Wednesday, March 15, 2023

5.15. Volume - All the Controversies

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the fifteenth day of the month is "Volume."


I have been slowly spending my time working my way through the biggest Internet controversies. Here's what I have to say.

I. Shampoo

I do not shampoo every day. I am too cheap and too lazy for that. Shampoo is expensive and drying my hair is exhausting. Deal with it. I do not care how often you wash your hair.

I use Verb Ghost shampoo and conditioner because it's supposed to help give us thin-haired girls more volume. I think it works just fine, but I'm willing to try other brands if you have a fave.

II. Toilet paper

I am agnostic about if it is over or under. I think under looks better and Zelda the Cat thinks over means she should play with it, but I also think it's easier to use over. There is not consistency in our house on this point. I honestly do not care what other people do.

III. Top sheets

Yes, we have a top sheet. Yes, I think you're crazy if you don't.

IV. Washing sheets

I read that you are supposed to wash your sheets and pillowcases multiple times a week. Well, if this is the case, so be it, but we wash our sheets once every three or four weeks.  I think you probably know best about how often you should be washing your own sheets.

V. Is it tacky to have a "no soliciting" sign by your front door or a "pick up your dog poop/no dogs allowed" sign in your yard.


VI. Separating laundry

I literally don't know how you savages live if you don't separate your laundry. How do you prevent your white t-shirts from looking grimy?

What other internet controversies am I missing here? Which of my takes do you vehemently disagree with?


  1. I used to have to shampoo every day In My Youth, but not anymore. My hair used to be so oily, but now, not at all. I used to have voluminous, thick hair, too. Not anymore. Sigh.

    Toilet paper: Always over. Always.

    Top sheet: Absolutely. Why would you not?

    Washing sheets: We change sheets about every two weeks.

    I don't have any of those signs in my yard.

    Laundry: I separate. But I wash everything in cold.

    Are these really controversies? I had no idea!

    1. I don't know how controversial these are, but I've seen multiple blogs talking about each one of these topics in the last few months, so I figure they are at least not universally agreed upon!

  2. Hahahaha - look at you, stirring the pot! I feel very similarly to you on all of these points, although I don't feel particularly evangelical about any of them. You do you, boo, is my philosophy.

    While my husband and I sleep under a top sheet (mainly for laziness? I don't want to wash my duvet cover more than necessary), my daughter does not. I can't remember why -- if, again, it was laziness on my part about not wanting to make her bed anymore? Or maybe it is because she is a Sleep Thrasher and the sheet kept coming untucked? Or maybe because she gets so hot when she sleeps, she really doesn't need even a centimeter of extra fabric on her? Not sure. But it works very well and it does make changing the linens simpler.

    1. I don't remember if I had a top sheet when I was a kid. I think it's easier to throw a kid's comforter in the washing machine, whereas washing our duvet cover is A Process. Interesting point about kids v. adults.

  3. Let's do this!

    1. I believe passionately that the time between hair washings is unique to every human being. I gotta wash everyday or mine gets oily and unpleasant.

    2. Team Over, and also Team If It's Not in My House I Don't Care Because I'm a Big Girl and Can Figure Out How to Get What I Need Off the Roll.

    3. Agree

    4. Once a week for me personally, as often as preferred for everyone else.

    5. It's the same as having a "please flush the toilet" sign in a restroom...some things just shouldn't have to be said and I don't think that having a sign changes the behavior. I have considered getting a no solicitors sign from time to time though.

    6. Team Savage! If I have something that's likely to bleed like new jeans then I wash it with darks only the first few times around...apart from that I just feel lucky.

    1. I would NEVER have imagined you as Team Savage. Such recklessness with your clothes - this is a shocking reveal to me!

  4. I shampoo every few days. I am indifferent to which way the TP hangs. I always have a top sheet on our bed. I can't imagine washing your sheets + pillowcases multiple times a week. That's nuts. No signs in our yard. I separate the laundry... as you should. Anything else you need to know? 😊

    1. Nope, I guess it seems like we're in agreement about these things!

  5. I shampoo...whenever. Sometimes it's consecutive days in a row, mostly not. I'd say I average 2.5 washes/week? Mostly because I'm lazy. I use very little shampoo and we all use the same 2 in 1 kind.

    You know how I feel about TP. Over. Always.

    We do not use a top sheet. I grew up with one, and we used one for a while, but it get tangled. I HATE washing our comforter (one of the reasons I don't wash our sheets as often as I should), but every time I sleep with a top sheet (hotels, visiting someone else) I remember why we don't do it anymore.

    I don't have any signs in our yard, but lots of people in our area as for "No flyers" (as in sales ads).

    I don't separate things unless they are white, white (but I just avoid buying white things) or brand-new jeans/dark pants. I mostly wash on cold, but sometimes I wash a mixed load in hot water. I buy my clothes second hand and prioritize ease of use. My parents are MILITANT about separating lights from darks though.

    1. I have no idea how you sleep without a top sheet. I am really sensitive to texture when I'm sleeping (my pajamas can't have buttons or zippers, etc.) and I think if I slept without a top sheet, I would be very upset with the texture of our duvet. I don't even think about it now because I don't really touch it very much. My husband and I don't move around much when we're sleeping, so the tangling isn't a problem, but the texture would be!

  6. The only thing I really disagree with you on is separating the laundry- I wash everything together on cold, and don't have any problems. Yes, maybe the white things would look a little brighter if I washed them separately, but I don't care enough to go to the trouble. But I actually can't say I "disagree" with you, as in, it bothers me that you separate your laundry- obviously it works for you and you don't mind doing it, so why not?

    1. The white stuff is mostly my husband's - white undershirts and socks and I can see why he doesn't want them to get dingy. If it were just me, I don't think I'd have enough white/light clothing to do a whole load every week.

  7. Ha! What a funny list! I agree with you on all of these, but we are an "over" house, and I separate by work clothes, street clothes, and workout clothes. I don't have anything that white!

    1. Interesting to separate by type of clothing like that. I've never heard of that before!

  8. I LOVE hers thickening shampoo. But I have used Verb for color toning, and it's great, so maybe I'll try this one, too.

    1. Which Hers do you use? This is an interesting recommendation...

  9. Ooh, I'll weigh in:

    1. Shampooing: only after exercise (I sweat a lot)
    2. Toilet paper: I'm with you. I don't care and I actually never really notice.
    3. Top sheet all the way. We are currently just sleeping under a sheet anyway, it's too hot for the blanket.
    4. Washing sheets: weekly, I have a dust mite allergy.
    5. Have not thoguht about this one ... Maybe?
    6. Separating laundry: Nope, too lazy. We don't really wear white shirts. If I'll give them a soak.

    1. Wow! There are so many non-separating people out there! I had no idea!

  10. Shampooing: I have partner baldness and a not very long beard. Oddly enough, it seems to lie better after washing. So, I tend to do it ever second day-ish, likely 3X/week.

    As for TP, my mother was an under, and my wife is an over. I am agnostic.

    1. My husband's beard requires quite a bit of maintenance - shampoo, beard oil, the works. I think it's harder in some ways than hair on the head!

  11. 1) I should shampoo every day (my hair is very fine and gets oily quickly) but I'm just too lazy for that, so it's every other day at this point. (Sometimes I stretch it out to 3 days if I'm feeling particularly lazy, haha.) But everyone's hair is different, so I don't really care what people do! Do it every day, do it once a week. Do what works for your hair/situation.

    2) Team Over. But again, it's not a debate I get into all that much.

    3) No top sheet. I hate them. They always get tangled. I use a quilt, and I love the feeling of the quilt against my bare skin!

    4) If I wash my sheets monthly, I'm feeling good about things at this point, haha.

    5) Is this tacky?! I had no idea.

    6) MUAHAHA. I feel vindicated by these comments! ;) I just do not have enough white/lights to merit an entire load so I do it all together. I wash everything on cold, too, and I think that helps with keeping colors from bleeding. But also - I don't care if you want to separate your clothes! Whatever works!

  12. If I get my hair wet in the shower, I wash it. But I try to only wash it every other day. But if I have worked out, I absolutely have to wash my hair because it will be disgusting otherwise.

    We don’t separate our clothes and haven’t had issues. We do 3 loads of laundry/week, generally one load/day fri-sun. I feel strongly about TP in our house being over but would never change it in someone else’s house. I am pretty sure my parents changed it from over to under when they stayed with us last month! And we use a top sheet, but Paul only uses one during the summer months. In the winter he just has a comforter over him.

  13. Haha, this was so fun to read... people have opinions!

    Absolutely no to top sheets. But I have the excuse that I grew up without top sheets, because they're not a thing in Germany. We use duvets with a cover (that gets washed separately) and top sheets are just bound to shift around (and I cannot stand them tucked under the mattress). We also wash our sheets monthly.

  14. I honestly could not care less about how often you wash your hair or your sheets, since it's not my hair and my sheets! (But, daily and weekly, for me.) TP is always over but I also don't have a cat. And, am I the only person on the planet who doesn't use a duvet or comforter? I'm team top sheet, blanket, and quilt all the way. Winter and summer. Plus extra blanket(s) as needed. It is Wisconsin, after all...
