Tuesday, October 11, 2022

2022 Fourth Quarter Goals

After the third quarter's less than stellar progress in some of my quarterly goal areas, I am going back to basics this quarter. I need to really focus in on getting a new job and chilling out about getting physically sick. That's the focus. Let's get it done.

Area One: Health

1) Work out five times a week for 30 minute or more (71.4%). Yoga twice a week. Something else three times a week.

2) Drink at least sixteen ounces of water before lunch and at least sixteen ounces of water after lunch.

Area Two: Professional

1) Get a new job. For fuck's sake.

2) Hire a new director for the community center.

Area Three: Communication

1) Continue to post on my blog at least three times a week.

2) Continue to write to K/D/M once a month.

3) Keep a list of snail mail I send and books I read.

4) Text T/T/M once a week.

Area Four: Post-Pandemic Reentry

1) Visit a new park/nature preserve/outdoor space once a quarter.

2) Have people over to our house at least once - for a game night, dinner, or just a hang out.

3)  Cover two flower beds over the winter with black plastic or cardboard so we can start those beds fresh next year.

Area Five: Miscellaneous

1) Keep track of mileage walked with the dog.

2) Create a document for Dr. BB in the event of my untimely death. Inspired by Suzanne's post.

3) Brush the cat and dog's teeth daily.


  1. You can do it!!!
    I also love how you have distinct "areas" - I think that's a really helpful perspective to have when setting up goals. I like to remind myself of the context. I don't usually do this formally when I goal set, but I think I should start! Perhaps one of my goals for 2023 could be to set up categorized goals for 2023 - haha?

    1. Yes, I think if I didn't break it down into areas, I'd only focus on one area at a time and I'd probably pick the area that is easiest. LOL!

  2. Your first professional goal made me giggle. You've got this, D. This is your quarter.

    1. I'm glad someone is laughing about it!

  3. I second Elisabeth that I like how you split up your goals into sections. WHEN I make monthly or quarterly goals, which I haven't exactly been consistent on lately, I usually tend to make them clumped by like, personal, family, household, work. I like that your categories are a little more specific though.

    1. I think you do plenty in your life and probably don't need to be as goalcentric as I am. If left to my own devices, I just wouldn't do anything except read books and pet my cat.

  4. I like the focus areas of your goals, too! I really hope this is the quarter that you find a job!! All the fingers and toes crossed!!

    You have inspired me to create some connection goals for 2023!

    1. Oh, I like the reframing of it as "connections" instead of communication. I'll keep that in mind for next year!

  5. Writing a will has been a big topic in my house lately..I know I should do it but I don't want to. Which means I should really do it before something disastrous happens. You've inspired me!

    1. I don't know if I'm thinking of it as a will, so much as a document with basic life things he might not know (like how to order dog food). But a will is something we should probably have. *Heavy sigh*

  6. Fantastic goals! Oh yeah, we ARE in the fourth quarter. Eeep. I need to ORGANIZE MY PHOTOS. And order prints. And Christmas cards. I have to really get on those kinds of lists because sometimes it takes FOREVER.

    1. I accidentally deleted our holiday card address list off my Google Drive. How? I don't know. So I have been going through and updating an old list I have to get ready for the holidays, but I haven't even really started thinking about ordering them or what photo we'll use. Sheesh!

  7. I also like splitting up the goals into different areas. I think I'm going to do that in 2023 (so you're not the only person "stealing," haha).

    HERE'S TO THE QUARTER YOU GET A NEW JOB! Sending that out into the Universe. :)

    1. If I don't get a job, I'm not putting it on the first quarter's list. I'm just going to ignore it as a problem!

  8. I love your goals and I really love how you organized them.

    Me to myself: Make some goals and get them organized for fucks sake!

    Let us know it all works out!

  9. Great list - writing it out (again) is half the battle (or so I heard!).

  10. C'mon new job. Seriously, though - the Universe owes you. Big time. Fingers. Crossed. HARD.
