Monday, March 13, 2023

5.13 Failure - Executive Planning

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the thirteenth day of the month is "Failure."


I regularly use shower oil from L'Occitane, particularly in the winter. If you're new here, you might know that I have super sensitive skin and this product cleans and moisturizes and most importantly, doesn't cause my eczema to flare. 

But my bottle has been approaching empty and I have just been forgetting to order more. And I ran out and just decided to use my husband's soap while I waited for mine to come in. 

I think you all know where this is going. I broke out into hives. 

Ah, to be the kind of person who can just change her bath products all willy-nilly.

What cleanser do you use in the shower? What happens to you if you change it?


  1. Ah, I'm so sorry about the hives. I'm glad you have something that works with your skin though. Love, love L'Occitane products. Their Shea butter hand cream layered over Triam ointment really helps my older child's eczema. I was so sad when they discontinued their Reine de Roses line--it really smelled like a whole rose garden!

    1. Ha! I actually really despise the floral smells from L'Occitane - it just screams old lady to me - so I'm super happy this shower oil is in the neutral almond smell.

  2. Too funny: I just used willy nilly, in a comment — right before this one, I didn’t hyphenate. Perhaps I should consult Grammar Lady. 😀

    It’s not everyone who used that phrase, and here we are — together in a weird way. 😀

    1. It seems to be hyphenated in the dictionary and Wikipedia, so I think it's supposed to be? What a fun coincidence that we both used it! Jenny (runnersfly) and I both used jaunty last year and I thought that was a fun coincidence, too!

  3. I'm sorry this happened to you, but I so relate. I have sensitive skin and am super loyal to any brand that doesn't irritate my skin. I like Kirk's Castile Soap, bar or liquid, in the shower. Very mild

    1. I used my husband's castile soap and then the hives happened! I actually don't know if the soap was the cause or not, so I rewashed all my scarves, shirts, hats, and even my heated vest to try and get to the bottom of it, but I still haven't gotten the shower oil yet, so I've been showering and scrubbing with a washcloth, but not actually using any soap. I think that's probably my best bet because I'm a little shy about using the bar soap.

  4. This makes me think of the time years ago when I didn't get my allergy med refilled because I had to call the doctor's office for it and I hate phone calls. It was a spray, so I could keep using it for a while, but eventually it got low enough to wear off, and I started sneezing repeatedly and couldn't stop. I called the doctor's office that day to beg for a refill! Funny how that was motivation enough to overcome the phone-call-making dread. I imagine hives would motivate one as well. I hope they clear up soon.

    1. I wasn't even really dreading ordering it. I assumed I would be able to find it when I went to the "big city" on Saturday, but I couldn't, so that was my big mistake. I should have just ordered it ASAP and not even tried to find it at a brick and mortar store.

  5. Ha- I bet you won't hesitate to order that shower oil in the future. I hope you're not too uncomfortable with those hives, and that they clear up soon.
    I have to be pretty careful about what I put on my face because I have rosacea. But other than that, I can use just about anything. I do have my favorites, but if I run out or we're traveling, I can use something else.

    1. Oh, I can't just use anything! I'm so jealous. I get nervous about changing anything in my personal care arsenal because a tiny little change can wreak havoc on my skin. I can't even imagine what freedom it would be to use whatever sunscreen/lotion/hand soap/laundry soap was available!

  6. I have pretty sensitive skin, too. But I have been lucky that some of the inexpensive body wash (Suave, I think? St. Ives too?) work okay. I did get a GIANT two pack of body wash from Costco once and it immediately made break out in an itchy rash, so that had to be returned. And then I bought some nice smelling body wash from Bath & Body Works and THAT made me break out in an itchy rash. So that's fun. I cannot do ANYTHING exfoliating. But the normal Suave seems to do the trick.

    Semi-related: right now I am experimenting with different prescription ointments to treat newly diagnosed rosacea. So far it is not going well.

    1. My FIL's wife has Bath & Body Works soaps at all their sinks and I have honestly started to bring my own soap because the last time I was there, I had a major eczema flare and it had to be from the soap. I can't use ANY of their products because it's just a rash waiting to happen.

      Oh, I'm sorry to hear that your rosacea treatment isn't going well. I hope that it's under control very soon!

  7. I use bar soap, whatever is on sale. While it doesn't bother my skin, I've been TERRIBLE about moisturizing this winter (this will be an official demerit next time I post about those) and my legs are itchy.

    1. Moisturizing is its own thing. I use CeraVe moisturizer and it's great at not making my skin flare, but it's not actually all that moisturizing, if you know what I mean. *sigh* I think the answer for me is that I need to take shorter, cooler showers and moisturize after showering AND before bed, but I'm not really sure I can do that. LOL. I feel your moisturizing pain.

  8. I really like Aveeno lavender for shower gel and body lotion, but my skin is not sensitive at all. I, too, am bad at buying stuff before it runs out, so I lean heavily on any subscription options available to me. Stuff runs out, and I am like OH MY GOSH PAST ME IS MY BEST FRIEND because a new package reliably appears.

    1. I don't use the shower oil during non-winter months. I can usually just get away with a goat's milk bar from the farmers market, so I thought I could *possibly* not order any more. I was, of course, wrong. Ha. So I don't autoship this because it's expensive AND I don't need it year-round. But I wish past me had been a friend this one time.

  9. I can use pretty much anything, and I mostly like the Dove body wash. My daughter is more sensitive than me, but not as sensitive as you. She mostly uses the Aveeno anti-itch body wash, though if she runs out will use my Dove if I happen to have a sensitive skin type at the time.

    Have you tried the Neutragena oil wash stuff? Wondering if it would be less expensive than L'Occitaine.

    1. Neutrogena is pretty drying, I think. I've occasionally used Neutrogena products that my husband has and it has never gone particularly well. I'm quite gun shy about new products, but maybe I should try to get a sample and see what happens.

  10. I don't have sensitive skin, but I use a Dove bar soap in the shower, and then a Dove body wash to shave with. I love lotion from Bath and Body Works.

    1. I think I mentioned above that Bath and Body Works is the absolute worst for me. I swear that even smelling it makes my skin break out! Ha! I'm so jealous of all the people who can just go stock up on BBW every six months!

  11. Oh no! Ouch! I am sorry that happened :( I am someone who can use whatever. I really like the Dove scrubs - they make me feel so clean!

    1. All you people buying drugstore products are making me so jealous! I'm frugal enough to be really annoyed by how much money I have to spend on personal care products! I'm so glad Dove works for you - I think it smells amazing!

  12. I use Dove soap on my face, goat milk soap in the shower and Aveeno moisturizer. I don't get hives a lot, but my daughter has super sensitive skin and is rashy and it is absolute hell. I bought the cleanser and moisturizer both kids use to keep at home so they didn't have to travel with them, then my son stole them last time he was here (accidentally I think) and my daughter was extremely cranky. I guess I have to put big STAYS AT HOME labels on them.

    1. I wish I could use Dove. It smells so good and you can buy it anywhere. It would make my life so much easier!

  13. I'm lucky that I don't need to worry too much about the products I use. I do have sensitive skin, but that just means sometimes I need to slowly introduce something into my routine. Once my skin is used to it, all is well. That would be really difficult having to be so careful about everything you use for your skin! I feel for you on that. <3

    1. I don't usually have a problem with products for my face. But my body! It just revolts. I don't know how to slowly introduce a new dish soap or laundry soap, though, so I just roll with what works and *fingers crossed* hope they don't change.

  14. Oh, Engie, this sucks. I'm sorry. I have the opposite issue - I think something is going to run out (e.g., vitamins) and so I order a replacement, and then... don't finish the first one for weeks! This has turned me into an unwilling hoarder, LOL. I use this olive oil soap from Kiss my Face that my dry-but-not-as-bad-as-yours skin loves.

    1. My husband used to use a Kiss My Face soap, but he switched to a castile soap (Kirk's). I have no information on why he made this change, but now I'm interested and I'll have to ask him!

  15. I currently love Method bodywash... but I have used this shower oil in the past and I LOVED it.

    1. I think you have to go to Target to get Method? I'm unwilling to commit to a Target trip more than twice a year!

  16. I kind of could care less which soap/ body wash I use, but my husband is really particular about it. We use a white Oil of Olay bar soap, no fancy fragrances, just the like, plain version, I guess. It has to be this specific one. He is also super particular about ONLY ever using and buying the blue bottle of Original Nivea body lotion and uses it religiously after he showers. I am not so great about constantly moisturizing, mostly because I am usually rushing after a shower and it feels like another step. But if I shower at night, or after I use our hot tub, I do try to take a minute and at least slather my hands, feet, elbows, etc. They really do seem to say that keeping skin moisturized is really important for less "aging" of said skin... so, I should work on this.

    1. You use the same products as your husband? This is dumbfounding to me. Our skin is different and we each have different needs and it has never occurred to me that when I married him we should have just joined in on the same products. I bet it makes your shower a lot less cluttered than ours is!

      I am glad I'm not the only one who has problems with moisturizing, but I really do need to do better about it because my skin is aging me!!!
