Monday, February 06, 2023

4.6 Reflection - Thoughts on a Walk

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a different theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the sixth day of the month is "Reflection."


I am having such a happy day. The weather is warming up, the sun doesn't set until after five, and I feel good and strong. I often think about my father on these walks with the dog. He died in his mid-50s, but was in such bad shape before that. He struggled to get up out of chairs and as his weight gradually went up and up, it became a struggle for him to even walk. I never take for granted how easily I walk the dog and how happy she is to be walked. 

The air feels crisp and yes, it's cold, but it's not bitter. It feels great to be able to spend time outside without counting down the minutes until I can go inside. The river is not frozen, despite our extremely cold temperatures recently.

There's a new grocery store opening up in the town where we do our shopping. I'm unreasonably excited about this and am hoping to be able to get over there this week to see how it looks.

Our friend is having surgery to remove his cancer on Wednesday. We took cookies and Hannah over to his house to wish him well. I wish there was more we could do for him. He's in good spirits, but obviously he's worried about so many things. What could go wrong during the surgery, what could go wrong after the surgery, will he be able to stay on top of work, did the FMLA paperwork go through HR. It's hard to listen to him and hear how stressed he is. 

What are your random thoughts of the day?


  1. Random thoughts: it's bleak outside today and I feel blah; I need to go to Costco which might energize me [walking + saving money in one place]; and I'd like to sort through all the paper mess on my desk, but this isn't the day.

    1. We have a desk in our main room where the mail ends up and it really needs to be sorted. As you say, though, maybe that's a task for another day!

  2. Oh, I love days like that where you can list off a bunch of random little things that are making you feel good. I'm having my typical Monday morning thoughts- I hope work isn't too busy today. But after school my daughter has a flute lesson, during which I can take a nap. I wonder what we're having for dinner? Sigh.

    1. Nap! Focus on the nap - that's going to be the good thing!

  3. I love this post. You've found some terrific things to be happy about.
    It's good to find Joy in your day. I'm looking forward to getting out on a nice walk today, too. The high winds have died down, and there's no snow or ice on sidewalks to worry about. I really need to move briskly and take in a lot of fresh air. No sun, but being outdoors for a while will energize me and I need it.

    1. Being outside every day is so important. I am excited that the sidewalks are cleared now and I don't have to wear my YakTrax everywhere!

  4. Love this picture-- winter is so beautiful in Wisconsin. I am really preoccupied with the weird print of the dress I am wearing. It is designed to be very tummy0-forward, and I want to feel great about that like a sway-backed toddler, but it's challenging.

    1. I think winter in Wisconsin beautiful when there's snow on the ground. Otherwise, it's just depressing! But there IS snow right now, so I'm taking full advantage of that.

  5. Speaking from current ongoing experience, it is the paperwork and referrals that your friend has to worry about.

    1. Yes, I think you're right. It's been a challenge for him to get all that done while worrying about his health. It's not the best system.

  6. What a beautiful photo! Snow is lovely even to me, who has zero desire to be out in it. You're right to be aware of your ease of walking, and take pleasure in it. I am having a rough re-entry from vacation today, and looking forward to when my body doesn't hurt as much, and I can finish my unpacking and get to playing with yarn. Too much hauling luggage around!

    1. Yes, part of the reason I exercise so much is to reach a goal of functional mobility - I never want to be able to do something (reasonable, of course - I'll never run a 4-minute mile even if I really wanted it!) and can't do it because my body is not strong enough. I don't want travel to drag to me down if I ever choose to leave my town!

  7. I'm glad you're having such a happy day!
    I really injured my hip in 2019, and it was many months before I could walk without limping. After that I swore I would never take the ability to walk for granted, and I haven't. It's so incredible that we can all move and do amazing things.

    1. Yes! After I broke my ankle and had to have it elevated 23 hours a day, I definitely don't complain anymore about walking or running places. At least I can!

  8. I love that photo. I wish the best for your friend's surgery. Health issues are truly stressful here in this country and it's the last thing you should be worrying about if you're sick. Sigh.

    1. The bureaucratic side of dealing with an illness is crazy here. I don't envy him trying to figure it all out. Fingers crossed it all goes well for him - we're really worried, but trying to keep spirits up.

  9. I'm so happy you had such a happy day. Isn't it wonderful to have days like that? Ones that feel light and where the simple fact of being alive just swells the heart with gratitude? And often that gratitude comes from reflecting on the joy of "simple" things that we so often take for granted. Like fresh air. Mobility. In your case, a wonderful canine companion on those walks...

    1. It's certainly easier to be filled with joy and gratitude when the weather cooperates. This is Wisconsin winter at its best and I will not take it for granted!

  10. I am glad you had a nice walk and love that you are thinking about the good things that are happening in your life! My grandfather died at 60 and my Dad is now 65 and I am thankful every day that he is doing well and that he is healthy and hearty! Sometimes the days go by fast and we forget to think about these things! I am sending good vibes over for your friend. I have had several people close to me have issues with cancer and man it is not fun. Keep your head up!

    1. Thanks, Kyria. My husband and I really do try to focus on functional mobility and staying active so that we can have healthy active lives as long as we can. Let's keep everybody strong and feeling great as long as possible!

  11. I feel for your friend that is having his cancer removed. I found FMLA/short term disability very overwhelming/confusing to deal with during both of my maternity leaves! And that process was fairly straight forward. But when you have a lot on your mind already, one more thing that is a VERY IMPORTANT THING can really throw you for a loop. I hope his surgery goes well! You guys are doing all of the right things. I am sure he appreciates Hannah's and your guys' company so much. I feel like when people are going through hard things, people almost reach out less because they don't want to do or say the wrong thing... but really people just need to know you care and are thinking of them and want to help. At least that is my perspective!

    I am really enjoy this warm up and the longer hours of daylight. It makes such a difference to not leave for work AND come home in the dark! It's still dark when we leave but at least it's still light out when we get home!

    1. I just got an update from my friend's surgery that it was much more extensive than they thought it would be and his recovery may be longer. Poor guy. I wish there was more we can do, but it is what it is. Let's hope this is just a distant memory for him someday.

  12. Man, isn't it crazy the hoops we have to go through for healthcare in this country? I'm sorry your friend is going through such a hard thing AND has to deal with insurance bureaucracy on top of it all. It's good that he has people like you guys in your life. And I'm sure Hannah lifts his spirits!

    What's on my mind today? That I can't wait to take a nap very soon, that I need to make sure I go for my walk IMMEDIATELY when I wake up (no excuses!), and how excited I am to make cookies using my stand mixer!

    1. Oh, HR at his workplace is a nightmare and honestly, I think he was more concerned about paperwork than he was the surgery. It sounds like it went well and we texted this morning and he sounds like he's in good spirits, so hopefully we'll be able to go for a short visit in the next week or two.

      I hope you had a lovely nap and got outside for that walk!

  13. Love that winter photo. I would enjoy a bit colder weather and snow. The canal outside the window is frozen even though we are having 6°C so above freezing. That fascinates me....

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. A winter scene right after a pretty snow is definitely something to look forward to. Interesting that the canal is frozen - are people skating/fishing on it? That would seem dangerous!
