Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Yours Truly (Part of Your World #2) by Abby Jimenez

I have a seriously conflicted relationship with Abby Jimenez, the author of Yours TrulyThe Friend Zone pissed me off so badly that I swear my blood pressure goes skyrocketing when I even THINK about that book even though it honestly had the possibility of being a good book. The Happy Ever After Playlist was pretty good, though. Life's Too Short was terrible. 

So it was with some serious reservations that when Stephany recommended this book HIGHLY, I took it out from the library. And, boy was she right. This is a nearly perfect romance novel. 

Briana Ortiz's life is not great. Her brother is sick, her divorce is going to be final soon, and it looks like her promotion is on the line because of the new guy, Jacob. Plus the new guy is a bit of a dick. But then he writes her a letter (OMG! a letter! you know I got super pumped) explaining that he has anxiety and then it turns out he needs a fake girlfriend to attend a wedding.  I don't think I need to explain to any of you what happens next, do I?

Interesting characters: Oh, boy, do these two do it for me! Jacob is *whispers quietly* very much like my dear husband. I am not Briana, but the accommodations she makes for Jacob made me feel very seen. Your mileage may vary on these two, but they very very much appealed to me. Their banter is funny, there's a dog (Lieutenant Dan!), a cat (Cooter!), and relationships with people outside of their romantic relationships. Two thumbs up. (Don't sue me, Siskel and Ebert estates.)

Believable conflict: Yeah. These two are both getting out of intense long-term relationships and it's clear that they're reacting to the past relationships, which is totally understandable. They also do things like reflect on their own behavior and communicate about reasons for their actions later (sometimes in letters *I swoon*).

Emotional tension: Oh, yes!! They aren't physical for so long and I just want them to do a kiss on the cheek or something!!

Happily ever after: This is the "nearly" in "nearly a perfect romance novel." The ending. Uff-da. I have thoughts, but there are two main issues that I don't really want to say because it's a spoiler, but just know that if you despise this ending, you are not alone. 

4.5/5 stars (docked fully half a star because of that ending)

Lines of note:

I knew from years of therapy that I was ruminating. That the encounter had probably been nothing to her, but to me it felt like the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened. A decade from now I'd be lying in bed and my eyes would fly open and I'd remember the incredulous way she'd looked at m  - me, the guy who had the audacity to walk into her ER room and talk to her about running toward a critical patient, one she obviously knew and cared about. (page 22)

I have a recurring nightmare about a phone call I had when I was twelve or thirteen. True story. I won't share my trauma with you, but it's there.

I wondered if I could keep doing this. I was miserable here. I was miserable at Memorial, and I would probably be miserably wherever else I went too. Maybe this was my life now, just existing and hating every minute of it. (page 29)

Sometimes I think this is me. I'm the problem, not the world. 

I'd always known what I was and was not capable of, even as a child. Your parents tell you that you can grow up and be anything. But I knew from the earliest age that wasn't true. I remember my teacher telling me I could be president one day, and me replying that I didn't want to because I didn't like parades. (page 89)

1) I do not lie to my niblings about things like this. This started because I have a different view on religion than my in-laws and I promised myself that I'd never lie. I have answered direct questions about God, Santa, and comic book characters that differ greatly from how their parents would answer (and always reported to the parents so they would know if the kids had questions). I have also talked to my niece who has a severe physical disability about what her future job prospects are (i.e., you can be a landscape designer, but you're never going to be the person who plants the flowers).  

2) You could maybe be a flower. Or a gumball machine. Or a t-rex. (See the comments in Nicole's post to know what this about.)

Eating was intimate. It took me a long time to truly feel comfortable doing it in front of someone. (page 98)

My husband hates to have people watch him eat. Hates it. I don't make eye contact with him during meals; like he's a rescue dog at a shelter. 

"...but I have as much willpower as a piece of broccoli." (page 251)

This was hilarious. And goes to talk about the tension in this book. Also, this is how I feel about Payday candy bars. And gummy bears. 

Hat mentions (why hats?):

People in wedding veils and birthday hats hooting and cheering, shouting over the music. (page 11)

A selfie in front of Minnehaha Falls. She was wearing sunglasses and a gray baseball hat in that one. (page 84)

This book takes place in the Twin Cities, only you don't really know that except for a brief mention of Edina and this Minnehaha Falls namecheck. It still made me happy to be there. 

He had his hat-in-hand, puppy-dog look again. (page 139)

A squirrel in a cowboy hat and chaps riding a turtle. (page 149)

I'm not going to explain this quote. You just have to read the book yourself to learn!

Jacob looked relieved that his gift had hit the mark and turned back to me with the puppy-dog, hat-in-hand smile that always made my face go soft. (page 232)


  1. You made me want to read this :)!! Also! The Oxford Book Club is reading Babel--I thought you might get a kick out of that. (I wouldn't have read that book if it hadn't been for you. :)

    1. Babel! Such a good book. My husband read it and had all sorts of critiques and I just plugged my ears and pretended not hear them because I'm mature. I don't want to hear it!

  2. Uh Oh! So I looked into Jimenez based on your recommendation for Yours Truly, which I have already read, and got Part of Your World from the library earlier this morning. So...now I am hesitant to read it. I will probably give it a go, but Yours Truly was a 3/5 for me, so I am going to temper my expectations.

    1. Oh, no! It was only a 3/5 for you? What were your critiques of it?

    2. I guess I don't really love the miscommunication aspect of most cheesy romances. It is always the same story; they both love each other but for some reason something has them in some kind of conflict and instead of just talking they simmer on that for a while. Then everything works out in the end perfectly and the hero/kidney donor saves the day. It is just too much.

      Also 3/5 does not mean that I did not like the book; it means that I did not LOVE the book.

    3. Interesting. I think that what I love about romance novels is that the authors HAVE to work within the restraints of the format (meet cute, rising tension, conflict, HEA) and how they do that is the best part. I thought the miscommunication in this book was quite well done (I think Nora Goes Off Script also did this well), but I can definitely see how it's not everyone's cup of tea. Maybe romance just isn't your genre!!

  3. I don't usually read romance novels but I follow Abby Jimenez on social media and she is freaking hilarious. This both makes me want to try one of her books to support her and not because what if like you, I pick one and hate it. It's a conundrum.
    I play embarrassing conversations back all the time also. It was years before I learned to mask some of my most glaring socially awkward traits, so there are, um, a lot of them.
    I got a letter in the mail yesterday! Made me think of you.

    1. Playing embarrassing conversations back over and over again is my (super)power. It's so terrible. Why am I like this?

      Mail! I love that people associate me with mail.

  4. I haven't read anything by Jimenez but I think I will check this out as I need some lighter, HEA type of books in my life right now. But the jerk at work experience might be too on the nose for me. The jerks I work with do not appear to have any medical reason for acting like they do, though... Jimenez lives in the Twin Cities so I have been wanting to read one of her books for awhile as I like to support local authors - this sounds like the right book to check out of her works. I have not heard any good things about The Friend Zone so I plan to avoid that one!

    1. I mean, he wasn't really a jerk, if you want to know the truth. She just sort of leaped to some conclusions. He's a true delight of a romance novel lead. But not all Jimenez books are equal, so be careful which one you choose!!

  5. If a book has a cat named Cooter, I’m all in!

    1. I fully respect this choice.

  6. YAY! I am SO glad you loved this romance novel as much as I did! I also had issues with the ending and could have probably docked it a half-star, too, but I just felt so very seen by all of the social anxiety aspects of the book that I decided to keep it at 5 stars. (But honestly, why is Jimenez SO BAD at writing endings?! Argh.)

    Also, FULLY AGREE with the books you despise by her and the books you liked. She is so hit or miss, it's crazy!

    1. I honestly can't think of a single author who is as all over the place as Jimenez. Maybe Beth O'Leary (The Flatshare and The Switch were great, but I DNFed The Road Trip)? But Jimenez is literally from great to meh to terrible. So crazy! How does she even do that?!
