Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday Photos

I used to write something EVERY DAY and then I realized I didn't even have a topic for today and so I am going to do a random photo dump here.

1. Things growing in the jungle that is our yard.

2. Just over here being a cat. (This makes me sound so conceited on Zelda's behalf, but she is SO PRETTY. I love her confidence, her swagger, her insane whiskers, and her crazy tail. I just want to squeeze her so hard, but she won't let me. Why do cats have to be so pointy?)

3. It really has been so rainy. The Riverwalk is flooded and Hannah is very upset that we can't walk along the river.

4. Art installation by the community center.

5. Words of wisdom from my friend over at A Graceful Life

6. Hannah had a bad morning walk on Monday, so we withheld food from her. She had another bad walk at lunchtime, so she didn't get dinner, either. On Tuesday, she was acting normally and had no stools or barf, so we fed her small meals throughout the day. Then we waited and waited for her to have solid stools again. When those stool manifested, I sent this photo to my husband.  If any of this paragraph seems TMI for you, dog ownership is probably not for you. Ha!


What's the last photo you took? 


  1. Engie, when you say Hannah had a bad walk, what do you mean? Was she sick on it?
    I have raspberries and coneflowers in my yard too! Twinsies!
    I love love love that poem that Kari had posted. Thanks for reposting because I forgot to screen shot it and it reminded me to!

    1. TMI for squeamish people. Hannah had diarrhea on her morning walk. When we went inside she puked. Then she had more diarrhea on her afternoon walk. She has a sensitive stomach, which is why she's on a prescription diet and honestly can only eat five things, so we suspect she ate something she wasn't supposed to. She seems to be back in regular form now, though!

      That poem really resonated with me, so I'm going to keep in my phone and look at it for a refresher now and again.

  2. That poem is wonderful. It should be read by everyone everywhere and become a mantra.

    How lucky you are to have your very own raspberries! I'm crazy about them. Even if you only get a few a day, it's something so nice to look forward to.

    (And my longhaired lovely girl is also not a fan of being hugged. She likes being on my lap or leaning against me, but if I try to hold her close or do the cuddling, she's out. Sigh.)

    1. Our raspberry bushes are overwhelmed by other plants right now, so we used to get several bowlfuls every year, but now we only get a couple of handfuls. Someone needs to weed that area. Oh, who could that someone be? But they are delicious!!

      Zelda will cuddle on her own terms and come up on my lap with some regularity, but she doesn't want me to scoop her up and squeeze her. To be fair, I don't think I'd like someone to scoop me up and squeeze me, either.

  3. Random posts are good. I did find the Hanna walk a bit cryptic, but I think I figured it out.

    1. I didn't want to be too descriptive for people who don't want to read about Hannah's bowel movements. She's feeling better now, though!

  4. The last photo I took was a selfie at the gym, but I think your bag of dog poop is actually a better photo than mine.
    ZELDA!!! Yes, she really is objectively beautiful. And, cats are prickly! Both my cats will cuddle (well,, Muffin frequently and Charlotte rarely) but it's always on their terms.
    Love that poem. : )

    1. I'm glad to hear that Zelda is objectively beautiful. I just tell her that all the time and I sort of half-think maybe I've just said it enough that I've manifested it. I love all those cartoons about the differences between cats and dogs and how we've really shaped dogs (literally, right? creating smaller and cuddlier dogs) and cats really domesticated themselves by just walking in. You deal with cats on their terms!

  5. Is it bad that I at first pictured Hannah being sassy on the walk and then was like "but, they would still feed her?" Poor Hannah - glad things worked their way out.

    1. Ha! I didn't even think of that interpretation. If we didn't feed her every time she was naughty on a walk, she'd never get fed!

  6. "Bad morning walk"???? Based on context clues I think maybe she... had GI problems on the walk? At first I thought she was misbehaving somehow. But I didn't think withholding food would be in your repertoire of consequences????

    Zelda is a glorious specimen of a cat.

    1. So many people think I'm starving Hannah because she was badly behaved!! I'm starting to worry about what impression I've given all of you. (Yes, it was GI issues. They seem to have cleared up.)

  7. I think i missed this poem on Kari's blog, but it really resonates. Great message.

    I laughed at if this is TMI then dog ownership is not for you. Zelda is so beautiful. Hope Hannah is feeling better.

    1. So much talk about bathroom habits with children and pets, right? If it's too gross for you, maybe it's not right for you!

  8. Agreed, Zelda is pretty!

    I have never taken a picture of dog poop, but when we first got Doggo she had an intestinal parasite that took forever to clear up. Once it did I joked to the hubs that her poop looked so good that I wanted to take a picture and post it on our family Facebook page.

    1. Oh, well, Birchie, let me tell you that I have taken photos of actual poop and not just a bag. I've texted images of bowel movements (of the pets, not my own) to medical professionals. I am very cool. Poor Doggo being sick when she was first brought home. Hannah had tapeworms and then she had hookworms and the hookworms were persistent. *sigh* It's so hard.

  9. Thanks for clarifying about Hannah. I was confused at first but it all makes perfect sense now! Poor girl. Tender tummies are no fun.

    Last photo taken on my phone was probably of my dad while he watched my husband and son fish. He looked very contented watching them from afar.

    Zelda is gorgeous. You know it. We know. She knows it.

    1. Zelda does know it and she's pleased that everyone on the internet is recognizing it.

  10. Poor Hannah! I'm glad all is well with her belly and I totally understand the photo to your husband. This is what we do.
    I love posts like this, but not the flooding. Ughhh.

    That post/quote from Kari, well it's something I have to work on. Encouraging even if I disapprove. Why do I disapprove of something that doesn't impact my life? Probably just me being a human and I need to work on the human stuff too.

    Zelda is gorgeous and I don't care if she is conceited, which she isn't.
    You'll be shocked, but the last pic I took is of a butterfly.

    1. My inner self is really judgmental, but I try really hard to overwhelm my initial judginess. I don't always succeed, but life's an ongoing work in progress and I like that poem as a reminder.

      You took a photo of a butterfly?! You don't say!! ;)

  11. I love that poem! So much wisdom in it!!

    Poor Hannah. But listen, I can't tell you how many conversations we have each week in our house about our children's bowel movements. It is insane. Who knew poop would be one of the top conversation topics - I did not see that coming. I look forward to a time when we are totally unaware of when and how often our children are pooping.

    1. We talk about Hannah and Zelda's bathroom habits So Much. I mean, they can't talk, so it's one of the easiest ways of keeping track of their health. And same for pre-verbal/just-verbal kids - it's such a good measure of other indicators!

  12. I posted almost that same shot of the flooded river on my blog, ha. On a positive note, this morning I was able to walk past the American Legion. The water is going down (but very slowly).

    1. I'm relieved it doesn't look like constant rain in the forecast, too. Hopefully things are starting to turn around.

  13. I hope that Hannah is all better by now! It's worrisome when they don't feel well. I remember worrying about my grandmother's BM, so I guess with people it's when they're very young and very old. I'm happy to not think about my daughter's (or husband's) at all.

    I love that poem. Yes, we should strive to celebrate each other as often as possible. Life is hard enough. The most recent picture I took was of a 100th birthday card from Joe Biden to my Great Aunt. Pretty cool!

    1. It's true that we start in diapers and end there and it makes all of life seem pretty futile. *sigh* It's not cheery, is it?!

      I think it's cool that your Aunt Flo got a card from Biden! Way for her to be celebrated.

  14. Zelda IS gorgeous. So are the flowers.
    I had a momentary "wtf, are you not feeding Hannah because she didn't behave?" before I realized the VERY GOOD REASON for pulling back on feeding. Hope she's feeling better.
    I love walking along the river, so I'd be annoyed too.

    1. I am sort of hurt that everyone thinks I would stop Hannah's food because she's badly behaved. LOLOLOL. She'd never get to eat!

  15. I'm just getting around to commenting on my friends' blogs. My dad's celebration of life was this past weekend, and it was heavy.
    That quote was just lovely, wasn't it? I follow him on Instagram and love everything he shares.
    This summer has irritated me to my core. I try to remain positive, but it rains every day. Which brings humidity. Which causes migraines for me. It is the summer of grief, pain, and rain. That's what I named it.
    Your jungle is beautiful. Thanks to all that rain I just complained about.
    Your Zelda is also beautiful. 😘

    1. The rain. The rain. It has been so RAINY and I'm over it. You and I are on the same page about that, for sure!

  16. Oh, you have lovely flowers in your yard (mine is 'barren' right now, save for a struggling hydraenga.

    1. Our yard is out of control. Honestly, it really stresses me out and I'd rather just have a struggling hydrangea!

  17. I am so glad I kept this in my queue, even after marking so many (unread) posts as read to catch up a bit (but, of course, not a lot...). I love that poem. I love that you shared it. And I hope that Hannah is feeling better, poor baby.
