Sunday, August 13, 2023

10.13 Failure - Sleeping In

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the thirteenth day of the month is "Failure."


Friday I turned off all the alarms so that we could sleep in. I rarely do this because it seems mean to the girls to postpone their breakfasts and Hannah's morning walk. But Thursday and Friday and been somewhat rough days for me and I was running on fumes. 

We were woken at 6:32am by the sound of someone howling for her breakfast. She did this for a minute or two and then was quiet again, so Dr. BB and I settled back in. 

As the church bells started tolling at seven, she started yowling, this time directly under the door leading upstairs so that the sound funneled up the stairs straight into our bedroom.

"How does she even know what time it is?"

"Those damn church bells."  

We got out of bed to feed her. 


Do you ever get a chance to sleep in? If so, how late can you sleep? If not, who or what is stopping you?


  1. Poor Zelda. Like most cats, she is ruled by her tummy.

    I rarely get a chance to sleep in. Mostly due to Piper and Marlowe, my resident cats, who fuss and head butt me or attack my head. But even on weekends at the lake, where we don't bring them, I'm still awake by about 7 or so out of habit. It's frustrating, especially since I'm unable to nap. How do people just fall asleep during the day? I've never been able to do it.

    1. I have absolutely no problem napping. Honestly, I could pretty much lay down at any point in the day and fall asleep, including immediately after I wake up in the morning. LOL. I think that's probably a sign of something about mental and physical health rather than something bad about you!

  2. Do you ever get a chance to sleep in? If so, how late can you sleep? I got up at 5:30 a.m. for decades so now that I can sleep in I do, but for me that means 6:15 a.m. which is still early by many people's standards. Someday I hope to make it to 7:00 a.m.

    1. We normally get up at about 6-6:30 and I think 7 is about the latest we can sleep these days. 6:15 seems normalish to me, but any time before 6am seems cruel!

  3. I'm like Ally, if I sleep past six I consider that a sleep in. Sometimes - not often, but maybe once every month or two - I might sleep to seven, but that's if I've had a late night and that is a rare thing!

    1. The thing is that if I stay up later than 10 or 10:30 at night, I am wiped out, so I feel you on that. When I was younger, I could stay up late and get up early and power through, but I can't do that anymore!

  4. I am NOT a morning person, and in an ideal world I would sleep in until 7:30 every morning. Occasionally, I'll sleep until 8. Mostly I'm awake by 7:00 these days (summer), and 6:30-6:45 in the school year, but it's a slog for me. 7:30 is definitely my body's natural wake up time. I need a lot of sleep and don't go to bed until 10:30/11, so I can't get up at 4 am like all these uber-productive morning folk. Sigh. I WANT to be that person, but I've tried so many times and it's a failure. I need sleep and I hate mornings.
    I will say that now that the kids are older it is SO much easier to sleep in. Even if they're up, they don't wake us at this point. Even a few years ago it was unthinkable, so this is lovely.

    1. I used to really struggle to get out of bed by 9, so I think that my body's "natural" wakeup time now as 7 is a bit of a miracle, to be honest. That being said, I do have to be lights out by 11pm or I am a mess the next day. It's a trade-off because the uber-productive morning people mostly have to be in bed by 8pm and I could not do that for a lot of logistical reasons!

      Just wait until the kids start sleeping until noon! Then you'll have it made!

  5. 7 hours in bed is just about my upper limit. That is pretty well sleeping in for me.

    1. Seven hours is a pretty good run, especially if you don't ever have to get up to go to the bathroom or anything!

  6. I used to be a champion at sleeping in, but nowadays my body lets me have about 7 hours and then I'm awake. It's frustrating sometimes. I did sleep pretty late this morning, 7:30 ish, and went to bed pretty early, so it was delicious.

    I think cats are worse than dogs when it comes to waking you up. I haven't had a cat in MANY years (husband is dangerously allergic), but I do remember that aspect of it. Mulder was always very happy to get up and be let out and have breakfast, but he was also willing to let us sleep as long as we wanted beforehand. Sometimes I would get up to let him out and feed him, and he would eat and then go back upstairs to bed. I was envious those days, because sadly, once I'm up I'm pretty much up.

    1. Ha! Zelda is a gazillion times worse than Hannah. Hannah does NOT care about going for walks or eating and I have actually forgotten to feed her before because she will just lay down if given her druthers! This cat, though. She's strict with her schedule.

  7. I LOVE sleeping in! I try to do it whenever my schedule allows- but yes, the cats always try to ruin it. My best sleeping in mornings are when my husband still gets up early, so he can feed the cats!

    1. I always feel bad making my husband get up without me because he would have to deal with the cat AND the dog and the dog's a lot more work (I mean, she's not demanding like the cat, but she has to be walked). It works better if we tag team, so I try not to stay in bed later than him. *sigh* Dogs are great, but they will be a source of guilt for you no matter what you do!

  8. When/if I stop working, sleeping in is going to be a joy! Right now I get up about half an hour earlier than everyone else on weekdays to work out, so it won't be anything too drastic but I'll get a few extra hours of sleep every week. It adds up!

    As our dog has gotten older, she's started sleeping in. She used to get up and go downstairs with me when I got up, but over the last year she's started sleeping until my husband gets up. There have been a few mornings this summer where she's stayed in bed even after he gets up.

    1. Yes, Hannah honestly could care less about wakeup time. As a matter of fact, we had to get up a tiny bit earlier than usual this morning and she definitely did not want to get up. So I think dogs are much better about all this than cats. Or maybe it's just old and/or lazy dogs!

  9. Ugh! I am sorry you didn't get to sleep in! I hope you got some rest this weekend?! I generally don't sleep in. If I was up really late and am sleeping somewhere out of town (where the cats won't wake me), I might sleep until 7:00.

    Oh wait! When we stayed with friends in AR in October we stayed up until 2:00 and 3:00 am and I think I slept until 8:30? LOL.

    1. I don't remember the last time we slept in a hotel, but I do feel like we woke up around our usual time when we did. But the hour we spend dealing with animal chores in the morning (walking, feeding, and brushing their teeth) was free!

  10. Bummer! It's difficult to sleep in when other creatures' meals depend on you. I used to be able to sleep all day/spend all day in bed decades ago. Now, I like waking up before everyone else so I can have some morning quiet to myself! My non alarm wake up time is 5-6 am.

    1. I remember being able to sleep until noon even well into my 20s. I just can't do that anymore and I'd like to be able to!

  11. For me, 8:30 a.m. is considered sleeping in. I think it's because my youngest attends school all year, so we only get three weeks off at a time, and just when I think I'll be able to sleep in, BAM! School is back in session.

    I love that photo of your cat.

    1. Thank you from Zelda. She's very proud of that box.

  12. I woke up yesterday and looked at my watch to find it was 6:50 am!!! That is the latest I think I have slept since having kids! Paul was downstairs watching a Wild Kratts show on his iPad. Taco was rolling around in his crib. I guess all the outdoor time/playing with the dog wore them out! It was amazing!!! If you have cats or young kids, chances are sleeping in is NOT possible. Oscar would come and pester us until one of us got up to feed her.

    1. Look at you doing all the sleeping! Things are going to get better for you as the kids get older, I bet!

  13. Well, you HAD a plan. 😜
    I usually get to sleep in on the weekends when my husband gets up and takes care of the dogs. Generally, I'm up around 7:15, but if Coach is on Dog Duty and we don't have plans, I can linger until my bladder says enough is enough.

    1. My bladder is definitely the weak link, that's for sure!

  14. Oh, I can 100% sleep in still. I thought I would lose this ability as I got older but nope - last weekend, I slept until 10AM! The cats generally don't bother me for food, but I'm no longer free-feeding them (sad!) so now they do start getting antsy for breakfast at a normal time. But even still, they let me sleep until 10 before bothering me! So that was nice.

    Generally, though, I'm usually up between 7:30-8:30. Ideally, I'd sleep until 8am every day.

    1. Well, you're still young. Once I got to 35, my bladder just couldn't do it anymore!

  15. Dang, those stupid church bells. Strangely, I am pretty sure Zelda would have known the time for breakfast without the bells... did you go back to bed after feeding her? ;)

    1. So, I never go back to bed because I get up and immediately walk the dog for half an hour, so I'm always too wound up to go back to sleep after that. I do take frequent weekend naps, though!

  16. Oh, man. I stink at sleeping, period. I usually get about 6 hours of sleep on a good night. (Chronic pain, stiffness, general inability to be comfortable in any position...) So I just get up. *shrug* I don't nap, either, unless one counts the times that I do put my head on my desk and doze for a minute. (Not during meetings, though, I swear...) I envy those who can and do sleep. :)

    1. If I don't get at least seven hours of sleep, I cannot stay awake. Naps are the only solution. Unfortunately, my bladder won't let me sleep for much more than eight hours, so it's a small window of time. Maybe I should purposefully stop drinking water in the evenings before the mornings when I want to wake up!
