Tuesday, December 06, 2022

2.6 Reflection - On My Mind

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a different theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the sixth day of the month is "Reflection."


 Two reflections for the day:

1) I have let my skin care stash get distressingly low. I need/want to purchase some toners and serums, a cleanser, an eyeliner, and some shampoo and conditioner. First I went to Sephora's web page, only to learn that they have stopped carrying Philosophy products (!) and that the shampoo and conditioner than I want "cannot be shipped to the United States." Huh. So I went to the Ulta website, only to see this for, as of right now, the better part of an hour:

Meanwhile, your homegirl has half a dozen products strewn around her desk that she has gathered from three different locations in her house and now she's faced with the question of how long to wait before I just say screw it all and order everything from Amazon, which is probably how this whole thing should have started.

Reflection: Why is my skincare regime so complicated? 
Reflection: Why don't I know the names of the products I want to buy?
Reflection: Why can't I purchase any of these items locally? Why must I order from a soul destroying corporation?

2) I was toting up my stats for walking with Hannah in November for my quarterly goals and learned that Hannah and I had walked over 70 miles together in November. In previous months of tracking, I had been thrilled to get to 40. Getting her to over a mile a day seemed like such a milestone. But now she's expecting a mile twice a day!  What a dog! It's been so gratifying to see her grow in confidence and endurance over the last couple of weeks. 

We've gone to the dog park twice. Once she was only up for one loop around the big dog park, but last weekend, we went around twice. She's not as interested in playing with other dogs as she was before The Infection, but she loves running and sniffing and rolling around and I love to see her do it. 

Reflection: Why is my dog so cute?
Reflection: How come every topic for this blog project immediately makes me think I should post a picture of the dog?
Reflection: Remember my life pre-dog? What kind of life WAS that?


To see what Bestest Friend has to say about reflection, head over to see her at Too Legit To Quit.


  1. This is such wonderful news about Hannah.
    I'm not sure why your dog is so cute, BUT SHE IS! You could post a picture of Hannah every day, and we would all love it!!

    1. As we get further and further along in this year-long blog project, it may very turn into just photos of Hannah and Zelda! LOL.

  2. I don't really like ordering things from AZ either, and yet sometimes it is by FAR the easiest way to get something, which leads to a lot of angst. But then, I recently went into an Ulta store (for the first time ever) and asked for a certain product that the website said they carried, and the people could not have cared less about helping me, so sometimes online is the way to go, sadly. (In this case I ordered it from Target, not AZ, but then I ordered three things and they screwed up two, so they're not much of an improvement, are they.) Sigh.
    I am so happy Hannah is doing so well!

    1. Even to go to Target or Sephora in person is more than twenty minute drive for me. And it's not a big Sephora - it's one of those mini ones inside a Kohl's. So if I can't order from their websites, it's quite challenging for me to get to one, especially during business hours, unless I want to spend my whole weekend schlepping from store to store. I can't believe that this is how we used to live our lives before online shopping was normalized!

  3. You can post pictures of Hannah anytime you want! I love hearing how well she's doing.
    And, yes- it's frustrating. I WANT to buy things from other places but am constantly thwarted, and end up back at Amazon. So... oh well.

    1. Ulta did end up fixing their issues before I gave up, so I was able to avoid the Amazon curse!

  4. You had a life before your dog? 😜
    I have TOO much skin care and it's a whole other issue. I was in our Super Target yesterday...they'd redone it completely. I suppose I'd not been there for six months or so (a record) and they have A MINI ULTA in the middle of the store. MIND BLOWN.
    I hope you find what you need after all this reflection.

    1. I haven't been inside a Target in years. LOL. There could anything in there! Maybe I'll have to stop by sometime and see if there have been big changes like that.

  5. Oh, and congratulations to you and Hannah on getting so many mile in for November!!

  6. I had to go into a Sephora recently to buy a clean mascara I've been wanting to try. It was really not pleasant since it was so crowded and I had a stroller. It makes me never want to go back to Sephora - but that's the best way to get this mascara so I probably will suck it up and go back some day. But ideally NOT with a stroller! I am sure I could buy it on amazon but I'm also trying to avoid buying things from there if I can get them elsewhere, even though we are prime customers.

    1. I feel like the aisles are too small in a lot of stores for wheelchairs and strollers! I mean, how inconvenient is it for the people who need the most help! I almost always order from Sephora online because they are very generous with the free samples online, unlike in the store. I don't remember the last time I went to one in person because they are loud, too bright, and the smell is overwhelming.

      We're Prime customers, too. There are just too many things that aren't accessible in our small town at this point. I try to only place big orders from Amazon, so I don't just order one thing of soap or whatever, but I don't even know if that helps/matters in terms of the environmental impact.

  7. I just did a big order from Sephora and they had 20% off everything; I have no idea why but I was pretty excited.
    Yay for Hannah! She is VERY cute.

    1. Yes! I had coupons for 20% off Sephora AND Ulta, so I didn't really care which one I used. I mean, I would prefer Sephora because they have the best free samples, but I ended up with Ulta just because Sephora had so few of what I really wanted to buy.

  8. Yeah I have vague memories of life before stepdog and it was pretty lame. Go Hannah on the 70 mile month!

    I don't know the names of the products that I buy either. There's a reason why websites show you your order history!

    1. Yes! The order history is very helpful. I should really just buy from one store so all that info is in one place!

  9. I'd love to know which serums you use! I feel like maybe you did a post on this though before? Or maybe I'm mixing you up with another blogger. Very possible. Anyway, I love the idea of various serums and stuff but I find "skincare" to be rather overwhelming (Why are there SO MANY CHOICES) and also, my skin seems to almost prefer to be left mostly alone. But then there are things I don't like about my skin, so I feel pulled to try different serums and such. I've mostly been sticking with a very simple regimen, as per my latest dermatology visit, with just gentle cleanser and moisturizer in the morning, and evenings being just cleanser, hydroquinone for my melasma/ hyperpigmentation and then prescription retinoid and moisturizer, basically. But then I hear about all these magical powers from various other products and feel tempted, or like I should be using some of them...

    My local Target was recently remodeled as well and has the mini-Ulta inside. Sephora is inside the Kohl's Department store here now. I never really frequent either of those places, because they intimidate me with all the options that I know nothing about.

    1. I think both Stephany and Nicole have done make-up/skin care tutorials. I might do one, but I'm a tiny bit embarrassed about how intense it is. LOL. My husband just touched my face yesterday and mentioned how soft my skin was, though, so it clearly works for me.

      The Kohl's in the nearest semi-big city (Janesville) has a Sephora inside it, but in the same mall is a full-sized Ulta, so I tend to just go to Ulta. I haven't been inside the Target in Janesville since the pandemic started, so maybe I should see if there's a mini-Ulta there, although the big one is just down the street.

  10. I usually don't buy skincare from Amazon, unless it's something I can't get anywhere else. Target and Ulta are my go-tos, Sephora I only go to infrequently because everything there is so expensive LOL I am started using the Niacinamide serum from The Ordinary and I like it (available at Ulta).
