Tuesday, September 10, 2024

August 2024 Accountability Buddy

Thursday, August 1
40-minute leg workout with Sydney Cummings

Friday, August 2
Day off

Saturday, August 3
35-minute Yoga with Adriene - Maybe this was a bit too woo-woo for me. I probably wouldn't do this video again.

Sunday, August 4
30-minute glutes and abs with Sydney Cummings
15-minute Yoga with Adriene yoga for a healthy posture
20-minute Yoga with Adriene yoga for your back

Monday, August 5
30-minute yoga at lunch at the student union

Tuesday, August 6
45-minute yoga class at the community center

Wednesday, August 7
40-minute upper body with Sydney Cummings
15-minute yoga for posture and shoulder mobility - really nice pairing with the workout

Thursday, August 8
Day off

Friday, August 9
Day off

Saturday, August 10
45-minute run

Sunday, August 11
Day off

Monday, August 12
30-minute yoga at lunch in the student union
30-minute full body with Sydney Cummings

Tuesday, August 13
45-minute yoga class at the community center

Wednesday, August 14
35-minute walking cardio workout - So sweaty. I got kicked out of the weight room so Dr. BB could do something, so I had to do a cardio workout downstairs. 

Thursday, August 15
Day off

Friday, August 16
30-minute hike with Hannah and Dr. BB

Saturday, August 17
45-minute hike with Hannah and Dr. BB

Sunday, August 18
40-minute arms and abs with Sydney Cummings

Monday, August 19
40-minute legs with Sydney Cummings

Tuesday, August 20
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
30-minute yoga stretch with Sarah Beth - Super yin here, holding poses for a bit. It felt great. 

Wednesday, August 21
Day off

Thursday, August 22
30-minute yoga at the student union at lunchtime

Friday, August 23
Day off

Saturday, August 23
35-minute glutes and abs with Sydney

Sunday, August 24
30-minute upper body with cardio push with Sydney
30-minute hip and lower back stretch with Yoga with Kassandra

Monday, August 25
Day off

Tuesday, August 26
30-minute walking workout (cardio)

Wednesday, August 27
30-minute gentle seated yoga with Kassandra - I'm super struggling with a swollen lipoma and movement is painful, so I'm doing whatever little bit I can

And that was a wrap. That "lipoma" was actually a cyst that burst and it was agonizing for a few days. Not great stats this month, but it is what it is. September will be better. 

Totals: 20/31 (64.5%) days of formal workouts of 30 minute or more
10 yoga workouts
13 strength/cardio workouts
1 short stretch class at lunchtime

Does anyone else have a fun excuse like "I had a painful cyst" for not working out enough last month? 


  1. A cyst! That's what that was. Aiee. Sounds painful.

    1. Oh, it was painful. But now it's over, so I have no excuse to avoid exercise!

  2. So what happens when a cyst bursts? Does the situation eventually resolve itself? I hope it feels better now.
    I went to Youtube and looked at a couple of Sydney's workouts- they look good! I'm going to try one.

    1. Ummm...the cyst bursting involves draining for several days and a LOT of hot showers, warm compresses, and ibuprofen. It's mostly resolved, but wearing bras can be dodgy.

      Sydney is great! I think you'll like her.

  3. My excuse is I'm lazy and I just am not feeling the exercise game. I walked a lot in August on vacation, but I'm hoping to up the ante a bit by doing in-person yoga classes twice a week. My first one is tomorrow and I am NERVOUS. It's my first in-person yoga class in like 18 years and I'm sure I'll feel foolish but everyone must start somewhere...
    That lipoma sounds awful!

    1. You're not lazy! You're just not prioritizing it and that's FINE.

      No one will even look at you in the yoga class - they're too busy doing their own stuff! It's going to be GREAT.

  4. No painful cyst, BUT I am on a really strong abx this week that can cause tendon ruptures and need to dial it down re: workouts. YIKES.

    1. SO SCARY! Who even knows what "dial it down" means, right?

  5. I'm sick again, but my husband is away so I forced myself out to walk the dog yesterday and it was nice, and I am determinedly doing yoga throughout the sickness even if I snot all over the mat, and I think it's making a difference.

    1. Snot all over that mat! LOLOLOL. What a picture you have painted for us. I do hope you stop being sick soon.

  6. I'm noticing a lot of longer sessions and double sessions in a day this month (I think?). Go, you!

    I don't have a proper excuse... but the start of school has severely cut into my available time for physical activity. My preferred mode is to go on long meandering walks, and I just don't have time for that on my schedule anymore...

    1. I started August with the very best of intentions to start to work on my endurance. Alas, that went nowhere pretty quickly.

      Time is tighter here, too. *sigh* I'm lucky to squeeze in 30 minutes a day these days. I have got to figure out a better system.

  7. I have never been to a "real" yoga class, like at a yoga studio. I have done some of the free yoga-ish classes at the gym, but those are not in the actual yoga studio there and are I guess more of a mix of like stretching/ flow type stuff. I haven't been lately but I did enjoy them! It just doesn't really fit in well right now.... although, I really need to do more stretching/ yoga, so I wonder if doing a scheduled class would actually be a good idea. Inspired by I think Elisabeth last year, I have done some Yoga with Adrienne videos and I have enjoyed them! She's got a nice calm nature that I've found soothing. And her cute dog. :)

    Awesome job on all your movement and activity despite being a tough month. I love the variety!

    1. There used to be a yoga studio in our town. It was a casualty of COVID and dodgy views on vaccination by the studio owner. I really miss that studio, though. I could pay $125ish a month and go to unlimited classes. AND! AND! It was a five minute walk from my house. Oh, well. The good times don't always last. And I do yoga at the student union, the community center, or at home now and never get to a studio. You don't need a studio!

  8. Ouch, that cyst sounds painful, but I hope it's all gone now.
    I love that you're doing yoga in the student union. Good for you for keeping at it.

    1. The cyst is mostly gone at this point and thank goodness for that! I can resume regular working out.
