Saturday, April 29, 2023

6.29 Song - The Gaslight Anthem

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-ninth day of the month is "Song."


In our Venn diagram of musical fandoms, there is relatively little overlap in my husband's choices and mine. This can make car rides somewhat fraught, as neither of us is super enthusiastic when the other is in charge. But the rules of the car are that the driver decides the music, but the passenger has veto rights.  This means there is never Michael Jackson (I will veto) or the Bee Gees (my husband vetoes).  But the overlap does exist and one of our favorite bands is The Gaslight Anthem.

On our hot Friday night date night to the grocery store last night we listened to a Gaslight Anthem mix my husband has on his phone and "High Lonesome" was playing as we pulled into the garage. Other songs I'm particularly fond of are "American Slang," "45," "Bring It On," "Biloxi Parish" and "Here Comes My Man." 

Other artists we overlap on are Bruce Springsteen, Gary Allen, most 60s pop, and Tom Petty.  

Whose in charge of the music when you're in the car? 


  1. Hmm, I had to think about this one for a while, and I realized why it's such a hard question to answer- my husband and I really aren't driving around that much together. Which seems kind of weird! When we do drive together we're almost always in his car, so his music comes on. It's usually jazz and I rarely veto it- but every once in a while I do, so I guess I have the occasional power of veto. I've never heard of The Gaslight Anthem!

    1. Huh. I guess I never considered that it would be unusual to be in the car with a spouse. We are in the car together pretty regularly, often for road trips, so this comes up a lot in our life. We don't have his and her cars, either. That would make things a bit more challenging, I think.

  2. Hmmm. We have a lot of overlap and tend to enjoy most of the same music, so it's not usually a big issue - but I'm generally in charge since, if we're in the car together, he's usually driving.

    We had a roadtrip playlist last year with songs everyone liked - including the kids - and we played it so much that he was OVER it by the end of the summer. So he started to veto listening to that. Fair can only hear the same Imagine Dragon songs so many times without starting to lose their mind.

    I've also never heard of The Gaslight Anthem!

    1. I do think The Gaslight Anthem is a little bit niche. We really like them, though.

      I wish our musical interests were more in sync, but the truth is that I find a lot of music hard to listen to, so I'm actually the sticky wicket!

  3. I've never heard of Gaslight Anthem; I'll have to give them a listen. I'm usually in charge of the music when we drive, and we have a lot of similar taste. Each of us has Unlimited Skips, as we call them, and we rarely use them. Rick brought out a fondness for Motown in me, and I awakened his appreciation for Queen and the Weeknd. One thing I cannot abide is any sort of country music, and he (ugh) kinda likes it. I'm still not over that.

    1. I'm a country fan myself, but my husband doesn't care for much of it. Occasionally I will try to sneak in some Garth or Shania, but I try not to take advantage of my husband's patience.

  4. Hubs is the house DJ. I even have a bunch of his music on my phone if we're in my car. It's not that he doesn't like my music, it's just that I have oddball tastes so a little of mine goes a long way. Also I like his tunes.

    1. My husband generally does the DJing, too, but I WILL veto with abandon because I'm a snot!

  5. Our family rule has always been driver's choice, which seems fair to me. But I recently got a couple of extra thumb drives, so I can have one with my favorite songs for when I'm on my own, and ones that my mother likes that I also like (she has some favorites that, I'm sorry, I'm not willing to listen to while driving). We do have some shared tastes, like Imagine Dragons, but she has her limits with Depeche Mode and I'm not a fan of Air Supply.

    1. Ha. I think the driver should have some choice, but I am not listening to Brian Setzer on repeat, so the passenger should get *some* say. Their ears are being impacted, too!

  6. We generally just have the radio on. But when the kids are in the car they will take over.

    1. When I was a child, I had NO SAY whatsoever in the radio. Lots of Chicago Cubs games and Rush Limbaugh and it was a rough, rough way to be.

  7. My husband and I basically have NO overlap in music tastes! When the boys are with us, which is most of the time when we are in the car, the boys and I pick songs and Phil tolerates it. We listen to Brandi Carlile and Taylor Swift - until my husband gets fed up with the music selection. Then we ride in silence! If it's just Phil and I, we will sometimes listen to a podcast if I can come up with something he is interested in. Otherwise we ride in silence and I read!

    1. My husband and I have done silence before when one or the other of us is particularly ornery. I'm like you and I can read if I'm in the passenger seat, but my husband can't. I feel bad for people who can't read in the car! What a real waste of potential reading time!

      My husband does not like audiobooks or podcasts, so it really is music or bust. Sometimes when I'm reading, I just let him go wild with the music, but I have to admit that my sensory issues sometimes make me the bad guy who will skip songs that are particularly grating to me.

  8. The joys of being single - I get to listen to whatever I want. Although I admit -my ex has MUCH better taste in music than me. Thank goodness he still sends me recommendations. Ha!
    Never heard of The Gaslight Anthem. I might have to check them out - I see they're from Jersey. :)

    1. Yes! If left to my own devices, I will generally listen to podcasts or an audiobook rather than listen to music, though. I kind of like that when I'm with my husband, he reminds me that it's fun to listen to music, too.

      I feel like Gaslight Anthem gives me dirty Springsteen vibes. But YMMV.
