Saturday, March 25, 2023

5.25 Relationship - Light Bulb, Not a Balloon

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-fifth day of the month is "Relationship."


Above my desk in our home office is a print from the Twin Cities-based artist Adam Turman. It was a present from Dr. BB some years ago. Turman has a print called Track Stand available for purchase in his store that we have a tiny postcard-size print of that I also love. I like his style + Minneapolis-focus + cycling details.  Anyway, this print is amazing because it's fall! Purple! Striped hosiery! It's pretty perfect for me.

What is that little balloon note hanging from the print, you ask?

So, Dr. BB left me a note one day when we were ships crossing in the night and I was so excited when I saw it, but found it was really just a list of things he needed me to do before he got home.  I texted him that I was disappointed it wasn't a love note. When he got home, he took this out of his bag and gave it to me. I thought it was both sweet and hilarious and have kept it ever since. 

Is there anything you keep that's silly and sweet?  


  1. Years and years ago the hubs left me a sweet goodbye note on a Boy Scout camp weekend. I have it tucked away in my wallet and it makes me smile every time I see it. I also have a business card that stepson #1 designed for himself in grade school right next to it.

    1. Awww...what a nice thing to see whenever you open your wallet!

  2. I have lots of things like that, both from my husband and my sons. I used to cut out cute little things that my sons drew and save them, pinning them to the kitchen bulletin board. I still have those little illustrations, saved in a box.

    1. I should be a bit more organized and start a box or something for things like this!

  3. Ha ha, you guys are funny! I have a bunch of things like that from my kids, but they're all tucked away somewhere, mainly because if my daughter sees them out she'll get annoyed and demand to know what THAT is still doing out. Aren't you glad your husband is more mature than a middle school girl?

    1. Well, someday she'll mature, right? And then she'll be glad you saved all that stuff!

  4. Awww, that is so sweet. I love the humorous side of your relationship :)
    I have a full box of little tidbits that Jon gave me over the years.

    1. Lots of people with boxes! I should really start something a bit more organized.

  5. Love this! I have all sorts of notes and things from our dating days, and continue to treasure new notes/cards etc from both my husband AND the kids.
    Maybe most memorable to me is the napkin I wrote my phone number on to give to my now-husband, and I have the pay stub I wrote HIS phone number on before we had officially started dating.

    1. have your phone numbers! So sweet!!

  6. I'm sorry, that is so sweet that he brought you a love note when you lamented the lack of one. Sometimes we just have to be up front about what we want/need. :)

    I (still) have all of the notes, cards, etc., that my ex gave or sent me over the years. We lived apart at least half of our time together, and used cards to stay connected (in addition to email, texting, phone, etc.). I also save notes/cards from my parents (one of those "will this be the last card?" things... I probably don't need to keep them all!) and from other special people. I rarely do anything with them but holding on to them makes me happy and... well, it doesn't take up much room. :)

    1. Yay! There's a drawer in my desk with lots of old letters and cards. I think they're fun to keep and, as you say, they're not taking up a ton of space.
