Sunday, October 06, 2024

Cool Bloggers Walking Club 9/30 - 10/5

Elisbeth's Cool Blogger Walking Club is in its fall session. Can you walk ten minutes a day? I'm hoping Hannah and I can!

Monday, September 30
30-minute morning walk with Hannah- It's some sort of hunting season (duck? coot? turkey? I suspect something to do with water) and there were a lot of gunshots and poor Hannah was not enjoying it.
17-minute walk with Hannah after work - It felt like summer. The weather is supposed to cool tomorrow, so I tried to soak in the warmth.
13-minute walk with Hannah before bed

Monday morning walk. What a model.

Tuesday, October 1
32-minute morning walk with Hannah
23-minute walk with Hannah before bed

Hannah did get an afternoon walk with her boy human in the daylight.

Wednesday, October 2
28-minute morning walk with Hannah
30-minute walk with Hannah after work
15 minute walk with Hannah before bed

This cracks me up. Look at Hannah's nostrils! Look at my forehead vein. We are GORGEOUS.

Thursday, October 3
31-minute morning walk with Hannah (who was an absolute PILL on this walk, btw, pulling and crossing over from my left side to the right and you would think it was her first day with us!)
15-minute walk with Hannah before bed

Friday, October 4
29-minute morning walk with Hannah
29-minute walk with Hannah before bed

Saturday, October 6
30-minute morning walk with Hannah - the dog is sick AGAIN
6-minute walk with Hannah around the block before we left for a couple of hours for a work event - this did not go well because Hannah's GI issues are back AND there is duck hunting happening
10-minute walk with Hannah around the block after the vet had been here (you know things are getting real when your veterinarian makes a house call - just wait until you get the full story of how a dog and cat can destroy all your weekend plans)
9-minute walk with Hannah around the block when we got back from a Costco run 
18-minute walk with Hannah before bed - She was very begrudging about this, but we did it. 

I'm ready to go to work and Hannah is contemplating whether or not it's appropriate to have a mental breakdown

Who else is joining Cool Bloggers Walking Club? Are you finding yourself walking in the dark a lot with these shorter days?


  1. I love the last photo of the two of you. And I hope Hannah is okay.

    I'm in for The Club. I do my walking in the daylight thus far--retired, you know. Today's walking will be following Theo around the house during Football Sunday and maybe a stroller walk outdoors. He's crawling everywhere now, and he's even taking a few steps!

    I'm on tenterhooks here, waiting for the vet story! And how is Zelda involved? Is she making Hannah sick? Is it psychosomatic? And does Hannah have access to the litterbox? Ugh.

    1. Poor Zelda is sick and I swear Hannah was upset that Zelda was getting attention. LOL. They'll both be fine, but having pets is so stressful! Based on the way my husband and I react if our four-legged girls are sick, I'm quite glad we don't have children. We'd just be bundles of nerves all the time.

  2. Oh no, poor Hannah. Doggo sends all of her good thoughts for a speedy recovery.

    Doggo finally seems to have gotten the hang of a traditional dog walk, so we're enjoying walking around the block and going to our neighborhood park. For the longest time when we went out she would keep circling the house or pace in front of our house and not want to go any further than that. She is better about walking if both Hubs and I are with her - if there is just one hooman then she tends toward shorter walks.

    1. Yay for Doggo figuring out that walks are good times. Hannah is VERRRRY confused when we're both on walks with her - whose lead does she follow? the person with the leash or the person who seems more in charge by leading? what is a dog to do? - so we don't go out as a family very much unless Hannah can be off leash.

  3. Charlie had a GI issue this past week, too! I thought it was possibly because I made the stupid choice to give him a pig ear (I unearthed a bag in the cabinet that I had bought a long time ago, before we realized he has the MOST sensitive stomach on the planet.) For some reason I thought, I think it will be fine. Or, it could be because I gave him some peanut butter during a training session- also something he is not used to. Anyway, not sure if it was either of those things, or an actual bug he picked up from eating something, etc, but he had loose stools for days and was waking up nightly multiple times scratching at the door. But then we would take him out, and he wouldn't do anything! It was almost like he just didn't feel good at night or something. Super weird, because he normally sleeps the whole night. His stomach would also intermittently make super strange gurgling and growling noises, as if he were starving (but he WAS eating). We called the vet a couple times but ended up mostly just waiting it out a little, and he seems to be better now I think....

    1. Oh, he's a good boy for letting you know he wanted out, though. Poor guy. My vet said that since animals are getting ready for winter, they're eating a lot and scat is everywhere and irresistible to dogs. It's possible Charlie or Hannah just licked/ate some scat. Ugh.

      There's a magical drug called metronidazole that we give Hannah when she has diarrhea and it does help really quickly. If he's not feeling better soon, ask your vet for a prescription. Five to seven days and he should be good to go!

  4. Boy, that Hannah really gets you out walking, doesn't she? Mulder never got 3 walks a day, and rarely did he even get 2. We were a 1 walk in the morning family. Do you not have a fenced in yard? Is this why she gets a walk before bed? In California, the yards are fenced in, so you can let your dog out to do their business, and not get the benefits of an evening constitutional.

    I'm in on the walking club, though I haven't written about it yet...thankful to Elisabeth for the motivation! I'm sorry that Hannah's tummy is feeling crummy. I miss SO MUCH about having a dog, but tummy troubles is not one of them. Genevieve was prone to diarrhea, and Mulder was prone to puke. Either way, gross.

    1. We do not have a fence and, honestly, a trip around the backyard is not usually enough for high-energy breeds to replace a walk. For many breeds, a walk a day is sufficient, but Hannah tends to get into trouble without a lot of mental stimulation. We've always walked Hannah at least three times a day and it's good for all of us!

  5. I agree with J that you fit in so much walking with Hannah. Love all these pictures, but ugh on the tummy issues. I never walk in the dark these days because, thankfully, our morning "commute" to school can happen in daylight regardless of the time of year. I do really mind the early morning darkness, though, and find it harder to get motivated to move in the mornings!

    1. I don't LOVE that we're walking in the dark, but we are quickly approaching the time of year when all Hannah's walks will be done in the dark. When people say they don't walk in the dark, I know instantly that they do not have a dog. LOL. I do not have much of a choice, you know?

  6. Ha! Hannah contemplating a nervous breakdown is a wonderful photo. Thanks for sharing it here.

    1. Haven't we all contemplated it when someone asks us to take a photo and we don't want to?

  7. Hannah looks so stoic in that last photo! And help, I can relate to the contemplation of whether to have a breakdown. I've been there, girl. I hope her GI issues improve soon! Poor girl and poor mom and dad as I imagine there is a lot of cleaning up.

    I missed one day as my after-dinner walk plans were foiled by one child needing a bath. I don't like to leave the house after the boys are in bed so if a walk doesn't happen before their bedtimes, it's just not going to happen at all...

    1. Life gets really busy sometimes and things have to be skipped. I 100% get it!

  8. I love that I can look at the photos and say, HEY, I was there! I love the early morning walk on the river, and am glad that I got to see it in the evening, as it is beautiful at both times! I have been petsitting and the doggo I am walking has a specific loop, so I am getting very familiar with it. Sometimes I do it backwards, oooh, ahhhh, and it is so exciting, but it is the same circle nonetheless. However, it has gotten me out every day so far (2x per day actually)!

    1. You were there! You are a riverwalk veteran.

      Having a dog is really my secret to getting out of the house. I don't know how people without dogs ever go outdoors.

  9. Hannah is adorable. And I like that photo of the 2 of you. Both of them. You look like a team, and that's the best thing about having a dog.

    1. We are a team. And I'm happy she's part of my life!
