Tuesday, April 11, 2023

6.11 Stranger - Danger, New Hiding Spaces, and Four Square

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the eleventh day of the month is "Stranger."


We made the executive decision on Saturday that we would bring Hannah the Dog with us to Iowa to celebrate Easter. It was supposed to be nice in the Quad Cities and it meant that we wouldn't have to run around like maniacs to get home in time to let her out. We made this decision knowing that it meant one of us would have to be outside with her at all times because my father-in-law is anti-dog. But, we also anticipated that most of the activities would be outside and we'd just switch off who was eating inside during the food portion of the day.

This rock was hanging out by the fire station a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was really cute.

Hannah did so-so on this trip. It was ten adults and seven children, which is a lot for a dog who rarely sees more than two people a day. She got a little riled up when the kids all started running at the start of the egg hung and then she really got angry when my very tall BIL was joking with me and he started moving his hands in a running motion and Hannah took it as a threat and she started growling at him and putting herself between him and I. Eek. It's a good thing my BIL is a dog person because he knew immediately that Hannah was in danger mode and he immediately stopped and just sat down on the ground to become less of a threat. 

But she was really good with all the kids and took treats and mostly just laid around. 

We had brunch. It was carb heavy (cinnamon buns AND donuts AND French toast casserole), but I said I would bring a green salad (as opposed to a Jello salad, which is something you have to specify in the Midwest). I made The Pioneer Woman's Green Bean Salad (minus red onions because gross and minus nuts because of allergies). Everyone who tried the salad thought it was delicious, but I heard "the olives make me nervous" and "I thought the beans were uncooked" as excuses why people didn't try it, so maybe it's a more controversial salad than I thought it would be. I thought it was quite good, but if I make it again, I will half the amount of dressing because it didn't need nearly as much as I made. 

My FIL and his new wife moved into this new house last fall, so this is the first time we've been there for Easter and it was interesting to hide eggs in a new environment. The kids are getting older, too, so we have to be more creative in our hiding spots. No just putting them out on the lawn anymore. It was a challenge and it was fun to see the kids get competitive about finding them, too.  I was watching Hannah during the hunt itself, so I didn't take any photos and Dr. BB hasn't yet gone through the photos on his camera, so although I promised photos of the egg hunt, I am a liar. 

My FIL's wife has so many stuffed rabbits everywhere. It was probably best I was not inside very much.

But the surprise hit of the day was that everyone was playing Four Square in the driveway after all the formal festivities - adults and kids! This is not a game I am familiar with, but apparently my husband and his siblings played it in school and now the niblings are, as well. Basically, it involves bouncing a ball and trying to get control of a square, but I just thought it was fun to see the kids making tough calls (was that on the line or in?) without needing an adult referee.  

And that, my friends, was that. 

Did you have a fun Easter? Did you have multiple carbs and plenty of candy, too?


  1. Sounds like a very fun day! And yay for Hannah for doing so well! The idea that the salad might be controversial cracked me up, but of course I completely understand what you mean. It looks very beautiful and fresh!

    1. I honestly didn't think the salad would be so controversial, but I can also see how no one would be tempted by it when there were so many delicious baked goods around!

  2. Aw, well it's good to know Hannah will defend you if needed! I'm glad she was able to come along and join in the festivities. And that salad looks delicious- I might make it (minus the goat cheese.) I happen to love olives in a salad.
    After all my complaining about Easter, it did turn out to be a nice day. I made pancakes for breakfast and lasagna for dinner, so I guess you could say it was carb-heavy! And my daughter ate enough candy for the two of us.

    1. Hannah would commit murder for me, I have no doubt about it. You should see how she acts when someone walks by us at night!

      I'm glad your Easter worked out okay. I feel like sometimes those holidays you don't always love are always better than you anticipate.

  3. SALAD CONTROVERSY!!! Good times.

    When we first got our dog we had a few anti-dog members of the family...and now those people are dog owners so HA!

    1. I can guarantee Hannah did not change my FIL's feelings on dogs. I had to keep her away from him the whole time because she'd growl every time she saw him. Same, Hannah, same.

  4. That salad is probably far too radical for many Midwesterners. You'd have been better off using the green beans in Green Bean Casserole or the very typical 3Bean Salad. Goat cheese--what were you thinking?!

    We had Pre-Easter with the extended family and it was only 50% brutal. We recovered on Easter at the lakehouse, just Rick and I, and it was quiet, serene, and lovely.

    1. I made a salad for Thanksgiving/Christmas with goat cheese in it! It went over really well! I think the olives were a bridge too far. *sigh* Midwesterners. I, for my part, find green bean casserole absolutely REVOLTING and would NEVER make it.

  5. My kids are VERY in to Four Square and their school painted permanent grids on the playground since it was so popular. It is a contentious game, though - and can spiral down into screaming matches about whether a ball hit the line or not, or whether someone "held" the ball instead of bouncing it back immediately. I had never played/heard of this game in my life, but it has new life at my children's school for sure.

    I had to laugh at this: "green salad (as opposed to a Jello salad, which is something you have to specify in the Midwest)" - I have still never had a Jello salad and while I'm sure it's tasty, I'm having a very hard time equating "Jello" with "salad."

    My daughter looooovvvvesss olives and will add them to just about everything. My husband too. I can take or leave them, but they add a nice kick of flavour, so I'm fine when they show up in dishes.

    1. I believe that Four Square can be contentious. My niece was sitting with me talking about it (she's thirteen) and how her twin brother can be MEAN. I was shocked by this (not my NEPHEW!), but I guess it's true. I think because the stakes were so low and we had a 6yo playing, everyone stayed on their best behavior. I'd never heard of the game before, but my husband swears it was all the rage when he was in school. Maybe it's a Catholic school thing?

      My SIL makes a Jello salad with cream cheese, pretzels, and strawberry Jello that gets placed RIGHT NEXT TO REAL SALADS at big dinners. Like...it's fundamentally a dessert, but parents will say things like "you need a bit of salad" as they pile "pretzel salad" on their plates. Sometimes I think I'm losing my mind.

    2. You need a bit of salad - haha! That's hilarious!!! I like cream cheese...and pretzels are okay, but I'm struggling to imagine it suspended in Jello! But I'm curious. Bucket-list addition, perhaps?

    3. The pretzels are used as a crust and then there's a Jello layer and then the whipped cream. It's actually quite good, but to call it a "salad" is a bit of a stretch. Here's a similar recipe:

  6. I don’t know that game or the word, nibblings, but I do like the latter.

    1. Ha! Nibling is a gender-neutral term and can be used as a replacement for niece or nephew. I use it to switch things up a bit.

  7. Both my husband and I played four square when we were at school and my kids all played it too ... this is in Australia, so it seems to be fairly widely played here over many years. Such a great game.

    I'm glad things went reasonably well with Hannah.

    1. Oh, interesting about it being popular in Australia. It must just be certain pockets of places. It's kind of like pickleball. I'd never heard of pickleball until maybe seven or eight years ago and now it's everywhere! How did that happen?

  8. I remember four square was huge at recess when I was growing up, but I could never figure out the rules. I sort of suspected that kids made them up as we went along.
    I would totally eat that green bean salad!
    We spent Easter on a plane, though they did hand out little chocolate eggs.

    1. The basic rules of four square seem simple enough, but it felt like there was a lot of room for more complicated rules as you get more advanced. My 13yo niece was sitting with me and she was explaining some of the variations and I was getting really confused!!

  9. I am glad Hannah did mostly okay and your BIL was cool when she felt threatened. The beans look undercooked WTF.

    We did not have a fun Easter and lots of carbs and candy but that is okay! We did have a nice meal that night.

    1. Oh, and thanks for sharing the cute rock!

    2. I'm not sure how many family events we'll bring Hannah to after this. My SIL allows Hannah in the house and she's a million times better when she's not leashed, so maybe events at her house.

      I can't believe that everyone missed out on the green bean salad. I swear to you that it was delicious and the beans were cooked JUST RIGHT!

  10. Oh yes, I grew up play 4 square. We learned it in gym class! The bean salad sounds delicious. I never knew that there could be confusion over what bringing a salad meant until I started celebrating holidays with my MIL. I just don't do jello salads... hard pass. If I say I am bringing a salad, it's probably going to be vegetable based. My favorite salad to bring is a brussel sprout salad from Iowa Girl Eats (GF recipe blog).

    Glad that Hannah did well overall!

  11. I LOVE that green bean salad. Wish I were there for leftovers. Although, now that I think about it, I haven't had it with the olives. I'd certainly eat them, though. Olives just... add to a dish.
    And go, Hannah. So, she's a REALLY normal dog... and I'm so so glad she did so well with the kids.
    Loved four square but couldn't remember the rules now if I tried.... :)
