Monday, April 29, 2024

Cool Bloggers Walking Club Week 4: April 21 - 27

Week four of CBWC! Let's see how this shook out! (Surprise! There are walks without Hannah!)

In my last Photo of the Day post, Nance mentioned that most of the photos I take of Hannah are not exactly suffused with joy. That's because mostly I make her stop whatever she's doing to pose for me and she does so very grudgingly. Most of the time when she's really happy and playful, I'm engaged with her (playing chase, tug, throwing the sticks, what have you), so it's harder to grab photos during those times. I made a real effort to get some Goofball Hannah this week. Back to our regularly scheduled Supermodel Dog later on. 

Sunday, April 21
36 minute walk with Hannah this morning
43 minute walk with Hannah this afternoon

Tail all the way up in the air!

Monday, April 22
26 minute morning walk with Hannah
35 minute walk with Hannah after work 
22 minute walk with Hannah before bed

Look at those teeth! Not bad for a 6.5 year old dog.

Tuesday, April 23
32 minute morning walk with Hannah
21 minute walk with Hannah after work - I'd have liked a slightly longer walk, but I had places to be 
13 minute walk with Hannah before bed - It was cold and windy and both of us were irritated with this walk

She is the cutest.
Wednesday, April 24
27 minute morning walk with Hannah
35 minute afternoon walk with Hannah where she tried to chew every stick in sight
33 minute walk with Hannah before bed

Thursday, April 25
31 minute morning walk with Hannah
She carried this stick for half a mile.

Friday, April 26
19-minute walk at a random park on the way to my mother's house
Deerfield Nature Park in Mount Pleasant, MI

Saturday, April 27
40-minute run (it was a run rather than a walk, but it was in the spirit of the thing, right?)
23-minute walk before dinner because I was worried that the run wasn't in the spirit of the thing
15-minute walk before bed because it turns out maybe I'm not really walking Hannah when we're at home - she's joining me for a walk

What was your favorite walk of the week?


  1. Hannah is living her best doggy life!

    I love that bridge.

    TBH last week is all one big blur, but I spent a lot of time outside with the dog. Though that's every week for the past three months.

    1. Puppies don't stay puppies forever. That's the good (and bad) news. Someday she won't have to out every two minutes!

  2. The necessity of walking a dog is a big reason why I don't have a dog. I am just not up to it. I think it's a good thing for many, however.

    1. It's true that dogs are a ton of work. Cats are so much easier.

  3. I LOVE all these personality and action shots of Hannah just being her doggy self. She looks happy and natural and so relaxed.

    This makes me wish--AGAIN--that Zydrunas my granddog was better with me on the leash and not so reactive to other dogs. He really tries very hard to mind me, but if there is another dog, he cannot help himself; he completely loses his mind despite his training. I would love to take him on my daily walks. But I've been dragged before (thankfully only at the lake, on grass), and I don't dare even attempt it.

    1. Hannah is usually happy, I promise! It's just harder to get photos of that happiness.

      Hannah has nearly torn my arm off before. In her case, it's usually because it's an exotic animal she's never seen before (oh, my! the time she chased the cranes took me by surprise!). It's hard because you want the dogs to have a good life, but if you can't control them, they don't get to do ALL the fun things.

  4. Love that bridge. Does it sway when you're on it?

    I hope you're reunited with supermodel Hannah soon, Engie... How does one explain travel and family obligations to doggos?

    1. At least Hannah still has Dr. BB. She can't miss me too much. :)

  5. I love absolutely each and every one of these photos of Hannah.
    Favourite walk last week? Probably with a local author and friend. The sun was shining, we stopped for coffee/tea on the way back. Just perfection!

    1. Oh, man. Sunshine sounds so great right now. I'm glad you have the memory of that walk in your pocket to sustain you through the stressful times.

  6. I took a walk in the woods on Friday that was a literal breath of fresh air to both my lungs and mood! That is a cool suspension bridge at the park near your mother's - did you walk it?! DID IT SWAY?!?!

    1. So, this is literally as far as I got on the bridge because IT WAS SWAYING LIKE CRAZY. No one knew where I was and I was terrified I'd fall into the water and die and no one would know. LOL. I struggled to even get this far on the bridge and then I took the photo and got off of it ASAP. I'd like to go back with someone else someday and see if I could cross it. I don't know if I'm brave enough, though!

  7. Hannah is a supermodel in ALL of these photos. I love how happy she looks with her sticks!

    And your realization that the evening walk is for you -- for some reason, I found that very touching. Pets are important for so many reasons, aren't they?

    My favorite walk of the week was with my kid Saturday. The weather was gorgeous and she was chatty and full of energy.

    1. I love having Hannah as an excuse to be outside so much. Pets are so important to my mental health.

      Yay for a nice walk on a gorgeous day with good company. Those are the things that sustain us during the less awesome days.

  8. I love all photos of Hannah!!!!! I would also be annoyed if someone kept telling me to stop my fun activities to take a photo. I hope Dr. BB is up for all these walks while you're gone.

    1. I don't think H is getting these types of walks while I'm gone. More like perfunctory around the block gigs.

      I don't blame her for being annoyed with me, but I honestly think her annoyed face is pretty funny. That might make me sort of cruel.

  9. I am going to be a downer and again say that I don't enjoy my walks nearly as much now that I don't have Mulder. I do still go every day, though, and sometimes there is joy to be found. Nature is good that way. I'm glad Nance made that comment, and that you made the effort for us, your audience, to get smiley fun pictures of Hannah. What a good girl she is!

    1. I sort of feel like a walk without a dog is a real waste. Like, how am I going to notice all the sticks and robins if there isn't a dog?! So, I'm sorry it's sad without Mulder. You're right - your walks WOULD be better with a dog, but sometimes we have to do without. :(

  10. That picture of Hannah's tongue! Hilarious. I know she's a dog, but I find being able to lick your own nose quite impressive.
    I think I walked a couple times last week. There was one walk after dinner with the kids when we realized that we hadn't been outside all day. And I walk a lot at work. pretty much I spend all rehearsal pacing the room and running back and forth trying to find people or props.

    1. I can lick my own nose. My tongue is absolutely long enough! But I don't look as adorable as H when I do it.

  11. It's all slow rehab walks with Lucy right now, a few a day. One really nice one in a small wooded area near my friend's house, but it was HOT. I really need a fast walk soon, but it feels like cheating on her.

    1. CHEATING ON HER!!! LOLOLOL. She'll never know. (Unless you tell her.)

  12. LOVE this. Of course every walk should include pictures of Hannah :)

    1. Walks without a dog feel like wasted walks. LOL.

  13. That bridge looks fun.
    So many walks... Such a happy dog. The teeth scare me though.

    1. Her teeth are slightly scary, that's for sure. But not when she's playing!

  14. The tongue picture just kills me. When I saw the first photo, all I could think was, look how far Hannah has come. She is living her best life, for sure. <3

    1. I love the tongue photo. What a goofball.
