Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Misfits

Just some photos of my gorgeous girls.

So much belly fuzz. I love everything about this pose.
Forget it. If you come into our home, you will not be greeted with a welcome mat, but with a cat who will consider murdering you with her paws.
This made me think about Jenny's blog title - Runners Fly. Hannah doesn't need any paws on the ground!
Not ten seconds later, she had come to a complete stop and was giving me the best doggy smile she could.


Tell me all about the last dog or cat you pet!


  1. I did pet our puss this morning, but we don't pet her much. When she comes to my computer chair for kibble handouts, I am permitted the occasional touch.

    1. Ha! I would revolt if I had a pet who wouldn't let me give them all the pets! You're obviously a nicer person than I am.

  2. Does Zelda allow you to brush and de-mat her? Marlowe is awful about both, and the way she lies down--kind of a gradual slide to eventual recline--always leads to matting. She doesn't bite, but she makes me confine her to a tiny area to get it done. Or I have to do it over the course of several days. She's floofy like Zelda.

    I love the photos of Hannah. The running one especially makes me smile. There's real joy in a dog running at top speed as part of their play.

    1. Zelda gets brushed every morning for about 20-30 seconds. She doesn't love it, but she tolerates it if I am pretty careful. She will NOT let me brush her belly, though, and I worry for a time when she can't groom it herself, so we're slooowly starting to do some training where she'll let me just look at her belly.

      If she has mats, which is rare because of the daily brushing (and she's still in good shape and can move easily and groom herself), I can usually work those out with my fingers when I'm petting her like when she's on my lap or something like that. If not, we have definitely given her bad haircuts before to get mats out!

      Zelda will bite and scratch, so we're pretty careful about all of this. She's a vicious murderer!

  3. Hee hee! Hannah is definitely flying in that picture. The last cat I pet was Muffin. Her hair is short short compared to Zelda's- I can't believe how fluffy Zelda is!!!

    1. My husband and I now think short-hair cats look naked. Where is all their fur? But we have to realize that most cats don't look like our insane cat.

  4. Your girls are multi-talented and stunning! (Perfect Monday pick-me-up <3) Extra love for that picture of Hannah flying... who needs wings, anyway?!?!

    1. Hannah is very fast for short distances. She certainly doesn't need wings!

  5. Awww, aren’t your girls adorable! I love petting our dog and three cats. Pets are so life-enhancing!

    1. A house without a pet doesn't feel like a home to me. I'm so grateful for them.

  6. Hi girls!!!
    I have a certain giant fuzzball on my feet right now!

    1. I just imagine Rex following you everywhere like a big giant shadow!

  7. I was lucky enough to pet a kitten last week. Gah. Too cute!
    Love Hannah's smile.

    1. KITTENS! I want to pet a kitten. They're so soft.

  8. How cute are they? So cute! Maggie is of course the last cat I got to pet. Yesterday when I was feeling stressed, I went to lie on my bed for a few minutes, and she came and cuddled up with me and purred. It was very therapeutic.

    1. Zelda has been a Very Good Therapy Cat recently. I really believe she can tell when people aren't feeling well and she does her best cuddly cat routine. I think cats sense a lot of people's feelings!

  9. Aww, they are so cute!! I have not petted an animal in quite some time. We saw our cat when we were out at my MIL's last weekend but she hid from us most of the time. I am sure she was overwhelmed by the noise. She threw up after having her treats at dinner time which my MIL attributed to the loud environment. She's definitely better off in my MIL's quiet house but we do miss having her around! I do not pet other people's dogs because I am kind of afraid of them but I am pleased to see that my kids are taking a different path and don't see as afraid of dogs. Both boys were when they were young which makes sense but now they are very curious and we are trying to teach them to ask if they can pet the down, put their hands out palms down for some sniffs, etc.

    1. I remember there being entire MONTHS that went by when I wouldn't pet an animal when I was in grad school. It was a very dark time for me and I'm so excited that I have regular access to fuzzy creatures now. I am glad your boys are warming up to dogs! Maybe they'll grow up and have adorable pets!

  10. Eve and I went to a friend's cottage this weekend and they have a really cute black Potcake who is amenable to being petted and will do amazing tricks for treats, but she is not down with Eve kissing her head the way Lucy is, so Eve was happy enough but looked forward to getting home and harassing Lucy, who doesn't have the same boundary-setting determination.

    1. I had never heard of Potcake before, but now I'm obsessed. So cute!! I think Hannah is more like the Potcake than Lucy, I'm afraid. She's okay with pets, but does not care for kisses and cuddles. Eve would maybe not like Hannah so much!

    2. No no, she would love her, and she would respect her bodily autonomy, she would just be bitter about it.

  11. A murder mat is way more interesting than a welcome mat.

    Love your girls. They are so gorgeous and photogenic.

    1. Thank you. I'll pass along the compliments to the girls.

  12. My brother brought his puppy to Harry's graduation, and it was so fun to have a dog around!

    1. Puppy!! I love a good puppy.

  13. Love these two rascals. That's all :)

    1. They are good girls. With attitudes.

  14. The fluffy belly is too much, even if it's followed by Murder Paws! ;)
    Look at Hannah--she CAN fly.
