Saturday, April 22, 2023

6.22 Safety - Check Your Boobies!!

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-first day of the month is "Safety."


This is my reminder to you to do all the regular health maintenance. It is recommended that I get a mammogram every year and so I go. If you are a woman over 40 and haven't yet had a mammogram, go get one! Protect your boooooobs!

Before I had a mammogram, I heard they were super painful. They are uncomfortable, sure, but I actually think doing jumping jacks with an unsupportive bra is more painful, so take that for what it's worth. I do mine at a local hospital and I was in and out in fifteen minutes, so I don't want to hear your excuses about how much time they take or how much it hurts. Suck it up and make sure your doctor has a baseline in case something goes wrong in the future.

That's it. I'd also appreciate it if you make a dentist appointment if that's been a while for you. And maybe an annual exam with an ob-gyn if you have lady parts. You know, just do the adulting things no one likes to do. 


  1. Recently, I have gotten the 3-D mammograms, which were less painful and also more detailed. I have dense tissue and used to get called back for more tests until the 3-D ones became an option.

    I always get such contradictory messages about mammograms though: many health professionals I know will casually say they're not really useful as a preventative measure... but then anecdotally, so many friends have been able to survive breast cancer due to early detection.

    1. There is a lot of contradictory information about if mammograms are useful diagnostic tools, but I figure it can't hurt and it's recommended by the American Cancer Society. Every woman I know who has had breast cancer has actually just felt a lump and had it checked out, so I think doing self-checks is important even if you have regular mammograms. That's an excellent reminder!

  2. Are they fun? No. But what medical visit or procedure is? It's not like you have to do it every day, or every week, or even every month. Just go get it done.

    1. Yep. Just another adulting chore you have to do!

  3. I've been getting annual mammograms since I was about 38, when I found a lump. It turns out I'm just a "dense and lumpy" gal. I know some people find them incredibly painful but I don't. The worst part for me is when the machine digs into my ribs for the side view.

    1. I have dense breast tissue, too, although they've never described it as lumpy. That must be kind of scary!

  4. I've never had a mammogram yet, but I'm only I know the time is coming. I'm very good about getting regular Pap tests, though. Also, and this applies to both genders - tetanus needs to be boosted every 10 years. I had no idea (!!) and likely went 20+ years between shots, but now that I know, I got boosted last year and will make sure to do so again in 9ish years.

    1. Oh, yes! Stay up-to-date on ALL vaccines, including tetanus!

  5. And skin checks! These are super necessary for people in tropical climates like Florida because we're in the sun almost every day of the year! I go yearly for a skin check and I almost always have to get moles biopsied - but better safe than sorry.

    1. I have never had a skin check, nor has it been recommended to me. I think if I lived somewhere with more than two days of sunshine a year, perhaps this would come up more often. But, you're absolutely right and we should all make sure our skin is in good shape!

  6. Thanks for the reminder! I have had one once and need to start them regularly soon!

    1. Absolutely. If you get them done regularly when you're young, they'll be able to have a good baseline as you get older.

  7. I don't do all my health checks like I should, but I do get regular mammograms. You're right- they're not painful, just a little uncomfortable, and it's quick. I also got a colonoscopy a couple years ago, and again- it wasn't as bad as you might think. The one thing I haven't done which I NEED to do is get a skin check. I'm reading Stephany's comment above. Yes, i live in Florida and am out in the sun, but haven't had a skin check in... ten years? Yikes.

    1. I think next year is the year that I have to do my first colonoscopy. I'll definitely report back on how that goes.

      I think you should schedule a skin check ASAP! Stephany is a smart woman who knows what she's talking about!

  8. Such a good reminder! My mom is a breast cancer survivor so I have been getting mammograms since age 35. Woot woot. Routine health maintenance is not fun, but it's definitely important. The next big health thing on my agenda (although not for a few years -- I am just SO looking forward to it) is a colonoscopy. Colon cancer runs in my family and colon cancer seems to be increasingly prevalent among people in my age range, so I am anxious to have things checked out. Also anxious about getting the procedure and WHO will do it. Yikes.

    1. I have a colonoscopy on the agenda for next year, I think. Or maybe it's this year after I turn 45. Gah. I don't like to think about it.

  9. Like Nicole, I also had to get my first mammogram at 38 because I have lumpy boobs. My lumpy boobs gave me a couple of scares, but all good.

    I have yet to have a colonoscopy. My husband is getting his in June, and I promised to schedule mine after his. I believe the preparation is what is preventing me from scheduling.

    1. I'm happy to hear that your boobs are just lumpy and there was nothing to worry about. It does make the whole thing a lot more nerve wracking, I bet!

  10. I started getting them at 35 and have never missed a year! Super easy, like you said and less painful that doing anything mobile without a bra. 😜😜 My Dr's office sets up my mammogram and pap back to back in the same office, so it's a wham, bam, thank you mam! Thanks for encouraging others; these appointments could be a lifesaver.

    1. Oh, wow! I have to have a separate appointment for a pap, but I actually only have to get a pap every three to five years, so I am grateful for that!

  11. I've had 2 mammograms and they were really not bad. They were 3D and I see another person said those are maybe less uncomfortable? After breastfeeding a child and pumping for the other one, my boobies have SEE SOME THINGS. So the mammogram was a total cinch and not even close to the worst health procedure I've had!

  12. I will second the mammogram (although... I need to get another one scheduled soonish), and also vote in favor of all other preventive health screenings. For those who balk at the colonoscopy, my (admittedly rather pushy) response is, would you rather do the prep or have colon cancer? Because the bestest thing about a colonoscopy is that they can just... take out the polyp. Which then can't become a tumor. Ta da! :)

  13. Good reminder! I just got my checkup and encourage everyone to schedule theirs. It's really not that bad.
