Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Weekend Adventures

Last Saturday I met up with Birchie and Anne for a real Wisconsin adventure. We were going to  House on the Rock! This is a weird little tourist attraction and I can't believe I've lived here for over ten years, but hadn't made the time to go. Oh, well. No time like the present. As you drive up the driveway, you see about a half dozen of these planters.

The history of this place is that an eccentric man named Alex Jordan built a very strange cavelike house on a rock that looked out over a lovely valley in south-central Wisconsin. And then he kept building on theme rooms. Weird themes. He was a collector. Why have only ten thingamabobs when you can have five hundred? He also built these "music machines" which were mechanical musical playing devices that ranged from rooms of junk playing music to cabinets of scenes playing music. So this is a known weird place, but I can't express to you just how weird it was. 

There are three main sections of the House and we did them all, although I have to admit that we were really cruising by the third part. The themes of the rooms ranged from "Music of Yesterday" to "Heritage of the Sea" to "Circus." I'm also going to warn you that there was a doll room. And it also has the world's largest carousel, although you can't ride the carousel, so don't get excited.

We were, to a person, quite disappointed that we couldn't ride this.

It's a fake ride.

My favorite room, by far, was the insane Ocean room with a family-friendly octopus music machine followed by an enormous sea creature devouring everything in sight.

It looks innocuous, doesn't it?

It's not innocuous at all! This sea monster is THREE STORIES tall.

Anne, Birchie, and me! 

One more sort of cool theme room was the Infinity Room, which is just a very long room that stretches out more than two hundred feet over the valley. It's windowed on all sides and is terrifying, but also very cool.

If you look out those windows, it's hundreds of feet to the ground.

Birchie and Anne were nice enough to tell my I was very brave about going in this room. I found it incredibly frightening and maybe I need to deal with my bridges/heights issues.

Don't look out the window. Don't look out the window. Don't look out the window.

Okay, I need to get to the heart of the weirdness of this place. It's oddly musty and smells like mold. There is carpet on most floors, walls, and ceilings. It is loud. There is so much stuff. It's bizarre and this post is not really capturing the level of strangeness of this place. We used the words weird, strange, bizarre, and finally settled into a state of wandering around just shaking our heads at the unrealness of the whole place.

I just want you tell me what's going on here. Just guess.

Should you go to the House on the Rock? I don't know. It's literally awesome, as in I found myself walking around with my mouth hanging open way more frequently than I should admit. It's a feast/overwhelm for all of your senses, but it's three days later and I sort of feel like I'm just now reorienting to what it's like in a world where I know this place exists. 

The grounds are lovely and it was delightful whenever we would get to be outside for a few minutes in between the three areas. A literal breath of fresh air.

I "hid" a rock that Kim made for me there, too. 

So, should you go? I think I'm going to leave that up to you. You'll know if this experience is right for you or not. If you do go, spring for some tokens. It's nice to be able to play some of the music machines or get your fortune read.


We drove to Spring Green stopping at the scenic overlook on the way. There was nothing scenic about the overlook, folks, so don't bother stopping there.

We ate at Wander Provisions, where I spent $13 for a sandwich. It was a really good sandwich, but $13! I sometimes wonder how much damage the $5 footlong commercials for Subway really did to my understanding of how much food should cost. Do not worry, friends! I packed a cooler and enjoyed a fizzy water, cheese stick, and Kind bar with my lunch.


We said goodbye to Anne at this point and she headed home because The House on the Rock had, quite understandably, done her in. Birchie and I head to Cave of the Mounds where we paid for an hour-long tour. It was a cave. Our tour guide was sort of terrible, but he was young so I'm going to let that slide.

Speleologists don't understand how those beehive like stalactites are formed.

If you're into caves, this is a nice one. The rooms are big, the path is pretty even, and there are only one or two tight spaces. They do the thing where they shut off the lights and you're in total darkness and that's freaky, so just FYI if that sort of thing makes you nervous. 

The grounds are lovely, too. We had a few minutes before the start of our tour and it was nice to wander around the gardens.  Thumbs up for the landscape designers.  


And that was a wrap. Birchie and I parted ways, her to go on a bike ride (!) and me to collapse on the couch and talk to my husband about what a weird place the House on the Rock was. 


Have you been to House on the Rock? Have you ever been on a tour of a cave? Are you super jealous that I got to hang out with Birchie and Anne?


  1. They turned out the lights on our cave tour, thank goodness, not for long. A bat flew by, but I can't remember if it was before, during or after lights-out. I don't know what to say about the house. It seems weird but also wonderful.

    1. Ha! Nothing lives in this cave except some bacteria, so we didn't get a bat experience. Good thing!

  2. YES, I am super jealous that the three of you got to hang out!!! What a fun group!

    The House on the Rock sounds completely bonkerballs. WTF. The largest carousel IN THE WORLD? But you can't ride it?!!? Carpet on the WALLS? A DOLL ROOM? I have no idea what is going on with the creepy animatronic orchestra and I do not want to know. The ocean room -- why? Why is this house like this?! Did this collector guy LIVE THERE? In a house with so many dolls and that massive terrifying sea creature?! I think I do need to go to this place. The caves, I will leave to you and Birchie though.

    1. The question of WHY? is a good one, Suzanne, and I wish I knew the answer. He didn't live there - he lived in Madison and commuted BY PLANE to work at this place. And I also am not entirely sure how much of this was really there when he was alive and how much has been added on. But the original house is SO WEIRD on its own. So weird.

  3. ANNE AND BIRCHIE!!!!! Wow, how fun is that. I would 100% go to the House on the Rock and I would love it. I love insane things like that. Bonkers, absolutely bonkers. Although I would be terribly disappointed about the carousel, still, I am here for the insanity. Also, the cave. I would be totally into the cave. I guess I need to come to Wisconsin! I had absolutely no idea you were hiding such treasures there.

    1. I mean, I was there for the insanity, Nicole, and I still feel shook by the whole experience. If you come to Wisconsin, I would go back to the madness to show you around!

  4. It sounds like this guy was a hoarder with a mission. I'd definitely go, but I'd probably be super-judgy the entire time and be irritated at how he totally wasted his money. Then again, if it made him happy, who am I to be so snarky about it? (But honestly, how on earth do they dust all that stuff? Do they haul a big compressor in there and just ...?!) And what good is a bigass carousel if you can't ride it? I love a merry-go-round!

    Meeting up with online buddies is the best. I'm so glad you got to do that and go see something so surreal. (And I'm with you on bougie sandwiches. Come on, now!)

    1. Yes, hoarder with a mission. And I was sort of mean-spirited about him, but I'm also armchair diagnosing him as on the spectrum and this was his passion and he employed people and made a living and who am I to judge a man who collects thousands of replica scrimshaws? WHO AM I?

  5. My head is...spinning. What an eclectic mix! I'm just amazed at the size of all these things. Also, the why?

    And YES I am very jealous you met up with Anne and Birchie. *stomps foot in jealousy*

    1. They why of the whole thing is the MAIN question and I fear it will never be answered. Just a weird dude who found a way to monetize his passions, I guess.

  6. I am super jealous; it looks like you guys had a great time. Is this now the third time you have met up this year? You are going to have a make a regular thing of it!

    1. I do my best to make Anne do things with me and Birchie and I met up last month when she was in Wisconsin. It's so nice to be able to see people in person!

  7. So cool that you got to meet your cool blogger friends! House on the Rock sounds like an adventure... but the moldy smell might do me in!

    1. The smell was brutal, friend. Brutal.

  8. The House on The Rock sounds like EXACTLY the kind of thing I would go to and drag my family along with me. I mean to decide that is what you want to do with all your money and your time? There is something really amazing about that.
    We went to caves when we were in Tennessee a few years ago. Those caves were discovered by a six year old boy and when they turned out the lights, I thought - how in the world did that six year old boy fall into a cavern and find his way out? Also - who let a six year old boy fall into a cavern? Parenting sure was different back in the early 1900s.

    1. Who let a six year old boy fall into a cavern? LOLOL. I think the thing is that they didn't know it was there - how could they stop him?

  9. I am TOTALLY in for the House on the Rock, assuming I'm ever in Wisconsin (I never thought my son would live in North Freaking Carolina, so who can tell). I love places/books/tv shows that open wide for an absolute bonkers level of weirdness, because I feel like most of the time we're walking around acting like it's normal to like, be alive and in the world when there used to only be dinosaurs and dodo birds and shit.
    I love and am terrified by caves. I am okay with the absolute darkness but not okay with tight spaces.

    1. Well, if you're ever here and you want to go to House on the Rock, hit me up and I'll be your tour guide. I'm now an "expert" on synonyms for weird. Just bananas that we exist in a world that also contains weird places like this.

  10. LIke Elisabeth, I'm stomping my foot in jealousy at your blogger meetup. Um... I think, if I were meeting up with cool bloggers, that I would happily to the House on the Rock. Left on my own... i would probably choose somewhere else to go. But, it does sound totally weird, and that can be pretty fun.

    1. Yeah, I'm glad I never convinced my husband that he should go to this. I can only imagine his disdain for the entire endeavor. It's certainly not the right way to spend time for everyone.

  11. Wow, that place is so cool! I would be there in a heartbeat if I were anywhere nearby. Yes, it's weird, but I love places that exist for no reason at all other than someone decided to make them. They have no purpose. So fun! And yes, I have both been on and given infinite cave tours due to my years of former employment at Carlsbad Caverns. I'm full up on caves for my lifetime.

    1. Oh, wow! I didn't know you had worked at Carlsbad Caverns. I imagine that going through them a million times would make you inured to how absolutely cool they are.

  12. We went there with friends four months before lockdown! It was a lot of fun. 🖤

    1. You definitely have to go with a group that will accept the madness!

  13. Thank you for hiding my rock there! Someone contacted me that they found it.

    House on the Rock sounds neat but so not for me. I mean... I get overwhelmed at garage sales and TJ Maxx. I don't think I could handle all the random odd stuff.

    1. Ha! So you knew I was there before I wrote about it. I thought about it later and realized I probably shouldn't have put it there because it's private property, but I did what I did. LOL.

      It's definitely not a place for everyone and I can see why it might not be a fit for you. It's definitely overwhelming.

  14. Am I super jealous that you got to hang out with Anne and Birchie? AHM, YEAH! SUPER jealous.... but I also love it that you had the opportunity and had such a fun day together. I mean, wow, the House on the Rock is ... something else. I think I'd like to see it.

    1. San, you need to plan a trip to the Midwest!

  15. I don't think that there is any way to capture the weirdness of this place. I'm questioning my memories as it is. Would you believe that I had totally forgotten about the Ocean room until now?

    Not only is there a creepy doll room, but the restrooms in the visitor's entrance have a creepy doll wall.

    Safe to say that I would not have made it through in one piece without both you and Anne by my side.

    1. How could you forget the giant sea monster? I think I'm obsessed with it. It might become my new personality. Hobbies: Dog, reading, the sea monster at House on the Rock.

  16. Why, yes...we went in April and I blogged all about it. My reaction was pretty similar to yours. And I'm DYING to go back, maybe for one of the holiday themes!

    1. I'm sort of interested in the Christmas tour. I like it doesn't include the third section, which was, in my opinion, the weakest of the areas.

  17. That just sounds really bizarre. I think I would probably give it a miss, I hate bad smells, so the mouldy smell would put me off. I have been to some bizarra outback places, with all sorts of weird things but this place seems super creepy.

    1. Yeah, the smell is quite off-putting. I think it's all the carpet! We were also there on a rainy day, so that might have had something to do with it.

  18. UM YES - very, very jealous! Do I need to move to the Midwest? Except only during the summer because I'm too thin-skinned for Midwest winters.

    That's quite the eclectic house. I'm mostly stuck on carpet on the walls and ceiling. WHAT.

    1. Well, I don't know if you should MOVE here, but maybe a visit! Imagine how many cool people you could meet!

  19. I am indeed jealous that you get to meet bloggers in real life. Most of this community is in the US so I never have a chance to meet any of you... Sad.
    That Rock on the house sounds like a very bizzar experience. Not sure I'd enjoy it with the sensory overload. But it looks like you walk into a dream world were nothing can be taken at face value.

    1. Well, if you ever come over to the US, you'll have lots of friends to meet!

      It was definitely a sensory overload - that's EXACTLY the right phrase for it.

  20. What a fun adventure for all of you. What a strange place! There are some very creative minds out there. I loved getting a postcard from you commemorating your visit to this place, though! One of many great things about having visitors is that it pushes you to do things in your city that you otherwise would have overlooked!!

    1. Yeah, now that Birchie has been here and written about all the cool places we have around here, I need to start visiting some of those places, too.

  21. I'm going out on a limb to say that the guy who built and filled the House On The Rock, was off his rocker. Maybe just a tad? Carpeted walls and ceilings? No wonder it stunk. And who would build a life sized carousel if you can't actually ride it? Disappointing. 🤣 I suppose it's a fun place to visit once or twice, but that might be it.

    I don't mind a cave tour, but there are people (my husband) who would decide it was too much and depart midway.

    1. Yeah, the sheer amount of carpeting was truly disturbing. Can you imagine how much money they'd make if they sold tickets to the carousel? So much money left on the table.

  22. Thanks for the flashbacks! It was a great - if, um, disturbing - day. I think section 3 did me in. Too. Much. And hey, I've been agreeing to stuff! I swear! Next up... hm. We will have to ponder. :)
