Sunday, November 06, 2022

1.6 Reflection - Ch-ch-ch-changes

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme we chose from a random noun generator. The theme for the sixth day of the month is "Reflection."


If you don't think Hannah the Dog is beautiful, I don't know what kind of monster you are. Look at that so serious face!

There is a lot in the air right now. My job situation is fluid, the seasons are officially in flux, and it is Daylight Saving Time this weekend, so even things that I sort of think of as steady (like time!) are changing. In the past, this would have caused me great stress; I'd be biting my nails, my eczema would be flaring, I'd have a stiff neck, and I'd be an all-around giant pill to be around.

But I'm trying to just take it as it comes. One day at a time. Continue to keep the things the same that can stay the same. I walk my dog. I cuddle my kitty. I do endless lunges and squats. I read. I watch Bake-Off and Taskmaster. I buy the holiday ornament (the teapot, if anyone is curious), I buy the tickets for the light show at the botanical gardens, and I buy the five pounds of honey from the bee farmer. I rake the leaves, put cardboard in the overgrown flower beds, and put birdseed in the feeders. I write my letters, send my texts, and am still the same person I was before the issues with my job, before the rains came, and before the clock slipped from its moorings.

It was a beautiful week in terms of weather, but yesterday our streak of good luck broke. The rains came, the winds blew all the last remaining leaves off the trees, and the temperatures dropped twenty degrees in four hours. I walked Hannah with rain whipping into my face, but enjoyed how very much she was loving it. She was barking at falling leaves, trying to grab them in her mouth, and racing down the slick sidewalks. This is her best time of year. 

So we continue.


  1. I am a cat person (I have 2) and am OK with dogs as long as they do not bark at me when I am out on a run. :-) I live in IL and was enjoying the nice weather until yesterday. It was awful with the wind!

    1. You wouldn't like my dog. :( She gets so excited by runners and cyclists. We're working very hard on preventing her from barking at them, but she's not quite there yet. This is a good reminder for me to keep working hard on it, though.

  2. Awww, Hannah. That's so cute. Rex loves the cold weather as well, lucky for him, as we have about six or seven months to go.
    You got the teapot! Fun!

    1. Rex is about to live his absolute best life!!

  3. Yay for the teapot!

    The thing with your job sitch is that to a large extent it's out of your control. You certainly didn't ask for this mess and one day it will be a distant memory. So yes, the right thing to do is kick back and enjoy life and know that the next job is on the way.

    I hate winter BUT I love that my dog loves the snow. So I'm looking forward to that part of it and letting another beautiful day keep me in denial that winter is coming.

    1. "So I'm looking forward to that part of it and letting another beautiful day keep me in denial that winter is coming." This is EXACTLY how I feel. Winter is coming and it will be fine, but maybe it can just keep holding off one more day?

  4. Glory be to Hannah!

    Rains came in the night here, and we didn't get a significant temperature drop.

    1. Oh, the temperature drop will happen at some point, but enjoy the warmer temps until then!

  5. This is beautiful (as is Hannah, of course.) Glad you're embracing the changes (and also glad you go the teapot! Sounds like everyone liked that one.)

    1. It wasn't really a contest. When I realize I'd already noted the teapot in a previous year, it was a slum dunk for it as the winner.

  6. Wow, that seems like a lot to take on. Well done on trying to embrace the change, it doesn't sound easy. Lunges, Squats, Bakeoff and reading sound like admirable daily adventures. If you're looking for more Bakeoff fun we have Bakeoff: The professionals in the UK. It's different than the normal bakeoff and I'm not sure if you can get it in the states but I really enjoy it.

    1. It looks like Bakeoff: The Professionals is available through Prime in the US. Maybe I'll try it after this season ends in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the rec!

  7. Love that Hannah loves the weather. And, phew, I'm not a monster. Clearly Hannah is GORGEOUS!
    The teapot ornament was adorable; great choice!

    1. If Hannah didn't love cooler weather, I'm sure I'd be absolutely verklempt right now. She brings such joy to every walk.

  8. That photo of Hannah is gorgeous. She should be the star of her own calendar. I feel the same way about change, and I love your attitude!

    1. Hannah definitely needs her own calendar. I'll get on it!

  9. Hannah is a beautiful dog! I love that she enjoyed the rainy day weather.

    1. She does love the cooler weather and that makes it a lot better for me.

  10. I think the things that you manage to stay the same are some very wonderful things. Just like Hannah. What a nice face she has. Maybe she finds the winds and rain just as beautiful as the fair weather?

    1. She actually doesn't care for fair weather. As soon as it's warmer than 65 degrees, she does NOT want to go further than around the block. So she thinks the cooler weather is just perfect for her with her fur coat!

  11. She's gorgoeus and those reflections are stunning.

    1. Thanks! There's a park about half a mile away from our house and it has prairie, river, and forest. It's amazing and I credit it for the beautiful trees on the river.

  12. What a beautiful photo of Hannah!

    I too hate the time change, and I also got a new phone this weekend, which made it a very change-y weekend for me, which I hate! But the only way through is through.

    1. The only thing constant is change, as annoying people like to say. We can get through this together.

  13. Yes! I am glad you got the tea pot.. can't wait to see it on your tree :) It does sounds like you're in a state of transition (and then there is transition all around you, too) so it's wise to take it one bit at a time.

  14. Hannah the dog is the most beautiful dog, I agree!

    Being in a state of flux like this is very hard. There is so much change on the horizon for you, and I think being kind to yourself is key here.

    Yay for buying the teapot!

  15. Hannah IS beautiful!
    It sounds like you are persevering and overcoming the things that can take you down, make you a pill. SO give yourself a pat on the back.

  16. Hope your job issue solves itself in the forseeable future. I am not too fond of dogs after being bitting just when I worked through my fear of dogs. But I love how much joy Hannah brings to you.

  17. Hannah looks regal in that photo... this is her world, and we are all just living in it. Fortunately she is beautiful and loving and just a sweetie, so I'm totally down with letting her rule. ;)

    I loved this: "But I'm trying to just take it as it comes. One day at a time. Continue to keep the things the same that can stay the same."
    Oh, how I aspire to that. I really admire you for being able to focus on what is... and try to not to focus on what isn't, or what might be, or what might change. Habits and routine - they ground us, don't they?
