Monday, July 29, 2024

CBBC reminder & Cool Bloggers Summer Salad Challenge

Just a quick reminder that next Monday (August 5 already!) we will be starting our next round of Cool Bloggers Book Club by reading the first six chapters of I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. More details can be found in this post. 


Tobia created the Summer Salad Challenge and I'm here to join in.

I tweaked the version of the green bean salad here. No red onions for me and I added some garlic scapes to the dressing because I could get them at the Farmers Market. 

I kept the dressing separate from the beans so the salad would last longer and took this bad boy salad to me for lunch at work four times last week. I bought some more cherry tomatoes and green beans at the Farmers Market on Saturday, so I suspect I will also bring it to work with me a few times this week! Maybe I'll add some cucumbers to jazz it up. 


What's your salad game right now?


  1. I'm looking forward to starting ICTC!

    Let's see...I think I "made" a salad at some point this summer? As in I got lettuce and put some ranch on participation in the CBSSC has been weak.

    1. As I was writing this post, I was thinking that boy do I have to get started on ICTC and now I really have to get started because I have to read it and think about it and write a post and I'm doing some traveling in August and there's the Olympics and I really did not think the timing of this CBBC very well when I planned out my blogging year in January!

  2. My salad game is very weak this summer. I go through phases where I make salads ALL THE TIME, and right now...I'm not feeling it.

    1. Interesting. I feel like summer is PEAK SALAD for me because I can so many delicious things at the Farmers Market. But I can see how maybe it's just too much work, too.

  3. I used to make huge salads and add chicken or pork tenderloin to it and that was dinner at least a couple times a week in the summer. Now, Rick is anti-salad all of a sudden. His idea of salad is having a BLT.

    1. You should have seen me crinkle my nose at the mention of a BLT. I do not like lettuce or bacon and honestly have never understood the appeal. You can make me a huge salad and I'll eat it, Nance!

    2. I'm not a fan of BLTs either. I don't like smoky foods, so my BLTs usually end up being ALTs because I don't indulge him unless I have an avocado in the house!

  4. My salad game is strong! I basically cannot sit down to a meal unless all five food colors are well represented, so it's an all-seasons thing, really. I had a most amazing salad on Friday called the "Tunnel of Trees Salad" and plan to recreate it at home this evening. The menu description says it has kale, butternut squash, roasted beets, Brussel sprouts (SORRY, ENGIE!!!!), honeycrisp apples, dried cherries, and feta cheese in white balsamic. And as a plus, my version will cost a fraction of what it cost on Friday.

    I'm so looking forward to book club next week!

    1. Today I learned that there are five food colors. LOL. What a fascinating topic and I almost went down a rabbit hole about it, but I'm at work and need to actually work, but rest assured I have a new food goal!

  5. Oooh, that salad looks good! I love green beans, especially locally grown ones. They taste so so good! I would leave out the goat cheese because I do not care for it but seem to be in the minority on that view! I am eating a salad as I type this comment. It's spring mixed greens, rotisserie chicken, cherry tomatoes, and red peppers with a vinaigrette on top.

    1. You don't like goat cheese?! I feel like it's the most innocuous tasting cheese. Buy, hey, if you don't like it, there's more for me!

      I'm enjoying Cool Bloggers Summer Salad for the all the delicious recipes.

  6. I will still be camping on Monday so I am probably going to whiff on the cool bloggers thing RIGHT OUT OF THE GATE, oh well, I have never been cool why start now.

    1. You're THE COOLEST. Too cool for book club!

  7. My daughter dislikes green beans, but will eat them if I put blue cheese and walnuts on them. She is a big goat cheese fan, I wonder if the goat cheese and the vinaigrette would be enough to change her mind? I think we're going to find out. She's old enough, if she doesn't like it, she can just not eat it.

    I'm looking forward to book club! I just finished my last physical book read, so I'm ready.

    1. Wow! Lisa doesn't like goat cheese, your daughter doesn't like green beans, and my husband's family wouldn't eat this because of the olives. I'm learning that this is a very controversial salad!

  8. I feel like it's hard to make a bad salad with good summer produce! My current salad obsession is shaved zucchini, dressed with olive oil, red wine vinegar, and salt and pepper. Add mint, walnuts, parmesan cheese, an avocado, and a hard boiled egg. I've also tossed in some lettuce that was left over. I think it's the mint that really makes it for me. I've eaten it for lunch most days last week.
    My library hold of of ICTC just came in, though I won't have time to pick it up til Friday.... so either i'll be reading fiendishly or I'll have nothing to say come Monday....

    1. Oh, I've definitely messed up local produce before, much to my dismay. I think if you get a bad recipe for a salad dressing, things can go downhill quickly. I don't know enough about proportions to tell if a homemade dressing will be good, so I tend to make the same two or three over and over again. (I don't like mint. I don't like mint in my candy, ice cream, or salad. It's the association with toothpaste, but there you have it.)

  9. I got the book from the library yesterday! I'm excited to start reading it.

    1. I need to get on it and read it myself, but THE OLYMPICS!!

  10. I love green beans! I do not think I ever made a salad with green beens but I am about to change that. Thanks for sharing this recipe! :)

    I had the most delicious spicy chipotle kale salad yesterday that I will have to share with everyone soon.

    1. Oh, man, I love this green bean recipe. It's really only good for a few months of the years when beans are in season, but it's delicious!

  11. *crying emoji* How did I miss this post. Thanks fro joining the challange. This salad sound so good. I will try to make it. green beans and goat cheese. A winner, no?
