Sunday, June 11, 2023

8.11 Stranger - What IS That?

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the eleventh day of the month is "Stranger."


As regular readers know, Hannah the Dog is a sometimes timid girl. I mean, don't get me wrong, she's not timid about trying to chase squirrels up trees or lunging after very suspicious looking men who are walking down the street and talking on a cell phone at the same time, but it took her a few days to even enter our dining room when we bought a new table and one time I was washing her food bowl and put her food on a paper plate and she wouldn't touch it, so you kind of get Hannah's vibe, right?  How dare you change things in her orbit? How DARE YOU?

Well, our neighbors recently took some outdoor furniture out of storage and washed it in their front yard. As we were on our afternoon walk, Hannah noticed the furniture and seriously freaked out. She jumped, leaned against me, and then started pulling away from the furniture (which is in the direction of the ROAD, so NO, DOG, that is not SAFER). What are these strange chairs doing there? WHAT?

Just so you know, this is the kind of thing I have to deal with this dog. Good thing she's cute.

She did eventually look at the camera, but then it looked like she was all ears and nose (which maybe is accurate?). Maybe she always poses like this because she knows it's her most flattering look?

It's been a while since we've checked in, so what's new in your neighborhood?  Any scary lawn furniture? New flowers? Did someone paint their house? Give me all the gossip.


  1. Yes but what would her reaction have been if there was a squirrel on one of the chairs? Would she still have pulled away or would she have tried to chase after the squirrel? It's kind of a "if a tree falls and there's no one to hear it does it still make a sound" question;-)

    1. Ooohhh... that an excellent question. I'm pretty sure her fear would overwhelm her squirrel excitement, but it's possible she'd surprise me!

  2. She’s a strange one. I should write a post about the feeding of our cat.

    1. I enjoy reading about how other people care for their pets!

  3. Hannah knows how to pose- that's her good side.
    That is hilarious about the chairs. Animals can be... mysterious. I think I probably told you how one of our cats is afraid of the ceiling fan (she's gotten better, but still if there's a loud noise or something she'll look fearfully up at the fan.) I would love to know what's going through their minds.

    1. Sometimes I think about your carry looking at the ceiling fan suspiciously and it makes me laugh. That evil fan!

  4. Hannah is so gorgeous. I know I say it often, but it's always true.

    The gossip in our neighbourhood may be how bad things look in our yard right now?! This is a case of things have to look worse before they look better. We needed to do a LOT of landscaping, so there is a muddy bog in the backyard right now and giant piles of things on our driveway and it looks...awful. I'm really, really hoping it looks great at the end of things, but at the very least anything has to look better than it does right now?!

    1. Well, at least it's clear you're trying to do something about the muddy bog, right? They can't be mad if you're in the middle of a project!

  5. I feel Hannah, looming objects are not cool. Also, Max was very suspicious of the umbrella I carried around yesterday--it was sweet and hilarious.

    1. Umbrellas are TERRIFYING. I mean, come ON.

  6. I find it so charming that Hannah is suspicious of everything (although I can see how it would also be very challenging to be in charge of such a suspicious creature). Same, girl, same.

    She is definitely a top contender for America's Next Top Dog Model.

    1. I think she would definitely win a doggy model competition!

  7. The load neighbors who live kind of kitty corner from us had a grad party last night that went for quite some time. They were still playing loud music at 9pm and I was getting very grumbly about it. I know they've had confrontations with their neighbors - Phil witnessed that one day. So they are not the most loved family... That's the skinny on our block. I feel like we are most likely to draw attention given the frequency with which one of our children is screaming/carrying on when we are loading them into the car in the morning! On Saturday night, Phil shut the windows on our upper level in case our neighbors could hear Will LOSING HIS MIND about having to take a bath.

    1. I definitely do notice the houses with kids in them. Not necessarily because of the noise, but more the very frequent in and out of the house!

      We also have a loud house in our neighborhood. They shoot off fireworks all the time, have fires when we have a fire ban, and play very loud music late at night. *sigh* Everyone has neighbors like that, I guess.

  8. I should not say this but... I have been relatively lucky so far with apartment neighbors who are not insanely loud. That said... I have traded the person who drops weights in a daily evening workout across the hall (which, because of some odd acoustics, makes it sounds like they are dropping the weights right above me) for their counterpart, who does the same at 0600 most days. Good times.
    I have the same issue as Hannah, sometimes. When something pops up unexpectedly - a change, a sudden appearance of something unusual, I often jump when I catch it out of the corner of my eye. Now, I probably would have been okay with the table, but... :) (And yes, she does know her good side. Oh, Hannah. <3)

    1. Ha. I guess your neighbors have to work out when they can! I would rather it be across the hall, to be honest, because my anxiety would kick in that the weights would fall through the floor and land on me if they were above me. But maybe not everyone has that train of thought!
