Friday, June 21, 2024

Photo Every Hour 6/20/2024 - Summer Solstice!!

5:33am - Alarm went off at 5:30, I stumbled around for a bit turning it off and getting my SAD lamp turned on. Started reading this book. So far it's quite boring. 

6:13am - Apparently the theme of the day is going to be rain. It was raining and Hannah was very grumpy about her morning walk and we were both soaked by the time we got home. Also, Hannah is in Shed Phase right now and I know she has tufts everywhere. I brush her and more tufts appear. She looks a bit mangy, but I swear it's just her winter coat falling out.

7:37am - Getting ready for work. These guys live in our upstairs bathroom. I have not purchased a single one for myself.

8:09am - Pulling into the parking lot at work and it's pouring.

9:47am - Let's continue with the theme of rain. This is the lounge at work right now.

10:40am - Freshman orientation. My boss does a presentation while I help herd.

11:42am - Back to my office for an hour to try to catch up on emails and eat lunch.

12:52pm - Getting ready for my presentation to the first years.

1:14pm - Students wandering in.

2:43pm - Into the computer lab to get them into classes.

3:42pm - Walking back to our office building we noticed a sign saying the campus-facing entrance would be closed starting next week (they're doing some work on the roof). That's fine, but the other entrance to the building has a similar sign on it. How are we supposed to get in the building?

4:52pm - Home! Hannah's pseudo-happy to see me. You know how some dogs get excited when you get home? Hannah just glares.

5:46pm - Finishing up my workout for the day. This was the most flattering of a million photos I took and check out that double chin. *sigh*

6:00pm - Zelda screaming for food.  She was doing this for the better part of an hour. 

6:03pm (bonus) - Dr. BB took over feeding the loud one and I started training Hannah. Hannah would not cooperate, though. She was refusing to move from a down, so I adjusted my training. She was humiliated. Poor thing. 

7:54pm - Thursday night Date Night to the grocery store. Dr. BB's having a colonoscopy next week, so we needed to get some low fiber GF baked goods that we almost never buy.

8:19pm - It was pouring when we were done shopping, so Dr. BB drove the car around so I/the groceries wouldn't get wet. This was on the wall. I am absolutely revolted by "Grand Champion Lamb Carcass Buyer." Gross.

8:58pm (bonus) - Guess who got another walk in the rain? Guess who is upset about this?

9:32pm - Filled out my goal journal for the day and am heading to bed.

When's the last time you went to the grocery store? Got soaked on the way into work?


  1. Hannah has SUCH an expressive face. Such a beautiful, emotive pup.

    It was fun to hear Zelda's voice.

    I too am puzzled by the door situation. Please keep us posted.

    I went to the grocery store yesterday morning. Trader Joe's, to be exact, and bought a BUNCH of delicious sounding treat-sie things that no one needs. I also bought a head of lettuce and some tomatoes for tacos.

    1. Wait, don't you hate tacos? I'm curious if you eat them on tacos or if this is just for other members of the family?!

    2. I should take a video of Zelda's crying every night for dinner and put it together in a collage for all of you. She's such a hungry girl.

      The door solution is that the signs were removed this morning!! I'm glad I had photo evidence of it because I honestly was starting to feel a tiny bit gaslit.

  2. Oh, please PLEASE send that rain here to NEO. We are desperately parched. And I cannot stand another day in this heat out there watering.

    Zelda and my Marlowe have to be related. She does the same thing and sounds exactly the same. Marlowe looks so regal and elegant, but she sounds like a rusty gate.

    I went to the grocery store on Wednesday and AGAIN begged someone to open more cashier lines since there was only one open and it was 6 customers deep, while the self-checkout was empty. We all had full carts and a stubbornness against the self-checkout. Sigh.

    1. We have had SO MUCH RAIN this spring. It's not okay. The river levels are scary, roads are flooded out, and I'm over the rain. You're welcome to some of ours.

      Zelda has several types of meows, but her crying for food is high-pitched and persistent. She's lucky she's cute because otherwise I'd have to wring her little neck.

      We almost exclusively use self-checkout. That's all. We like the control over bagging and it's faster than going through the line. And I don't have to make small talk.

  3. Hahahaha oh Hannah. I love her "I don't take shit or rain from anyone!" personality. It doesn't rain much here, even when it rains it's barely a drizzle and Rex and I walk in it with no issue. But last week it was cloudy and overcast and halfway through our walking route it started POURING. It was unpleasant and wow, Rex hates the rain. He kept looking at me like "why are we doing this" but we were on a loop and we had still kilometres to go to get back to the car!
    Good luck with the colonoscopy. I feel like we are experts around here, my husband has had quite a few, including three within the last year!
    Wednesdays are grocery days around here, and Engie, I'm NOTICING THE DIFFERENCE on our grocery bills (small difference) due to our greenery in the garden!

    1. Rex and Hannah should start Dogs Against Rain chapters. I mean, this is a Serious Issue in the canine community. I know the "why are we are doing this?" look well, Nicole.

      Yay for having a garden paying off!!

  4. Great idea for a post. I'm a little too sedentary to follow suit, but maybe I could do a variation sometime.

    1. I've said it before, but I'd love it if someone did this and all they took photos of was their couch, the wall, and tv. It would be hilarious. Also, I'd be super jealous.

  5. Ha, I'm laughing at your "flattering" workout photo. I CANNOT take a flattering photo of myself in the gym. And even when I'm running, it looks like I'm frowning all the time.
    I'm pretty sure Hannah was glaring at you and not cooperating during training because she was still mad about that rainy walk. We had so much rain last week- I had a couple days where I got wet going into work, and one day where I got soaked leaving work.

    1. Oh, well. I decided that I can only do what I can with the workout photos. Next time I'll just a photo of the dumbbells, I guess.

      Hannah has been Very Stubborn about training recently. I think she wants higher value treats than her kibble. I read that this happens and the solution is to have a "surprise treat bag" that has multiple types of treats - some kibble, some sweet potato, some chicken - and she won't know what she's getting at any one trick, but she might get a high-value treat at any second. The thing is that putting this treat bag together is one more step and it's a busy time of day. *sigh* Why do I have a stubborn dog? LOL.

  6. 4:52 pm, that looks like a Hannah smile to me! I dislike rainy days and only go out in rain because of puppies. Headed to the grocery store today, after somehow feeding family (and guests!) from the freezer and pantry for about 10 days now because of my looming deadline

    1. I would never go for a 30 minute walk in the rain if it weren't for Hannah. She is the reason for a lot of my movement each day, that's for sure.

  7. So much rain. I kinda hate rain (unless I'm inside with nowhere to go, a hot drink in one hand and a book in the other), so I don't blame Hannah for being grumpy. I love your giant purple and white umbrella.

    I've just stopped working out lately. No yoga, no nothing except walking. I am always in awe of your daily commitment to move your body in so many ways. Seriously! You're an inspiration.

    1. My ideal day is a rainy Sunday when I have nothing to do but curl up on the couch with my cat. Alas, this was NOT a Sunday and the rain was a true downer on the day.

      I'm no Jenny or Nicole re: exercise, but I put in my daily 30 minutes and call it good. It's not inspirational, Elisabeth. It's habit. LOL.

  8. Boo rain! On the plus side, if both entrances to your building are closed, it looks like you've got a WFH stint in your future.

    Doggo had one big shedding phase for a few weeks earlier in the spring and she's been back to normal since then. Stepdog would continually shed for months. I wonder if it's just a puppy thing? The funny thing is that when she was shedding heavily she would let me brush her but once the shedding stopped she doesn't want to be brushed anymore.

    1. The signs on the campus side were removed this morning, so I think we'll still have access to the building!

      Hannah didn't develop an undercoat the first winter we had her, so she didn't shed that spring. But since then, boy oh boy does her body know she needs a thick winter coat. I suspect Doggo will get a thick undercoat going starting in September/October. So much fuzz!

  9. I read Hannah's expression as part "how dare you leave me" and part "make it stop raining!"

    Yeah, getting into your building sounds like it's going to be interesting. I suppose work on a school campus is like summer down here, they try to do things "when no one's there" but we are here!

    Coming out of Trader Joe's a few weeks ago, we got soaked! It was pouring and no letting up. Even though we were parked close, we were dripping. Not much fun, but at least we had treats from TJs, so it was worth it.

    1. I have a lot of complaints about TJs, but the biggest is definitely why do their parking lots all suck so bad? I have a similar complaint with Costco. Why can't they just design a better parking lot?!

  10. I haven't seen any rain in weeks and would gladly take some of yours, please and thankyou. I just came from the grocery store this morning (I still stick to my pandemic schedule and shop Friday mornings at around 8:30 am - it's a very good time to be at the grocery store).

    Those photo dump days are always fun.. I didn't know you were so 'hands-on' in your new job with the students, it sounds like you're running around all day. Time must go by quickly.

    1. I am taking Thursday and Friday off next week and will probably do my own grocery shopping on a Friday morning! Yay!

      My job is probably 25% student contact and the rest is liaising with faculty, working on transfer stuff, and organizing outreach efforts. We do a fair amount for first-year orientation, I teach some classes, and I work with students who have challenges academically and personally and may be on academic warning or probation. Our office also does graduation review. This was a first year orientation day, so it was a bit of running around, but I love it.

  11. I like rain better than last year’s drought, and I miss Beatrix’s shedding season— a sign I need a new dog in my life, I guess.

    1. Honestly, I'd take the drought. LOL. The whole house smells like wet dog all the time these days. I'll send you some rugs with dog fur all over them if you want to have a bit of shedding season in your life!!

  12. I read something interesting about dogs and shedding. Who knows whether it is true or not. Keeshonds (Mulder's breed) are supposed to shed only twice a year (when they blow their undercoat) BUT if they are neutered, they shed all year. This was our experience for sure. We had to vacuum every day. On the other hand, when we babysat another Keeshond last summer, who was not neutered, we had to vacuum twice a day. So I don't know. Like Sarah, I miss the shedding, because I miss having a dog. Sigh. I'm sorry Hannah had to walk in the rain, that's annoying.

    The open umbrella inside gave me the heebies. DON'T PEOPLE KNOW THAT IS BAD LUCK? (Sorry for yelling...)

    1. I have never heard that aboutthe umbrella inside. Is that an US thing? Not sure...

    2. Hannah does not shed much in the winter at all. I could vacuum every day in the summer and our rugs would still look like a dog, but in the winter I can go for an entire week without noticing much buildup.

      Tobia, it is a superstition that you're not supposed to open an umbrella inside here in the States. I don't know about any other English-speaking countries? Anyone else want to weight in? It's sort of silly because how else do you get a wet umbrella dry? The one in the photo isn't mine, but if I use an umbrella (and I rarely do because they're sort of dumb and worthless - a hot take I will defend fiercely), I do open it to dry because I refuse to cram it back in its bag when it's wet!

  13. Earlier this week when coming back from the grocery store I was soaked to the bone. It was warm and somehow I enjoyed the moment.

    1. Huh. I am not enjoying it. Maybe I need to be more in the moment and less annoyed by how inconvenient it is for me!

  14. Hannah and Zelda have such fun personalities! Pets are the best! It's so great that you enjoy public speaking. I'm so glad there are people like you in the world! We don't get a lot of rain where I live, so I'm usually very glad when it rains - unless I'm stuck out in it!

    1. Public speaking is fun! Mostly because I know hardly anyone is paying any attention to anything I say. LOL.

      It is an endless cycle of rain here these days. It's really giving me the sads. (Pouring rain as I type this.)

  15. Loved this post... not sure I've ever done one like this, but I should! So fun. :) LOVE the workout pic. HAHAHA. Yep, that would be me... every time I try to take a workout selfie I'm like yeeeesh, no. lol! I think yours is actually pretty decent! You look "in the zone". :)

    1. I have to just give up on a workout photo, I think. It's just not a flattering thing! I mean, it's not the WORST photo, but it's sort of embarrassing that I couldn't get something better.

  16. Ugh. We've had so much rain this week. It will finally be sunny and rain-free today. I usually have an umbrella on me but I didn't a few weeks ago and had to dash through the rain to get to the skyway and then had to run from our alley garage to our house so got pretty soaked in the process.

    I think you look great in the workout photo. There is absolutely ZERO CHANCE of me taking a photo of myself with just a sports bra on... having kids via c-sections really has done a number on my abdomen and even the highest waisted pants do not really hide it. And I totally get what you are saying about the CG workouts. I do really like her iron series so have decided to redo that since it's the purest strength training series that she offers. But I aim to lift in lbs what she is lifting in kgs - so less than half what she is doing! I should check out the program you are doing, though! What I like about CG is that she doesn't yell encouraging/annoying things at you. I do wish she would talk us through the cool down/stretching so I don't have to look at the screen to see what I should be doing.

    1. Yeah, I have had to do some work to feel good about my body and I refuse to talk bad about it anymore. It's not perfect, but it's the only body I have. Your abdomen is LOVELY and has served you well in creating two human beings. We should be celebrating it - not hiding it!

      I think CG's Fuel is the best of the bunch, but there are still too many exercise I need to modify. It makes me really get down on myself.

      I stand in awe that there are those of you out there listening to the audio on these workout videos. I have them on mute with the closed captioning on and I mostly listen to podcasts or audiobooks (very occasionally music). I have no idea if Sydney Cummings tries to coach you through anything.

  17. So much rain! When I was in IL/WI this weekend, there was so much rain! Especially on our way home from the Popcast live show - it was a freaking downpour! My area of FL has been relatively dry this summer, which is very weird because we're usually seeing daily downpours. I love rainy days so it makes me sad, lol. (But I also don't have a dog to walk; my experience would be a lot different if I did!)

    1. It was the rainiest June I can ever remember. It felt like it was raining every other day and the river is super high. Oh, well. Maybe it will ease up now that it's July!

  18. It seems like I get soaked on the way to work (or on the way home from grocery shopping) every OTHER day right now.
    That workout pic is more flattering than anything I would come up with, believe it.
    Champion Lamb Carcass buyer? Wtf does that even mean? How does one become a champion at it? By having money? For lamb carcasses? I'm so confused.
    And that's not a double chin. That's a squishing-your-head-down fold that is unavoidable.
    Lucy greets me every single day at the door wagging her tail so hard her whole butt wiggles. It is awesome.

    1. I don't know what Champion Lamb Carcass buyer means. I don't think I want to know, to be truthful. I think it means that the store was the buyer of the Champion Lamb Carcass, but why wouldn't it just say Champion Lamb? Like...why mention carcass at all? WHY?!

  19. OMG, those signs. That's... over the top. Also? THE RAIN. Thank goodness for sun these past few days...
