Monday, July 01, 2024

19.1 Hat - Happy July!

Photo taken at House on the Rock (of course)

I meant to do a Five for Friday last week, but I just ran out of time because last week was a WEEK around here and even though I took off Thursday and Friday (floating holidays that had to be used by the end of June), I was mostly dealing with some medical stuff with my husband and all the "free time" I thought I had actually went to "doing important things." Anyway. Here are some things.

1) Two pieces of background knowledge that may make this story make more sense. Way back in the day before my husband and I were even dating, we were walking down the street in Minneapolis and came upon some raccoons in a tree staring at us. As some of you may know, Hannah the Dog is not the bravest of dogs and she freaks out when things in her immediate area change. I have encouraged her to be curious and sniff things that are unusual (new yard decorations, signs, and trash at the curb are common things I will encourage her to sniff).  

So we're walking down the street and Hannah is super interested in sniffing the storm drain on the corner of the street. You know the kind - it looks like this?

Not the actual drain in question - I'm scared that one has a family of raccoons living in it.

I'm not opposed to her sniffing because I want her to be brave, but I don't want her to go in the street, so I gave her enough lead to get to the edge of the curb, but not enough for her paws to actually go in the street. I spied something sitting in the storm drain and I thought it was a black and white stuffed toy - maybe a panda or a really badly done husky?  I stepped closer to take a look and then it moved and I realized it was a real-life raccoon waving its freaky hands and I screamed and pulled Hannah away as fast as I can. And that, friends, is how you undo training you've been working on for years.

2) We're halfway through the year, so let me do a brief report to you on how the Pop Sugar Reading Challenge is going for me this year. There are fifty prompts and I have completed 25. I feel pretty amazing for being spot-on in terms of number of books read. Unfortunately, I've done all the easy prompts and now things are going to get harder.  If I start to review some books and seem really down on them, you'll know why!

3) At work we have these magnetic nametags. It's nice that they aren't the kind that pin into your clothes and leave holes, but they also fall off all the time if, say, you are the type of person who flails your limbs around wildly while you are talking and you hit your nametag with some frequency. 

(Note: I've learned that most human adults are at least partially aware of where their limbs are in relation to things/people around them most of the time. I am not one of those people. Just today I was doing something with stickers in the unorganized totes under the bed in the primary bedroom and I stood up and absolutely whacked my CHIN on the wooden foot of our bed. It's super tender and I'm concerned it's going to bruise and how in the hell am I going to explain that?!) 

ANYWAY. I am not the only one with this problem. The problem I am seeking your help with is placement of said nametag. Do I put it way up over my boobs? Honestly, when I do that, it seems like my nametag is by my neck, which I do not want to draw attention to.  (This is not to say my boobs are super perky - I have great bras to yank those babies up.) Do I put it over my boobs? That seems...distracting for some folks who may the information on the nametag. How in the world do people wear nametags?!

4) Pantry/fridge tour: Awhile back, I asked Sarah for a tour of her fridge and food storage because she feeds a family of seven!! She provided that tour and I said I would do the same, only I never did. Mostly because we have two adults here and it's just not as interesting. But here goes.

a. Fridge and freezer. You'll note the only things in the freezer are a bag of blueberries, a bag of chicken for the dog, and a bottle of limoncello that we got as a gift at a party more than a decade ago that has been moved three times. If you come over and I offer you some limoncello, please take it. Take the whole damn bottle. On top of the fridge, I store food with gluten - right now it has some questionable tortilla chips (they're labeled gluten free, but Gluten Free Watchdog gives them a bad rating) and a bag of pumpernickel pretzels (so good!).

b. Pantry. Our pantry is small, but tall. On the left you have the bottom of the pantry and on the right you have the top which requires me to use a stepstool to use, so it mostly has baking supplies.

c. Two kitchen cupboards we use for additional storage. The one on the left is what we call the "dessert" cupboard and currently has Kind bars, Rolos (gross), a couple of white chocolate KitKats (thanks Kate!), and the dog's probiotic. The one on the right has granola, peanut butter, crackers, and all of the vitamins and medications we take. 

d. Basement overflow. Generally we don't need the overflow, but sometimes when we come back from Costco with flats of chickpeas, black beans, stock, and fizzy water, we end up resorting to the creepy basement. Right now it's all paper products except for some chicken stock.

The basement is terrible. 

That's it. My husband has a mini-fridge at work and I have a cupboard at work with some lunch supplies (mostly filled with gluten). We don't have a second fridge or a deep freeze. 

5) If you want Dr. BB to do a guest post, I need some questions to ask him! Right now I don't have enough questions and I think he's starting to have hurt feelings. Please fill out the form here. You can remain anonymous if you like - just make up a fake name and email and I'll never know.  


How are your reading goals for the year going? Do you have a dessert cupboard? What's the closest you've been to a raccoon in the wild? Where do you wear a nametag?


  1. First, I would probably have a heart attack and be typing this from beyond the grave if I peeked into a drain and saw a raccoon. Or anything. It reminds me of It, which I have never seen because I'm a scaredy cat and I hate scary movies, but I know the premise and it's terrifying. Rex is overly brave about other animals, he chases anything - except the bear, thankfully - and he barks at coyotes, so I mean, there has to be a happy medium. He did chase and tree a raccoon once on our walks, and chasing squirrels and marmots is a daily activity. And deer! This is nice because it keeps deer off our property, but also, Rex is big but smaller than an entire herd of deer, so it does make me nervous. Not as nervous as the deer, though, because they always take off immediately.
    I have no advice re: nametags. I'm sure I'd constantly lose it. I always wear a poppy for Remembrance Day and I always lose it almost immediately.
    What is it about fridge tours that are so fascinating! I don't have a dessert cupboard but I do have a red bread tin that is always filled with baking. Currently there are chocolate chip banana muffins.
    I completely missed that Dr BB was doing a guest post! I'll try to think of some questions.

    1. Hannah has chased a lot of animals, too, including cranes, a giant buck, and many squirrels and rabbits. I don't know exactly what interaction she would have had with that raccoon if I'd left her continue sniffing it! And that worries me!

      It's funny because there isn't always dessert in the dessert cupboard, but that's what we call it to differentiate it from the cupboard that holds granola and peanut butter. LOL. Family shorthand is fun, isn't it?

  2. Ah, raccoons. We have a lot of raccoons around here. One day when my daughter was little, we were at a park. My daughter was playing by herself in a little wooded area just off the regular playground, and another kid came up to me and said "There's a raccoon next to Angie." I went running over, and she was sitting there playing in the dirt with a raccoon RIGHT NEXT TO HER. The raccoon ran off (I guess he just liked my daughter and not me) and all was well, but eek. They are bold.
    We have that exact same nametag where I work, and I never wear mine. No one has ever noticed or said anything so I don't think they care. It does seem like it would fall off a lot.
    I wish my fridge and freezer looked like yours- mine are way overdue for a cleaning.

    1. IT WAS SITTING NEXT TO HER!!! I would be apoplectic. I actually am and this happened years ago and not to me. Raccoons terrify me with their crazy hands and rabies.

      I have news for you, Jenny. I haven't cleaned the fridge since the start of COVID when we did a food inventory. We just literally use all the produce, eggs, and cheese every week and start anew. We also rarely have leftovers that aren't eaten within 48 hours. I've never once cleaned the freezer. LOL. The benefit of having two people who meal plan and never deviate from that plan, I guess.

  3. We had clip-on nametags for awhile at our school, which was stupid and inconvenient. I just clipped mine to the bottom of my shirt or my belt or someplace at my waist. Then we got lanyards, and I had to use that. I think you should find a lanyard that has a plastic sleeve for a nametag and put your ID in it. As a matter of fact, I'm now going to be on the lookout for one just for you.

    We've had raccoons in our garage several times, and I've written about it over at my place at least twice. And we've suffered enough raccoon attacks on our pond that I can't keep fish in it anymore, which is a Sadness. Raccoons are creepy, and they've become so urbanized here now that they walk around like stray cats.

    (I'm with you on the Rolos, btw. Ugh.)

    1. The nametag is actually different from my ID card which I already have a lanyard for. I wear the nametag when we're doing a lot of student-facing work, like with first-year events or marketing booths. I could wear the lanyard and put the nametag on the lanyard, but I think I'd really lose that nametag then!

      Rolos are gross. My husband eats them, though, so that's fine. I'd rather he have dessert that's not tempting for me than for something that takes willpower to avoid.

  4. Thank you for sharing where you are at with the PSRC! I feel like I did all of the prompts I felt drawn to and am so intimidated by the ones I have left, haha! I am hoping to alternate a book I want to read with a PSRC prompt until I'm done....

    1. The one PSRC book, one not is a good strategy. I might implement it!

  5. The other day I went out to dinner with friends and we sat on the porch of the restaurant near some trees. There were THREE baby raccoons tumbling up and down the trunk. It was ADORABLE.

    That said, any creature in a storm drain is just automatically a big no from me. I would have shrieked and yanked Hannah, too.

    Nametags are the worst. We have to wear them when we visit my kid's school and I always put one on the left side of my chest and then forget about it until it pulls my hair or until my husband/child makes fun of me. I am sure many a grocery store employee has wondered why I am wearing a neon name badge to do my shopping.

    As a fellow hands talker, I have great empathy for your nametag plight. I do not know how people talk without gesturing!!!!

    1. We were driving to the store several months ago when we saw three baby raccoons crossing the road. They were sooooo cute. But they did not make it across the road, as we learned on our way back home. :( Nature/human technology is cruel.

      I have left my nametag on more often than I care to admit. I'll just be in the car on the way home realizing I left it on while I was just tooling about in my office, a place where everyone knows who I am already!

  6. I have the same problem of being unaware of my space in the world! I'm constantly running into door knobs, bending over and whacking my forehead on something, standing up and whacking my head on something, etc. I've always been like that! So many bruises! I feel very lucky that I don't have to wear a name tag. I enjoyed peeking into your refrigerator and pantry! Hilarious about the limoncello!

    1. So many unexplainable bruises is the problem. It's fine if I know where it comes from, but why do I have a bruise on my upper right thigh right now?! Where did it come from?!

      Do you want some limoncello? I've got some to share!

  7. I think Nance's idea to slide your nametag into a lanyard is a terrific one. And I chortled at your limoncello paragraph, Engie!

    AND O M G Is the table in your basement a genuine McCobb?!? (There would be a stamp on the underside of the table, if so.) Anyway, it looks like it! It has probably been your family since at least the 1950s or so?

    1. I have no idea if it's a genuine McCobb, but I'll look. I bought it from a grad student who was moving for $50 in the early 2000s and that person bought it from a grad student who was moving who bought it from a grad student who was moving and so on. It used to be our regular dining room table for years and years before it got demoted. I'll look when I get home tonight and report back. (I suspect the answer is no.)

    2. It would be a terrific thrifting win :).

  8. Our pantry is a few shelves in the little laundry room, and I have a small fridge upstairs -- mainly a pop fridge.

    1. I would hate it if my pantry was in a separate room from the kitchen. I'm already bitter about the basement overflow!

  9. OMG, I would have screamed if I saw a raccoon in a storm drain, too! I haven't seen a raccoon but we assume that is what is getting into our compost bins. They will dump it over and then rifle through the disgusting contents. Phil handles garbage and so far this year he's seen a squirrel sitting on top of our compost bin, chewing on a chicken bone and last night he saw another squirrel that appeared to be eating a piece of bread with jam on it (which definitely did not come from our compost bin). I'm waiting for him to come in and say he saw a squirrel on the compost bin drinking a coffee and smoking a cigarette.

    So for the name tag, I put it between the shoulder/bust area of the right side of my body. In grad school, we were instructed to put nametags on the right side of our body so that when we shook hands, our nametag would be in the line of sight of the person we are shaking hands with. But I see people wear it all over the dang place. I have used those magnet nametags before but usually the magnet is so dang strong that it's hard to get the nametag off!

    1. When I was at the University of Minnesota, there were squirrels on the East Bank that were so acclimated to people that they would eat out of students' hands. It was crazy. I was not a fan. one ever told me to put my nametag on the right side of my body. I rarely shake hands with anyone (DUDE! Why didn't COVID wipe out this practice?), but it does make sense that that's where their line of sight would be. From here on out, I will put it in the right side of my body. This magnet is not so strong. I wish it were stronger!

  10. I am so fascinated by people's fridges and cupboards. Ours are a mess. I try to organize it, but it quickly devolves into "shove where you can find space."
    I LOVE Rolos! A Rolo smashed onto a pretzel is so perfect.
    When I worked in Colorado, racoons were a very common thing - you'd see them waddling down the street at night. They looked cute from a distance, but I wouldn't want to come within paw's distance for sure.

  11. Raccoon!!!! OMFG. So scary. Love your fridge/pantry tour. I hope some day to be that tidy and organized.
