips from my two grandmas, and one bought me a machine - that was never mentioned. My sewing machine died while I was making Ed a Halloween costume so he would be Chewbacca. At the tender age of 5, he selected the very thick fake fur fabric (he made me go to multiple fabric stores till we found 'the one.')
