Monday, March 06, 2023

5.6 Reflection - Unexpected Boogie-Woogie

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a different theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the sixth day of the month is "Reflection."


On our regular Friday night date at the grocery store, I will sometimes break out into a dance or sing along with the song that is playing. I am not necessarily proud of this, but it is just who I am. But sometimes it is a real surprise what will get me going.

We're in the deserted "natural baking" aisle as I debate the merits of the different types of coconut oil after our grocery store unaccountably stopped carrying the kind I like to use to make popcorn and "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" by the Police was on and I was shaking it and singing it and some woman rounds the corner and sees me and just bursts out laughing. Look, I didn't know the Police was so groovy, either, lady, but here we are.

What's the last song you danced to?


  1. I don’t dance, but I do sign or whistle at times. It’s usually when I go downstairs to putter in the kitchen, and it is no particular song. My music is in my head, and I never know where or when the playlist will land.

    1. For sure, I get music stuck in my head all the time and it's really a mystery where it comes from!

  2. I'm not proud of this, but it was "Cotton Eye Joe" (also at the grocery store). That fiddle riff really winds me up :D.

    1. "Cotton Eye Joe"! That's amazing and if I ran into you, I'd join you in your bebop.

  3. One of my husband's New Year's Resolutions was to incorporate more dancing into his life. (Yes, really.) Since I'm his partner in all things, this means I'm dancing more, too. The last time I danced was at the microbrewery on Saturday. There is not Dancing there, per se, but when a song comes on that anyone in my family likes, we start dancing at our table. I don't remember what the song was, and please don't infer anything about the state I was in because of that.

    Dancing at the grocery store has a long history in our family. Alas, so does singing. Anything to make grocery shopping bearable.

    1. Yes, obviously they play the music at the grocery store to make it more bearable - why shouldn't I take advantage of it?!

  4. I am a huge fan of grocery store dancing; but, I am also one of those people who bop about to songs playing in their own head, as well, so it comes as no surprise, haha!

    1. Ha! I frequently walk around the house dancing to songs in my head and my husband just goes with it. We are kindred spirits in that way.

  5. I've been known to sing along with songs but I've never danced at the grocery store. Obviously I am very boring and need to make dancing a bigger part of my life! "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" is definitely a catchy song- I can see why it inspired you.

    1. You've NEVER danced at a grocery store?! Wow! Come visit me and I'll introduce you to the pleasures of an empty aisle and a can of tomatoes as a microphone.

  6. Every one in a while we'll have a dancing outburst in the kitchen at a meal. We need to take our act on the road to the grocery store!

    1. Dancing in our kitchen is also a regular thing. You have got to find joy when you're doing the plodding of meal prep.

  7. We have regular dance parties in the kitchen, just to whatever song comes on the playlist.
    I highly approve of public displays of singing and dancing. Breaking out into a song or dance moves seems like it would make any date night pretty awesome, even in the grocery aisle!

    1. I think you mean "especially in the grocery aisle!".

  8. I do not dance in public besides wedding dances because I am so self conscious about my dancing! But I do dance in front of my kids which delights them. Yesterday I danced to "shake your bon bon" and "Living La Vida Loca." We were clearly in a Ricky Martin kind of mood. Ha.

    1. I apparently do not have a self-conscious bone in my body. It just moves when it wants to! :) I think everyone should always be in a Ricky Martin mood - he's just so adorable!

  9. Adorable. I am trying to have dance parties with Minnie and/or Dorothy 5 days a week (although Dorothy is a bit too judgmental if you want to know the truth), and yesterday was Shake It Off

    1. Shake It Off is the perfect dance party soundtrack! You can never go wrong with Taylor.

  10. This is such a fun story! I last danced to "Players" by Coi Leray!

    1. I've never heard of this song, but I'm off to check it out.

  11. Engie, I do this too! I often dance or sing along - out loud - when a song I love comes on in the grocery store. Or anywhere, who am I kidding. But I love music and I love dancing, and, you know, why not?

    1. Why not, indeed? I'm never going to see that lady ever again, right?

  12. I don't dance, but I do sing out loud a lot. When my kids watch a movie with singing, I will parade in front of the TV and do jazz hands and lip sync and it drives them crazy but I LOVE TO DO IT. And I hope it makes them laugh, at least in retrospect.

    1. Ha ha! I can just imagine them being SO EMBARRASSED by your behavior. MOM, STAAAHP!!

  13. I think you said you guys go to a Woodman's.... I feel like whatever satellite radio station or whatever it is that our Woodman's plays also has Excellent! music choices most of the time! Lots of oldies but goodies at the grocery store. I would not personally dance in the grocery store, no (very bad dancer here, and I guess a more self-conscious type than you seem to be :) ). But I kind of be-bop my head a little or will kind of dance in my shoulders only as I push the cart, if that makes sense- know what I mean? Re: singing, NO in public, but very much YES at any time in my car. :)

    1. Yes, it was Woodman's! Their music choices really work for me and I'm always bummed when they're playing a Packers or Badgers game instead. I don't want anyone to think I'm a good dancer - just enthusiastic and not at all self-aware!

  14. I love it. Why not have fun while shopping?
    Can't remember what song, but I tend to dance daily.

  15. Laughing at what that woman must have been thinking. Ha! I rarely sing (I've been told I can't too many times) and never dance (I am THE most uncoordinated human on the face of the planet, as evidenced by the number of times I've managed to injure myself...) So I will simply find joy in others making music and dancing to the beat of their own drums. :)

  16. Haha, that made me laugh - in a good way. What's wrong with having a little fun in the grocery aisle?
