Sunday, August 06, 2023

10.6 Reflection - A Saturday in August

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a different theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the sixth day of the month is "Reflection."


The air smells like burning wood, with fires on every corner as people try to get rid of the piles of lumber that fell in last week's storm. But it also smells like freshly laid asphalt everywhere you go in town because they're working on refinishing Main Street and the church behind us just redid their parking lot. I tried to flee from the smell by walking Hannah towards the river where it smelled like charbroiled burgers next to The American Legion and dead fish near the bridge. Eventually the dog and I found ourselves at the end of the riverwalk, next to a sign that said No Trespassing. Someone was cutting grass and I started sneezing and Hannah looked me as if she was preparing to have to do chest compressions any minute. We headed back to home.

It's hot, humid, and hazy, but such is life in the summer of 2023. There's a storm forecast for tonight and it was all anyone could talk about at the Farmer's Market yesterday morning. What if it's as bad as it was last week? Do you think all the piles of branches waiting for brush pickup are going to be spread across town? Do you know anyone with a generator because we don't want to have to throw out another fridge of food? Did you know we still only have two out of four working tornado sirens? Do you think we'll lose power again?

It was a busy morning yesterday - walked the dog, went to the library/Farmer's Market, went to pick blueberries, worked out, walked the dog again. By the time I took a shower, it was well into the afternoon and I found myself wondering if I should put on a new dress or continue wearing the dress I'd been wearing (and sweating in) all morning. Laundry day is today, so the pickings were slim in my closet.

So I recuperated from my busy morning by spending the afternoon curled up on the couch reading a book I like, but don't really understand. Zelda thought it was glorious that I was just sitting there in the middle of the day and jumped onto my book to lay down. As she purred and I pet her, we both slowly fell into a nap and I'm not mad about that at all.  

How was your Saturday?


  1. I took a chill day yesterday as well. Normally I like to do the local tourism thing on weekends, but since it was our first weekend back from vacay I was all about staying home. It was nice.

    1. Oh, yeah, you need that day back from vacay to do laundry and shopping and boring things like that to get you back on track!

  2. Your cat stays. I have a ten minute cat.

    1. Zelda will stay if I stay still. She's a cuddler.

  3. Your Saturday sounds satisfying.

    For the longest time, our Saturdays were so busy and filled with errands and chores. With both of us working, we had only the weekends to make the fur fly, so to speak, on things we wanted to get done together. Now Saturdays are different. I'm retired, so most of the busywork gets done by me during the week. In the late spring through early fall, we weekend at the lake, so Saturdays are mostly relaxing unless there's a big project to do. This weekend, however, we stayed home and had some family gatherings to attend. Still nice.

    1. Yeah, we definitely try to do errands during the week if we can to avoid the chaos of doing them during the weekend. Weekends are supposed to be chill - not more stressful than a workday!

  4. My Saturday morning was taking Maggie to the vet for her annual check-up, so that was exhausting and stressful for both of us. After recovering and eating lunch, I ran some errands with only moderate success, and realized last night that one of the errands I put off until today can't be done on Sunday. Sigh. Not the worst day ever but not the best.

    1. Well, I hope Maggie's checkup went well! The last time Z went to the vet, she threw up in her carrier in the car, so I hope that it went better than that!

  5. My Saturday was great! Another epic bike ride with my son and then we had a dinner party in the evening. It felt really great to host people again!

    1. Yay! I'm happy your Saturday was good and that you're settled in enough to host a party! How exciting for you!

  6. That sounds like a great Saturday! I love weekend days that are so packed in the morning and early afternoon that I feel well justified to loaf around from 3pm onwards. It makes me feel doubly productive to get things done early.
    My Saturday was work, but done rehearsal by 6pm so I made it home for the kids' bedtime, which is always nice but just as exhausting as work.

    1. Yes, there's something exciting about having all the things checked off the list by a relatively early time with actual time to relax.

      I'll admit that I'm not envious about a complicated bedtime. We just chuck some sweet potatoes in the dog's bed and turn off the lights!d

  7. Oooh, that's one of my favorite things ever- reading on the couch with a purring cat next to me, and then drifting off to sleep. It feels soooo relaxing and luxurious!
    Anyway, I have been ROUGHING IT these last few days- my son's house didn't have internet set up yet, so I was blogging from my phone. For some reason I wasn't able to comment on any of your posts this way, so I'll go back and comment now.

    1. Egads! No internet! It's like you were living life as a caveperson!

  8. I admit to not doing much this past weekend. Anymore August is one of the slowest times of year for me. Once upon a time I'd have been running around on this last Saturday because it was a tax-free weekend, but no more. I'm old, I'm happy to be at home, I'm just waiting for September when life gets more interesting.

    1. A lowkey weekend sounds perfect to me!

  9. Your whole day sounds lovely... I like a lot of weird smells--including gasoline and paint--but I do not like that new asphalt smell!

    1. The asphalt smell was very strong. I did not care for it!

  10. NAPS! I need to take more naps.

    1. I am 100% on board with more naps basically anywhere and anytime.

  11. A couch, a book, a cat... sounds glorious. I did take a nap.

  12. I am so envious of your literal cat nap. At first I thought it was HANNAH who climbed up and laid on top of your book, which was kind of funny to picture, but then realized it was the cat. In my defense, I was really tired when reading this. ;)
