Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher

Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher is a novella length retelling of the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale.

This book! We're introduced to Toadling. She's protecting humans from something in the tower while avoiding humans. We slowly learn her backstory about how she was stolen out of a human home and raised with love with underwater fairies. Suddenly this errant knight appears and she's doing everything she can to protect him from whatever is in the tower.

It is such a delightful book. Also, look at Toadling!

5/5 stars. No notes. 

Line of note:

"I would like to save you." He looked slightly embarrassed by the admission. "I have never been of much use to anyone, you see."

"I'm not exactly a fair maiden to be saved by a questing knight," she said. "It's not as if I'm beautiful."

"No," said Halim. "I know I should say that you are, because that would be chivalrous. But I'm not handsome, either, and I'm not rich, and men don't feel the slightest urge to follow me into battle, and I already told you about the tourneys, so I've failed on most counts as a knight. It would be nice to do something and not fail at it. And you'" He shrugged. "Interesting And sad." (page 44-45)

Hat mentions:



  1. Aw... this sounds good! I like that quote. And 5/5 stars is high praise!

    1. It was really good! And short. Kingfisher is so reliable.

  2. My favorite quote is when he asks her if she's cursed, she says no, and he says, "Which is exactly what you'd say if you were"--and she says, "But it's exactly what I'd say if I wasn't!"

  3. It is on my list of books to read and I even have it mentioned in one of drafts for NaBloPo. I'll link your review.
