Friday, October 04, 2024

September 2024 Accountability Buddy

Sunday, September 1 & Monday, September 2
Days off - You may or may not remember the lipoma/cyst situation.

Tuesday, September 3
45-minute body blast class at the community center - First time wearing a sports bra in a week. Not awesome, but doable. 

Wednesday, September 4
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime*
35-minute vinyasa with 2Birds Yoga

Thursday, September 5
32-minute cardio with Kat Gates-Buettner

Friday, September 6
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
30-minute yin yoga with Travis Eliot - I've never done a video with this fellow before, but it was awesome. I'll definitely be doing this one again. 

Saturday, September 7
40-minute total body with Sydney Cummings

Sunday, September 8
30-minute biceps and back with Sydney Cummings

Monday, September 9
30-minute yoga in the student union at lunchtime

Tuesday, September 10
45-minute body blast at the community center

Wednesday, September 11
35-minute yoga with Two Birds - Maybe a slightly more advanced video; she gave very limited cues, so if you don't know what triangle pose is, you'd be struggling a bit. That being said, I found it incredibly meditative and restorative while also working up a sweat. 

Thursday, September 12
35-minute cardio with Kat Gates-Buettner - I was due for a leg workout, but my legs were sore (maybe from body blast?), so I just did some cardio I'll probably take tomorrow off and try again on Saturday.

Friday, September 13
Day off

Saturday, September 14
I did 10 minutes of a leg workout with Sydney and felt something happen in my right hip. Egads. 
35-minute hip opening yoga with Kassandra instead

Sunday, September 15
Still have that low back/hip issue, so I'm still trying to work that out.
26-minute Yoga with Adriene for lower back
23-minute Yoga with Adriene for hips & lower back release

Monday, September 16
30-minute yoga in the student union at lunchtime - I'm pretty sure my issue was a kidney stone and the kidney stone has passed. 

Tuesday, September 17
45-minute body blast class at the community center

Wednesday, September 18
Day off

Thursday, September 19 
30-minute yoga in the student union at lunchtime

Friday, September 20
30-minute glutes and abs with Sydney

Saturday, September 21
40-minute arms with Sydney

Sunday, September 22
30-minute HIIT with Sydney
15-minute yin yoga with Sara Beth Yoga

Monday, September 23
30-minute yoga in the student union at lunchtime

Tuesday, September 24
45-minute body blast class at the community center

Wednesday, September 25
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime

Thursday, September 26
30-minute yoga in the student union at lunchtime

Friday, September 27
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
45-minute leg workout with Sydney - this is the one I stopped on the 14th; I had to get back on the horse

Saturday, September 28
Endless amounts of yardwork. I wanted to put up Halloween decorations, so we tried to tame the jungle around the porch. And then I did more work to clean up the beds along the driveway. I'm counting this.

Sunday, September 29
40-minutes HIIT abs and cardio with Sydney

Monday, September 30
30-minute yoga in the student union at lunchtime

Totals: 25/30 (83.3%) days of exercise (30 minutes or more)
14 days strength/cardio
11 days yoga
4 15-minute stretch classes at lunchtime

What's your favorite exercise? Are you more or less excited to exercise now that it's fall?


  1. I walk a couple/few miles a day. Yesterday, I also had to do pond maintenance. All of that was rendered far more pleasant in the low humidity, 68 degree weather. I'm ready for cooler, drier weather. It makes everything much more tolerable. Am I sad that my basil is done and that means no more pesto? Yes. But on to other seasonal delights!

    1. This comment reminds me that cooler weather means more yard work. *sigh* We tend to just let things grow and grow and grow in the summer, but now we need to cut things back and rake leaves and it's going to be so much work. Oh, well. You're right in that it will be better to do now that's it's cooler.

  2. Favourite form of exercise. Walking around a city. I hate exercising and KNOWING I'm exercising. But if I walk 20 km zig zagging across a city, I trick my brain and it doesn't feel angsty about exercise. I really dislike intentional exercise. Why???
    Though, and it doesn't really tick the "exercise" box perhaps...I'm suddenly LOVING yin yoga. Where has that been all of my life??
    I love exercising in the fall. This is my fav type of exercising weather (for walking because I have stopped running entirely of late). But I also feel impending doom because I know winter is coming and I am not a fan of winter at all. Maybe I need to do a winter walking club so I actually get my butt out the door. But I don't know if I have the heart to do it. I'm a delicate orchid come December...

    1. Yin yoga is my jam. I can get "credit" for working out for chilling in five poses in an hour? Sign me up!

      If you got a dog, you'd have to walk every day no matter what!

  3. Well, I think you know my answer. Running is life, and everything else is just filler. I will be super happy when our weather starts to cool down, but we're not there yet.
    So your back is okay? You think it was a kidney stone? My low back has been really achy but I don't think it's s kidney stone, sigh.
    Nice job this month!

    1. Yeah, I get kidney stones pretty regularly and usually just power through them. It's nice to be a woman for once because they are so much easier to pass than for a man. Sometimes it's hard for me to determine if it's muscle pain or kidney stone pain, but in this case, the pain kept moving so it became pretty obvious at a certain point.

  4. Great work friend - you're keeping up, no matter what. How's your hip?
    Favorite form of exercise: running, obvs. But I also really love a lot of other things - haha.

  5. One-hour walk most mornings before work. Which, this time of year, means in the dark. When the cold weather hits, I stick to the treadmill, which isn't nearly as stimulating (but I do get to watch old sitcoms, so there's that).
