Tuesday, October 24, 2023

12.24 Family - Iowa Lost

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined topic chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-fourth day of the month is "Family."


First up, I did a guest post over at Elisabeth's blog yesterday. If you haven't seen it already, it just reiterates that I love popcorn, my dog, and telling stories about growing up in a cornfield. 


While I was preparing for the big gala on Saturday, my husband drove to Iowa and back to go tailgating for the Iowa game at my SIL and BIL's house. They live in Iowa City about a block from the football stadium and they host a big event for one of the games every year. Obviously, I couldn't go, but don't worry, the kids didn't forget about me. 

I'm sure if you're a parent or someone around children a lot, getting a piece of art from a child is no big deal, but I love it so much. Straight on to the fridge!

Also, look what I put in the mail today!

Woot woot!  


In the last week, I've gotten postcards or cards from all three of my regular snail mail correspondents. That is UNHEARD of and makes me think someone is telling them that I need cheering up. LOL.


Do you have children's artwork hanging on your fridge? Tell me all about it. 


  1. Sadly, magnets do not stick to my fridge. Ugh. But I have a huge box of saved artwork for each of my sons in the attic. Back in the day (and previous fridges) I always had their art on display. My brother's house has his grandkids' art taped to the livingroom walls. They love it.

    1. If I didn't have a magnetic fridge, I think I'd tape stuff to it. What did you do with all your magnets when you switched from old skool to new?

  2. No artwork hanging on our fridge, like Nance said magnets don't stick to ours either. I do have one drawing my niece, then 12, made me years ago. It's of a mushroom with spots because she knew I wrote something that was called something like a "speckled vegetable" which was her name for my blog.

    1. Speckled vegetable!! That's so cute - no wonder you kept that.

  3. I have zero artwork on my fridge!!! There is no space for it, because it's built into the cabinets and, since it's stainless steel, I can't use magnets. We have zero artwork anywhere, currently, though, so it at least fits in with the rest of the house.

    Love your abundance of snail mail! So fun!

    1. Will you eventually tape things to the fridge or is it an unsullied space in your kitchen? We keep semi-important things on our fridge, like the trash schedule. I can't imagine not having the fridge as a place to hang things like that for easy reference.

  4. I don't have any kid art on my fridge, but I do have a few kid thank-you notes that I have kept because they are similarly too cute to get rid of. Our fridge is covered with other things, though--I'm so glad magnets stick to it!

    1. Yes! We have several thank you notes on our fridge, as well. We love the kid writing.

  5. Thanks for guest posting - it was SO fun.

    I do have quite a bit of art work on my fridge (I feel like I blogged about fridges now that don't have magnetic fronts?!)...I love seeing things the kids have made. I also LOVE the sense of tidiness when we clear out a round of art projects. I will admit they are a bit fewer and farther between as the kids get older, but there is always something someone has made on there at all times. It's a cheerful sight.

    1. Yes, pretty soon these kids are going to be teens and I guess we'll have to consider whether or not it's time to move on to other displays on the fridge. I truly enjoy the little kid artwork and writing, though.

  6. I don't have them on the fridge, but every year the boys make me homemade birthday cards, so I have those displayed in a few areas of the house. There's a nice collection in our back room and I have a few in my office.

    1. Homemade birthday cards! How sweet! I love that you display them.

  7. Magnets don't stick to our fridge, but I love kids' artwork and photos and I hate empty spaces, so I put up magnetic boards on the fridge with command strips. I have some favorites from my kids' painting and craft days there.

    1. YES! Magnetic boards with command strips is such a great solution to the non-magnetic fridge problem. Smart!

  8. Sigh, in the old day we had kids' artwork everywhere! Now, not so much. The last thing we had on our fridge was our daughter's honor roll certificate, which strangely she handed to me wadded up into a ball. When I asked what happened she said "It came that way." IT DID NOT. Anyway, I tried to smooth it out and it stayed on our fridge, all wrinkly for a while until we had to admit it looked terrible and we threw it out. This is what happens when the cute kids turn into teenagers!

    1. I am quite worried that our art supply is going to dry up soon. It's great that kids grow up, of course, but it definitely changes the look of your fridge!

  9. Yeahh. for snail mail. Butt you do write a lot. You got three back – is that a good ratio? I love writing and I also love receiving snail mal. So fun.

    1. It is definitely NOT a great return ratio, that's for sure. However, I get joy out of sending and receiving, so it's worth it to me.
