Monday, October 09, 2023

A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams

I read A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams because someone told me it was about female friendships and the cover made it look like that was true, so I was all in. 

Lily and Budgie are friends at college, but when we meet Lily as an adult, she's seeing Budgie for the first time in years. And Budgie is now married to Lily's first love.  What's going to happen?

A lot of nothing good, I'll tell you.

I think that if I'd been told that this was a book about anti-Semitism or hurricanes or a family misunderstanding, I would have felt differently about it, but because someone told me it was about female friendship, I was so disappointed in this. It was more like frenemies than friends and in the end I was just sad. 

3/5 stars

Lines of note:

He excels at all sports, even the ones he hasn't tried. I like him; you can't help but like Graham. He reminds me of a golden retriever, and who doesn't love a golden retriever? (page 4)

I like to make note of all human/animal metaphors. 

A hurricane had barreled into the Florida Keys over the weekend. We listened in horror to the reports on the radio as we readied ourselves for the Greenwalds' Labor Day party: houses flattened, trains derailed, a whole work party of war veterans gone missing. (page 204)

Crazy. I just read that Chanel Cleeton book about the Labor Day hurricane of 1935 (it really happened in 1935, but this book is claiming it's 1938)! I'd never heard of it before and it's a crazy coincidence that I read two books that talk about it within just a couple of months. 

Things I looked up:

The Mill on the Floss (page 102) - 1860 bildungsroman by George Eliot, published in three volumes. 

demilune table (page 243) - shaped like a crescent moon - this is good vocab to have!

Hat mentions:

Seventeen hat mentions in total. My favorite is:

"...I thought she looked beautiful. I never thought about that before. She always looks so ordinary to me, so matronly, wearing her suits and her hats. I feel like I was seeing her for the first time, really seeing her." (page 196)


  1. Hmm, yes a book about female frenemies would make me sad too!

    1. It really did. What a bummer.

  2. I haven't read anything by this author but that kind of plot line typically does not draw me in. You know nothing good can come of someone marrying the other person's first love! And the cover would have given me "hard pass" vibes. Good for others, not for me!

    1. I wish I'd done more research on this book, to be honest. If I'd known that plot line, I would have noped my way right out of it! It's NOT about female friendship!

  3. Ugh, thinking it was about friendship and having them end up that way would make me sad too! Crazy how much we perceive about a book before we start affects our reading of it! I try hard to actually know very little about books so that happens less to me, but it often still happens, lol.

    1. I also try not to know anything going in, but sometimes the recommendations themselves come with some information and then...whomp whomp. You have expectations!
