Monday, September 11, 2023

11.11 Stranger - This Branch

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the eleventh day of the month is "Stranger."


A few years ago, we cut down a tree in our side yard. It was a sick ash tree and we hemmed and hawed about it until our neighbor suggested that it might destroy her house. I can't find the exact date we had this done, but it was pre-COVID, so I think it was fall of 2019.  It might actually have been fall of 2018 because I don't remember having to corral the dog.  Hm. Well. Whatever. It's been years. 

I bring this up because when they were removing the tree, a branch fell off and wedged itself in a street sign in front of our house. The thing is that this branch is STILL there. We've had some crazy storms this summer that have taken down entire trees, but this branch? It abides. 


What's an unplanned long-lasting feature of your neighborhood?  How long do you think this stick will remain on this sign? 


  1. Ha- that's funny. If the branch hasn't come out of that sign with all the storms you've had, I think it's there forever!

    1. At some point, it will decompose. I think it's funny to think about if that will happen before or after we leave this house!

  2. The branch has STCKtoittiveness.

  3. I feel you. We had a very large dead branch hanging off of one of our backyard trees FOR YEARS. It was too high for us to be able to get it down, so we just kind of avoided putting any patio furniture under that spot as a workaround. It even lasted after the storm last summer that brought a humongous branch from the neighboring tree down on our house.

    And then this summer it finally came down!!! And it it's place a very small branch is hanging off our gutter now, and it's lasted through a few storms now. Sigh.

    1. There's a dead branch in the tree in the terrace by our house. I just hope our car isn't under it when it comes down!

  4. I can't believe no one has grabbed the part that hangs down and pulled it out! Though at this point, I would be curious how much longer it will stay, so I wouldn't be doing it myself.

    1. It's actually pretty high up. I can't reach it myself. I'd have to have a ladder. Maybe one of the middle school kids could jump and take it down, but it's so high above their sightline that I don't think it would occur to them. We'll see, I guess!

  5. For the longest time, there was a cookie sitting on a radiator in the stairwell at work. We marveled that the mice didn't get to it. It did eventually go away after a few weeks, but as we were leaving every night it was fun to check in and see if the stairwell cookie was still there.

    1. Ewwww...who left the cookie there? That's a serious test for the janitorial staff.

  6. Ha! It cracks me up that no one has removed it!!! Hmm, I am trying to think of a feature like that for our neighborhood, and can't come up with one!

    1. I can't imagine anyone besides me and my husband have noticed this stick, so there's probably something, but it's so small you'd never notice!

  7. This is hilarious! It makes me wonder, are you the only one who notices it? It reminds me of Our Hanging Chad at the GA house. That thing was never coming down...until the tree trimmers took it down. (without us asking!!)

    1. I know at least one of our neighbors is also on Stick Watch. LOL. It is just like the Hanging Chad!
