Monday, April 03, 2023

6.3 Direction - Election Day is Tomorrow!

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the third day of the month is "Direction."


Tomorrow is Election Day here in Wisconsin. We've got a big state Supreme Court race and a few weird referendums. My local jurisdiction also has important city council, school board, and school millage elections. Wisconsin friends, please only go to the polls if you are going to vote for Judge Janet. If you're considering voting for the other guy, the guy who thinks it's okay for judges to butt in on health decisions that should be between a person and a medical doctor, please just stay home.

I hijacked Jenny's comments recently to talk about how Election Day should be a holiday. We treat it like a holiday in our house. We get up early, eat together, and walk down to City Hall together. A couple that casts their ballots together stays together and all that. We put up our American flag on the flagpole in an effort to take back the flag. We proudly wear our I Voted stickers all day long. 

Jenny mentioned that Election Day stresses her out. I get that, I really do. But shouldn't we celebrate free and peaceful elections? Shouldn't we celebrate that even if our chosen candidates lose, the other side had to hear us out? Shouldn't we celebrate the peaceful transition of power that separates dictatorships from democracies? Shouldn't we celebrate the power of the people?

Election Day is a day for optimism - a day that says we can change things if we want to. 

Yes, as I told Jenny, my optimism has taken a beating. Bush v. Gore, election of Donald J. Trump, and the attempted insurrection of January 6, 2021 all loom very large in my mind. But so does the election of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton on stage with Trump saying "I prepared to be president," which pleased my little nerd heart to no end, and the inauguration of Joe Biden when Amanda Gorman read "The Hill We Climb." I get shivers and goosebumps when I think about those moments because how we vote matters - it matters in our daily lives, it matters when we walk into our doctor's offices, it matters when the police make a traffic stop, and it matters even when I am avoiding the news. 

So, if your jurisdiction has an election tomorrow, please go out there and do your civic duty and make the choices that are best for your community. In the meantime, what's your earliest political memory and what's your happiest?


  1. Somehow I know that your Supreme Court election is of national importance, so I sure hope that it goes well.

  2. My first truly political memory was when my mother took all of us to see the motorcade of Presidential candidate Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, which was going to go right down Grove Avenue toward US Steel in our town of south Lorain. We kids stood with her on the side of the road and waved and waved as his car drove by, with him leaning out the window and waving, too. The day after Election Day, we awoke to a cold rain. My mother said the earth was crying because Senator Humphrey had lost.

    Your second-to-last paragraph is Me all over. After VP Gore was cheated of the presidency, I decided to get very involved in the Democratic party. I worked hard on a state and national level, and I got especially involved in John Kerry's campaign. That one almost did me in. But I regrouped and got back in there for midterms and, of course, Obama. That was joyful, but Biden's win was beyond joy.

    On, Wisconsin! We're counting on you. And working hard in Ohio.

    1. I love hearing about people's first political memory and this one was so interesting. I just can't imagine a presidential candidate coming to my town! Whenever I think about Bush v. Gore, I get so hepped up. What a mess that was!

  3. I think you and I are in perfect harmony on this election and elections in general. I've been watching Wisconsin (that's where you are, right? That's the one I've been watching) carefully and holding my breath. Fingers crossed for you and yours!

    1. Yes, I'm hoping Wisconsin represents today! Fingers crossed real hard. The polls were crowded at my voting location, which isn't good because I'm in a red county, but we'll see how it shakes out.

  4. Election Day, your favorite holiday! You do make a compelling case for it. You're encouraging me to be less cynical. I like how you say "election day is for optimism." Well, I hope your candidate wins and that you enjoy the day! I also wear my "I voted" sticker all day when I vote.

    1. YES! Come join me in my unusual burst of optimism that comes on Election Day! Let's hope Wisconsin does me proud today.

  5. YAY WISCONSIN! Did you see all of our old lady liberal justices walk in for Janet to declare victory to Lizzo's "About Damn Time" at the exact second she said "It's bad bitch o'clock"? BEST EVER and is on Ben Winkler's Twitter so you can watch forever.

    1. WIKLER, obvi.

    2. Totally with Sarah here. Thank. Goodness. I couldn't have made it if the other guy (wasn't he just a gem in his speech? not concession, mind you... ARGH) were elected. I voted early (not often, but early!).
