Wednesday, July 12, 2023

9.12 Complaint - Walking In Orange Cone Season

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twelfth day of the month is "Complaint."


My complaint for the month is one of first world, dog walking problems. They're still fixing the sidewalk intersections in my town and I'm over it.  There's a very inconveniently closed one that has been closed for going on ONE MONTH and I WALK MY DOG EVERY DAY. 

That is all. I'm very grumpy about this because it's taking forever AND the intersections that they've "fixed" are actually terribly done. Consider this intersection if you are a blind person. WTF?

It's hard to tell from the photo, but what you have here is a graduated curb, but they didn't bother to graduate the curb to the blacktop, so then you hit ANOTHER CURB after two sidewalk blocks. For heaven's sake. How is this accessible for ANYONE?

THIS! It's been like this FOR MORE THAN A MONTH. 

I am sorry, friends. I know this is not really a big problem in the grand scheme of things, but it is annoying me daily.

What's your compliant today?


  1. No complaints, but the day is young. 😄

    1. If you wake up with no complaints, it's a good day!

  2. My hair! My stylist, who usually gives me a wonderful cut, sort of blew it this time. Or maybe it's the unrelenting humidity that's screwing it up. Either way, my hair has looked awful, and I'm sick of it.

    I sympathize with ongoing roadwork, as I've mentioned before. I'm grateful that things are being done, and I'm glad people are working, but the ongoing inconvenience of it all happening at one time in our neighborhood is really getting to me.

    1. Oh, no! Not a bad haircut. That is terrible news and I'm sorry. I give you all the leave to just slap on a hat and pretend it's not an issue!

    2. Omg, Nance, MY STYLIST TOO! Been going to her for like fifteen years, and this time it's like she thought I was someone else entirely!

  3. We've been through these kind of updates over the last several summers but ours was more well done than yours! But things like this are the bane of my existence since I am walking with a stroller. Walking with a stroller has given me the teeniest tiniest idea of navigating with a wheelchair, though. Like when I took Paul to meet Phil's coworkers when I was on mat leave, we navigated the skyway system with a wheel chair and IT WAS RIDICULOUS. Soooo many steps!

    1. I feel so terrible for people in our town who walk with strollers or wheelchairs right now. It's impossible!

  4. Neverending construction is SO frustrating. We've have a lot of roadwork on the drive from my house to my daughter's music lessons -- which we drive to twice a week. It has doubled, and in some cases tripled!, the drive for us. I am so ready for the repaving project to be done.

    But that's not my main complaint today. Today I am complaining about my eyelid, which will NOT stop twitching. I did a quick google search for why it might be twitching (never a good plan) and it's either stress, too much caffeine, lack of sleep, or horrific eye ailments that I skimmed over. My diagnosis is excessive computer/phone usage. I probably should go lie down with a cool compress on my eyes but I have so much to do!!!!

    1. My eyelid twitches when I'm stressed! I bet if you're stressed about moving, that's the explanation! (I also read somewhere that peanut butter helps with this condition. It's probably nonsense and it's never helped me, but I always eat PB when my eyelid twitches. JUST IN CASE.)

  5. We have our own intersection and roadwork woes. They did a double-wide sidewalk (but two distinct lanes with a green border in the middle) down a street that does NOT need a double-wide sidewalk, which required them to repave and narrow the actual road so it's extremely tight to drive down it now, and they redid an intersection at the same time and it's horribly done. Of course, at MAJOR expense to taxpayers (of which I'm one). It's 85% finished and I'm so, so bitter about it. It was a make-work project at best, but honestly I just have zero idea how this passed by town council. What makes me even more frustrated was that the OTHER side of the street has no sidewalk. If you're going to make driving down the street a narrow hazard, at least give me a sidewalk on the other side, instead of two parallel sidewalks on a single side (and no, one of them isn't even a bike lane).
    I'm bitter, Engie. So bitter. Sigh...

    1. SIDEWALKS SHOULD ALWAYS BE ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET!!! I am ADAMANT about this. I'm bitter on your behalf. Who should I be writing emails to?

  6. Oh, how annoying that it is both taking forever and being badly done! That would frustrate me exponentially.

    My complaint today is how Instagram has become much more moving pictures ("reels") than still shots. I just want to look at pictures. I don't need motion. I just happened across one and she had motion on fast-forward so it was bouncing all over and I had to close the app. Why be so annoying? Go to an app that wants motion, leave me Instagram as it used to be. Maybe it's my migraine history that makes me more susceptible, but I hate it.

    1. So many videos on Instagram these days! I'm with you! Stop moving images! Photographs only!

  7. Yep, I feel you. A few summers ago they resurfaced all of the streets in our neighborhood and it definitely limited our dog walking routes for a while.

    My complaint is the same one that I always have this time of day. My frickin' job. It's going to take a lot of meditating to get today's nonsense out of my head.

    1. Ugh. I'm sorry your job situation is so terrible. Job yuckiness can really take over your whole life.

  8. I just published a complaint post! There is construction everywhere where we live, so I FEEL this.

    1. Yay! Great minds think alike. I'll head right over there to read it!

  9. That would bug me too. And why does it take so long?!

    My complaint is just work. It's been crushing me. LOL?

    1. Work, man. Why do we need it?

  10. I mean, I guess it's a first world complaint (yours, I mean), but it's certainly not minor in that perspective. How can they take so freaking long and then still be incompetent?
    I don't have much to complain about, except my vexatious body - so crooked. So achy. So fragile. Still, could be so much worse. Working on it - yoga, physio, stretching.

    1. I feel you on the body! Why are they designed to wear down as we get older? It's just MEAN.

  11. Yes, this would be VERY annoying. Especially the terribly done intersections... what in the world? Who thought that was okay?
    Today is my day off from work, so I don't have many complaints. I guess if I had to name one, I would say my low back is achy and won't stop. But it's not the worst thing in the world.

    1. Ugh. Bodies. Why they got be all annoying and achy?

  12. Orange cone season here, too. Blergh.

    1. Blergh is the perfect term for it.

  13. Lots of road and sidewalk construction around here as well... I can never understand why there are half-done projects all over the place! Why not finish one before you start another one? I'm super excited for the new walkway/bike path they're constructing along the river though!

    1. Oooooh! A path along the river will definitely be worth any inconvenience you might have while they're working on it.

  14. I feel like sometimes they just do work to do work... without actually getting anything useful accomplished. Sigh.

    My complaint of the week is drivers who just don't adhere to traffic rules (e.g. stopping at a stop sign/stop line and giving pedestrians/runners (me!) the right of way.

    1. I was just in a big city visiting today and I am shocked at how many people violate traffic rules! I mean, I'm not sure why I'm shocked since I've lived in this country for decades, but there you have it.

  15. OMG, you were in my head this morning although you posted this so long ago. They have University torn up from here to wherever and they keep randomly closing lanes. Today I couldn't turn left (WHY) And so had to go up to the next intersection, turn, turn, and turn to get where I was going. Blergh is absolutely right. Also those curb cuts cannot meet ADA standards. There's no way. Not the way they are right now.
