Friday, December 01, 2023

14.1 Hat - Purple Forever, I Guess

I swear I won't do this for any other prompt, but let's see if we can keep this hat thing going.

This is in a display at the student union at the university where I work. One of the school colors is purple, but there is literally no explanation as to the importance of this hat in the display.

Let's hypothesize, shall we?

1) Regalia (the stuff worn at formal academic ceremonies, like graduation - the gowns and the hoods and the cords and the like) used to be a lot more western than it is today?

2) This used to be more of a rural campus. Maybe it was a rodeo champion's hat?

3) It used to be part of a uniform for something like the marching band or a different sport? 

What's your hypothesis? What's up with this hat?


  1. Seeing this post in my reader was DELIGHTFUL.

    My hypothesis is that the display maker discovered too late that there were only a couple items to include and, instead of leaving it very bare looking or rethinking the entire display, found something purple in their kid's dress up box to spruce things up.

    1. There's another hat in the display case! That one I understand, though. Wait for the excitement of that hat to start the New Year. LOL.

  2. James R. Connor, in whose name the University Center is dedicated, wore that hat as part of his favourite Western dress outfit. Known throughout Wisconsin and the surrounding areas as an accomplished trick rider, Connor delighted audiences with his horse King in many local arenas during Wild West Shows, rodeos, and fairs. When Connor passed away, few people knew of the small fortune he had amassed, mostly from his other hobby, playing the stock market. His generous endowment to the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater stunned everyone. Theories abound, even one which posits that King was sired in a now-defunct horse farm that was nearby.

    1. This is either some excellent Googling or a really good BS story! It reminds me of the game Dictionary (or Balderdash) where you have to make up a definition to a word you don't know I would definitely pick this one!!

    2. Nance! Too funny! It may indeed be true. No one here will ever know if it's Nance's story or the real one!

  3. I cannot really top Nance's comment; what a great find!

    1. It was too great. Obviously we have to assume Nance's story is 100% accurate.

  4. First, that hat's purple is IDEAL - I love it! My hypothesis is that the unknown origin of the hat is the point of the hat; it's presence is meant to cultivate a culture of curiosity and wonder and remind folks that James R. Connor's possible love of whimsical hats can only lead to more nuggets of knowledge.

    1. Love of whimsical hats! Connor and I are obviously soulmates.

  5. I have no hypothesis; I just wanted to mention that my sister-in-law graduated from UW Whitewater and that my brother spent a year there!

  6. My guess is that someone stole a purple hat (from where? I don't know) and snuck it into the display as a trophy. And then I guess everyone who saw it assumed that they were supposed to know what it meant, having it there.

    I know, weak theory. Can't beat Nance!

  7. I want to stage an experiment. Have a group of people walk by the display and then ask them when the last time that they saw a hat was. I bet very few would notice the hat. But once you see it you can't unsee it.

  8. Both Angus's high school and college colours were purple (with gold, for Elmira). Not our favourite, but definitely memorable.

  9. Um... well I was going to go with the marching band uniform theory until I read Nance's comment. i think you're going to have to find out the truth now and let us all know!

  10. Hahaha, that's so funny... I think Nance wins the prize here. I cannot even come up with a story for this hat other than they needed something purple and someone said that they had a purple Western hat that would fit with the theme.

  11. I believe that Prince happened to stop by one day, perhaps he was asking for directions and he left his purple hat by accident. 🤪
